Panther Commando

Chapter 4077: pimple in heart

When Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard Grandpa's instructions, they hurriedly replied, "Grandpa, don't worry." Wan Lin then said with a smile, "Grandpa, I have written down the medical books and secret recipes of our Wan family's ancestors in the In my mind, we won't let this stunt of our Wanjia be lost."

Xiaoya also looked at the old man with a smile and said, "Grandpa, I have finished reading the medical book you gave me, and I have memorized all the secret recipes in it, but I am not sure about the medication, so I don't dare to prescribe medicines to patients easily. . However, I have been able to treat traumatic injuries with prescriptions, and they have worked extremely well."

The old man nodded his gray head when he heard Xiaoya's answer, he looked at Xiaoya kindly and said, "Okay, it's rare that you can master the skills of diagnosing and treating trauma. I'll take you to the hospital when I have time. Take a look, and then tell you how to use those secret recipes according to the other party's condition. The most important thing for us in Wanjia medicine is diagnosis and medication. Just remembering those secret recipes is not enough. Medicine is three-fold poison.

Xiaoya brought her to her grandfather to take herself to the hospital to diagnose and treat the patient, and she excitedly replied, "Okay, I've always had no confidence in using my internal strength to diagnose the disease, so I don't dare to prescribe medicine to the patient easily, because I'm afraid of myself. My poor medical skills cause misdiagnosis and harm to patients, it's really nice that you can take me for a while."

The old man nodded his gray head and said, "That's right, each patient's condition is very different, and the dosage of each medicine is different. If you don't have rich diagnostic experience, don't prescribe medicine lightly. Otherwise, not only will you be unable to treat the patient's symptoms, It is also very likely to hurt the patient. Xiaoya. Most of the injuries you encounter in the special forces are trauma, and you lack experience in diagnosing other types of illnesses, so you really cannot use internal strength to diagnose illnesses."

The old man pondered for a while, and then said, "Well, if you have nothing else to do when you come back this time, I will take you to the hospital in the provincial capital for a period of practice, and read Wanjia medical books on the diagnosis of various difficult diseases. The method will be explained in detail, and teach you how to use internal energy to diagnose and treat various intractable diseases.”

Xiaoya was overjoyed when she heard Grandpa's answer, and she said excitedly, "Great, now I have a certain understanding of our Wanjia medical skills, but I lack practical experience, and the medicinal properties of various Chinese herbs are not very accurate. So I don't dare to prescribe medicine to patients easily."

The old man looked at Xiaoya and nodded with a smile, he followed and said to Professor Chang who was sitting next to him, "Old Chang, the two great skills of our Wan family, one is the stunt that kills people invisibly, and the other is that this one can save people. The medical skills of water and fire. Sometimes I find it ridiculous, these are two completely different things, one is killing people and the other is saving people, but our ancestors have combined them, this is not the relationship between a spear and a shield Well." The old man said and shook his head slightly.

Hearing the old man's laughter, Professor Chang laughed, he said with a smile, "Brother, this is not contradictory, Wanjia medical technique is a stunt for saving all beings, and Wanjia martial arts is a stunt for killing those who do all evil, the two It's not contradictory. Brother, what do you think, Lin Er and the others kill those gangsters who do evil in society, aren't they saving our innocent people. If those gangsters who do all kinds of evil are allowed to live in the world, then they won't Do you know how many ordinary people will be killed?"

Hearing Professor Chang's explanation, the old man lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then a smile suddenly appeared on his wrinkled face, he suddenly slapped his thigh at Wan Lin and said with a big laugh, "Hahahaha, Professor Chang is right. I have always been worried that your killing is too heavy and violated the harmony of the sky, and this knot in my heart has never been resolved. But now it seems that killing those rascals who are doing bad things is to protect the common people of China and ensure the peace of China. This is The great merit of benefiting our China, this is not against the harmony of heaven, this is to act for the heaven!"

The old man said excitedly, raised his head and glanced at Cheng Ru and the others who were sitting around the courtyard, he followed in a soft voice and said, "Okay, since it is for the protection of us ordinary people and the peace of our China, then you should Go and use our Wanjia martial arts to let go of your hands and feet to kill the enemy! As long as we can protect our Chinese territory and the people of China, this is a benefit to the people and a great merit. It seems that our Wanjia martial arts is a stunt of killing the enemy. Just like our medical skills of treating illness and saving people, it is also a stunt that benefits the people, and he is worthy of being a professor who learns to be rich!"

The old man said and took a puff of his cigarette in excitement.

, and then knocked the cigarette bag on the sole of the shoe a few times, showing an excited look on his face. This question has troubled him for a long time, and today he finally figured it out with the inspiration of Professor Chang, and he was really excited.

He immediately put the tobacco pouch in his hand on the small table in front of him, he stood up and said, "I'm going to see our group of disciples and grandchildren who killed the enemy and defended the country. If we want to kill the enemy, we must use our medical skills to ensure their health~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Make sure our kids stay healthy and fight the mighty enemy!"

After speaking, the old man strode to the seriously injured Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu, followed by holding down the two Yuwen brothers who were about to stand. He immediately sat cross-legged in front of them, grabbing their wrists respectively. They flicked their wrist veins, and then lifted their vigorous infuriating energy towards the meridians on their hands.

When Professor Chang saw the old man stand up to heal the team members, he said in a low voice to Wan Lin, "Oh, your grandfather told me many times about the hidden worries in his heart. He was worried that you were killing too much. I tried many times. Uncovering the worries in the old man's heart has never solved the knot in the old man's heart."

"During this time, the old man was a little absent-minded when he taught your brothers and sisters martial arts. I was really worried that the old man would be disheartened and unable to teach the essence of your martial arts to your younger brothers and sisters, but I didn't expect The old man finally understands after seeing you today! For us soldiers who are engaged in protecting the family and the country, killing the enemy is maintaining peace and creating a peaceful world for the people. This is indeed a great merit. "

Professor Chang said and glanced at Wan Min and the others who were concentrating on practicing the exercises, and then continued to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Deputy Director Wang Molin called me personally to introduce you to this operation. I know that your task is very difficult this time, and Those hostile forces coveting our meteorite fragments also did not give up. Therefore, Deputy Director Wang Molin ordered me to be more vigilant, and also ordered Ye Feng to monitor the surroundings of our residence to prevent suspicious persons from approaching, so we must protect the elderly and children. Safety."


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