Panther Commando

Chapter 4090: Military Hospital

Zou Tao looked at Wen Meng and said, "Your concerns are very reasonable. Director Ye and Director Qi have considered this possibility when formulating the plan. There are four drainage wells around the surgical inpatient department, only one of which is close to the surgical department. The ward where we are sitting in the ward, I have arranged for the personnel to secretly monitor this drainage outlet, which is to prevent the enemy from approaching the target area from the ground."

Ye Feng also looked at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and nodded with admiration, he followed at a few of his subordinates sitting at the conference table and sighed: "If we want to really cultivate outstanding personnel who can fight well, we need to bring those young The team members are sent to the real battlefield to hone.”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and said, "Captain Wan, do you have any questions about this plan?" Wan Lin quickly retracted his gaze from the screen, looked at Qi Zhijun and replied, "Not for the time being, I found a problem during the operation. Let's communicate in time." After speaking, he turned around with a grim expression and strode back to his seat from the screen.

Seeing Wan Lin walking back to his seat, Ye Feng glanced at everyone present, followed by a stern voice: "Okay, then we are ready to start the operation, all the troops will be in place before three o'clock in the afternoon, and they can do anything at any time. Get ready for battle!"

Everyone immediately stood up and replied in a low voice, "Yes!" At this time, Qi Zhijun looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, I will send someone to send your equipment to the hospital directly. The relevant operatives will enter the designated area in plainclothes. I'll send you the image of the person in a moment, you can go back and arrange it now."

"Yes!" Wan Lin immediately raised his hand and answered in a salute. He then whispered to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were standing beside him, "From now on, you should follow the instructions of Director Ye and Director Qi!"

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng answered crisply: "Yes!" Wan Lin glanced at the two junior sisters with concern in his eyes, turned around and strode towards the conference room door.

At 2:45 in the afternoon, Wan Lin, wearing a gray casual suit, led Xiaoya, Lingling, Chengru, and Fengdao to drive two off-road vehicles with local license plates, and slowly appeared in the outpatient building of the General Hospital of the Southwest Military Region. parking lot.

Just as the two cars were stable in the parking lot, a beggar-like figure in a tattered shirt with his arms hanging on his chest suddenly appeared beside Wanlin's car. Wan Lin and Xiaoya in the car were startled, their hands unconsciously and quietly pressed on the pistol handle at their waists, and they turned their heads to look out of the car.

A short, thin man was standing outside the window of the car. The man's face was black and he was wearing a dirty hat with a dirty, barely visible color on his head. At this time, he was stretching out his dirty left hand to tap gently Looking at the window glass beside Wan Lin. Wan Lin recognized at a glance that this destitute person was like a beggar, and it was Qian Bin, the director of the National Security Bureau's Operations Department.

Wan Lin hurriedly reached out and pressed down the car window, Qian Bin poked his head and glanced at Xiaoya in the car, then looked to the side and said to Wan Lin in a low voice, "Captain Wan, the two of you are separated and follow Eleven. The female cleaner who pointed the direction left, and no suspicious persons have been found around."

Wan Lin quickly replied in a low voice: "Okay!" He followed in a low voice and whispered to the wireless microphone pinned to his underwear: "Chengru, you follow the cleaners at eleven o'clock into the outpatient building. Leave us alone. , we'll enter after you." He was about to open the door and get out of the car.

At this time, Qian Bin was leaning against the car door, looking at Wan Lin in the car with a smile in his eyes, but a pitiful look on his dark face said, "Sir, please help." Then he stretched out his dirty left hand with a torn bandage in front of Wan Lin.

Xiaoya, who was sitting in the back seat, saw Qian Bin's appearance, she almost laughed out loud with a "puchi", she suppressed her laughter and quickly reached out to cover her mouth. Wan Lin also had a smile in his eyes. He picked up the sun hat on the seat beside him and put it on his head, then turned to look at Xiaoya and said, "Xiaoya, give me twenty dollars."

Hearing Wan Lin's voice, Qian Bin immediately showed a grateful look on his face. He whispered in a shrill voice, "Thank you, thank you, just two dollars."

Xiaoya held back her laughter, and quickly reached out and took out two dollars and handed it to Wan Lin. Wan Lin took the money and handed it to the window with no expression on his face, and glanced around quickly with a smile in his eyes.

At this time, a satchel placed beside Xiaoya in the back seat suddenly moved, Xiaohua and Xiaobai stretched out their little heads from the bag and were about to get out, Xiaoya quickly reached out and pressed their little heads into the bag He said in a low voice, "Hide, come out later."

Qian Bin took the two one-yuan bills that Wan Lin handed over, and then glanced at Xiaoya in the car with a grateful expression on his face, and then let the car door limped to the side.

Wan Lin saw Qian Bin walk away, so he raised the car window and said to Xiaoya in a low voice, "Go!" After saying that, he pushed the door and stepped out of the car, then closed the door and leaned on the car, seemingly nonchalantly. He glanced At this moment, he glanced at Qian Bin's limping back, and his heart was full of admiration. If he hadn't known Qian Bin long ago, he wouldn't have been able to recognize this dirty man. The beggar is the director of the National Security Bureau's Operations Division.

Chengru, Lingling and Fengdao in the side car have already got off the car. Lingling is reaching out with both hands to support Chengru and Fengdao, who are wearing blue casual clothes and brown sportswear with their arms hanging from their chests, and walk slightly to the outpatient clinic. Go to the door of the building. The bandages wrapped around Cheng Ru and Feng Dao's arms were soaked with blood, as if they had just been injured. The three of them were following a middle-aged woman in cleaning uniforms in front of them into the door of the outpatient building.

At this moment, Xiaoya got off the back seat with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face and a sun hat on her head. She walked to Wan Lin with her satchel, holding Wan Lin's arm with one hand and gently with the other. Press it on the satchel with two leopards. She raised her head and glanced around, then took Wan Lin's arm and walked towards the door of the outpatient building.

The front of the outpatient building was crowded with people. Men and women in various costumes were entering and exiting the door of the outpatient building. The faces of some elderly people showed pain and nervousness.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya looked at the crowd around them, their eyes seemed to be inadvertently watching the three Chengru people not far ahead, and they walked unhurriedly towards the door of the outpatient building. At this time, Xiaoya looked at the old people with pained faces, and she said to Wan Lin who was beside her in a low voice: "Alas, these old people are really pitiful. They are getting old and their health is not good."

Wan Lin nodded lightly when he heard Xiaoya's exclamation, and suddenly an elderly grandfather appeared in his mind, and he also sighed in a low voice: "Oh, fortunately, grandpa and your parents are both strong, so there's no need for that. We are worried."


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