Panther Commando

Chapter 4076: medical successor

"Yes!" Yoshino replied in a low voice after hearing Kuroda's instructions, and then picked up a small bag from under his feet. He took out a compact laptop from the bag and put it on his lap, quickly turned on the power and quickly tapped the keyboard. ...

That night, the Wanjia small courtyard in the provincial capital was brightly lit. A group of people from Wanlin sat in the courtyard and stared at Wan Min and Xiaomiao who were sitting cross-legged in the courtyard practicing their exercises. Everyone's eyes were filled with relief. look.

At this time, they have already seen from the expressions of the younger brothers and sisters that the younger brothers and sisters have basically calmed down and immersed in a state of nothingness. The true meaning of Wanjia's inner strength.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya were sitting next to their grandfather and Professor Chang under the eaves. He glanced at his younger siblings in the courtyard, then handed a large tea jar on the small table in front of him to his grandfather and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, little one. Miao, Jingyi and Shanshan have a solid foundation, but Xiaomei and Shanhua still can't seem to calm down completely." At this time, he, the descendant of the Wan family, could already see that Xiaomin and Shanhua's closed eyelids were trembling slightly. Apparently he wasn't completely calm.

Grandpa reached out and took a sip of the tea jar, then handed it to Wan Lin and replied, "Yes, from the perspective of practice, Xiaomin and Shanhua are older, and their time here is too short, it is difficult for them to Understand the true meaning of our Wanshi Kungfu in a short time. However, they can achieve it in such a short time.”

He followed and glanced at Shan Hua who was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, and said in a low voice, "Shan Hua came to us halfway. She used to practice some Lingxiu Sect with her grandfather, and her skills are difficult to match with ours. With the integration of family kung fu, I can only give her some self-defense skills, girls, just be able to protect themselves in the future."

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's explanation, he immediately understood the meaning of the old man's words. Lingxiu Sect and his Wan clan belonged to different sects, and their Wan clan's internal skills could not be passed on to her.

He hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Grandpa, Shanhua doesn't have the cold inner strength of Lingxiumen, right?" He was worried that Shanhua, like other children of Lingxiumen, would suffer from this kind of cold inner strength in the future. Professor Chang, who was sitting next to him, heard Wan Lin's doubts and turned to look at the old man.

The old man replied immediately, "No, the old head of Lingxiu Sect is very traditional, and the internal skills are only passed on to men and not women, so Shanhua just learned some martial arts routines of Lingxiu Sect, and has never practiced internal skills. She has no hidden worries in this regard. Worry."

He then looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "How is his brother? Why didn't he come out with you to carry out the mission this time?" Wan Lin replied in a low voice, "Although we are in the same army, we are directly under the command of the military region. They belonged to the special forces brigade and did not participate in this operation."

Wan Lin followed Wan Min, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and whispered, "Grandpa, how is Xiaomin? Judging from her current situation, it seems that you have taught her some basic kung fu." He didn't dare to say thank you Chao and the others had already gone abroad. He was afraid that his grandfather was worried about Xie Chao's safety, so he quickly changed the subject.

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, the old man bent down and picked up the cigarette bag and eye purse on the table. He slowly filled the cigarette bag with shredded tobacco, and said in a low voice in thought, "Yes, although this child is a little old, he is still healthy. Not fully developed, there is still room for shaping. During this time, I have taught her some introductory kung fu, and recently I have also taught her some internal skills. This child's understanding is okay, and she is very hardworking. After all, she is a child who has suffered Ah."

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's answer, he picked up the lighter on the table and lit it with a "click", and then brought the flame from the lighter to his grandfather's smoking bag.

The old man put the cigarette bag to his mouth and took a few puffs, then exhaled a puff of green smoke and continued, "Xiaomin is a sensible child, she knows that all this is hard-earned, so she works very hard whether it is going to school or learning kung fu, He also takes good care of his younger siblings, he is a good boy."

At this time, Professor Chang, who was sitting next to him, took the tea cup that Xiaoya handed over and said, "Your grandfather is right, Xiaomin is indeed a good child, and she works very hard in her studies. Although she has a poor foundation, she works very hard in her studies. , several younger siblings are also willing to help her."

He then put the teacup to his mouth and took a sip, looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said in a low voice, "Wan Lin, this child Xiao Min has been accepted by your Wan family, and it is your Wan family's.

The mantle of man. I think Xiaomin is too old now and has passed the best age to practice martial arts. Although she works very hard, it is impossible for her to reach your level of kung fu, and you and Xiaoya do not have time to study you in the army now. Grandpa's Wanjia medical skills, I think you might as well let her put more effort into Wanjia medical skills, so that you can let her carry forward your Wanjia medical Lin heard what Professor Chang said Suggesting that his eyes lit up, he turned his head to look at his grandfather and said, "Yeah, Xiaomin can't be like me and Xiaomiao, who has been learning the martial arts of Wanjia since she was a child, and she is a little late in practicing kungfu now. Some, Xiaoya and I are in the army and don't have time to study our Wanjia medical skills. It is indeed a good way to let Xiaomin put more effort. Grandpa, what do you think?"

When the old man heard the question from Professor Chang and Wan Lin, he took a deep breath of cigarette, and after thinking for a moment, he exhaled the blue smoke from his mouth and said, "Well, Chang's suggestion is good! I have been worried about the success of our Wan family's medical treatment. No one, Xiaoya and Lin’er are really too busy, they don’t have time to calm down and study our Wanjia medical skills, and since they don’t grow by my side, they really can’t fully inherit Wanjia’s medical skills.”

The old man said that he looked up at Xiaomin who was sitting quietly with his eyes closed, with a kind look in his eyes and said, "Alright, let Xiaomin make more efforts to inherit Wanjia's medical skills, now that Xiaomiao is still young, let him Put more effort into practicing Wanjia's Kung Fu, and when he grows up, he will fully learn our Wanjia's medical skills, so that he can concentrate on mastering our Wanjia's martial arts first."

The old man said, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "Wanjia medicine is a university that accumulates merit. Although you are very busy, you should put more effort into learning this skill of curing diseases and saving people. One life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This is a matter of accumulation. Xiaoya, you are from Western medicine, and you must study this art of our Chinese well, so that you can use our medical skills combined with your Western medicine foundation to save lives. People and fire and water."


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