Panther Commando

Chapter 4091: feeling of danger

Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's sigh, grabbed Wan Lin's arm and pulled hard towards her waist, she said gratefully, "I really want to say thank you and grandpa, you helped my mother heal her legs. , Grandpa also took out Wanjia's practice secrets for my father and mother to practice, otherwise how could their bodies be maintained so well!"

Wan Lin was about to speak with a smile on his face when he suddenly felt a danger approaching from behind him! A bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes, his face calmly slowed down and pulled Xiaoya's arm, then he looked at the glass on the side of the door of the outpatient building and said in a low voice, "Don't look back, it's five o'clock on the right side. A man covering his stomach is approaching." With that, he gently took Xiaoya to his side, seemingly unintentionally blocking his body.

At this moment, his eyes had already seen through the reflected image on the glass, and he saw a figure dressed as a middle-aged man approaching quietly from the back right, and a cold light appeared from time to time in the other's lowered eyes.

Just as Wan Lin sounded the warning sound, Xiaoya felt the bag on her body move slightly. She quickly clamped the bag with her arms to prevent the two little babies in the bag from moving too much and attracting the attention of outsiders. At this time, she heard Wan Lin's reminder and understood that Xiaohua and Xiaobai in the bag had also sensed the dangerous information coming from the side.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were close to each other, calmly followed the patients who walked in and stepped into the door of the outpatient building. Wan Lin followed by letting go of Xiaoya's arm and walked to the side of the stairs, seemingly inadvertently. looked back sideways.

At this time, the figure covering his stomach more than a dozen meters behind him has slowly walked to the side, his eyes have moved away from Xiaoya and Wan Lin, and he is looking at the direction of the surgical inpatient department on the side. Wan Lin let out a sigh of relief, staring at the other party with a cold look in his eyes, then quickly looked away to look at the surrounding crowd.

Wan Lin could already see in this glance that the man was wearing a sun hat, which covered most of his face, and he was walking very slowly with his stomach covered.

But Wan Lin had already seen at this moment that the opponent's exposed chin and neck were dark, and the seemingly slow steps were very steady. Although the squatting body intuitively gave people the feeling of a middle-aged man, Wan Lin's The sharp eyes have already seen that this person is faintly showing a strength that ordinary people do not have, and the age is definitely not more than thirty years old.

At this time, Xiaoya also glanced around seemingly inadvertently. She stood beside Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Let's go." When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's voice, she looked away from the surroundings and turned to the side that was already passing through. Looking at the backs of Cheng Ru and the three of them in the passageway between the examination room and the surgical operating room, he followed and said to Xiaoya, "Let's go, the ENT department seems to be upstairs." After that, he pulled Xiaoya to the side stairs. go up.

At this time, Xiaoya didn't notice anything unusual, but she knew in her heart that Wan Lin must have noticed that someone was watching them secretly, so she took Wan Lin's hand and walked upstairs together.

Wan Lin and the two had just walked up the stairs, when a gentle middle-aged woman wearing glasses suddenly walked up to Wan Lin and Xiaoya from behind. She stopped beside Wan Lin and Xiaoya and looked at Wan Lin in a bit of astonishment and said: "Xiao Wan, why did you come here?"

Wan Lin and Xiaoya were secretly startled, and turned their heads to look at the voice. The person who came was Sister Qiao Shiwen, the female director of the intelligence department of the National Security Bureau. Wan Lin quickly replied: "Eldest sister, why are you here? Xiaoya, this is Miss Qiao." At this time, he had already seen Director Qiao wearing a white lab coat, with a pretty girl standing beside him.

Xiaoya glanced at the middle-aged woman standing beside her, and immediately recognized that it was Director Qiao of the Intelligence Department of the National Security Bureau, and she quickly said, "Miss, Xiao Wan's ears are uncomfortable, I'll take him over today to take a look. "Speaking, she looked at the girl beside Director Qiao.

Director Qiao glanced at Xiaoya, raised his finger and pointed at the girl beside him with a smile: "Xiaoqing has some problems with her teeth, let me find a doctor for her today." After speaking, she looked at the girl and said, "Little Qing. Qing, wait for me by the side."

As she said that, she took Wan Lin and Xiaoya and walked a few steps to the place where there were few people next to her, then glanced around and looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Why did you come here in person? What happened just now, what did you guys do? come upstairs?"

It turned out that the investigators being monitored by the National Security Bureau had found that Wan Lin and Xiaoya did not follow the guide they sent to the surgical inpatient department, so Director Qiao hurried over to check the situation.

Wan Lin looked at Director Qiao calmly and replied in a low voice, "When I entered the door, I found that someone was secretly watching from the side and rear. I was worried about attracting the attention of the other party, so I didn't go with Lao Cheng and the others."

Director Qiao was shocked, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared! People from the National Security Bureau have been monitoring the hospital, but no suspicious persons have been found. Now Wan Lin and the two have found suspicious persons as soon as they arrived This really made her feel astonished. She immediately asked in a low voice, "Who is it, can you see clearly?"

Wan Lin looked around and replied in a low voice, "It's a middle-aged man wearing a gray cloth cap, blue work clothes, and hands over his stomach. He is walking towards the surgical inpatient area. The man has been dressed up and looks like he is forty or fifty years old, but his actual age is no more than thirty years old."

When Director Qiao heard it, he immediately said, "Okay, follow Xiaoqing down the stairs on the other side, and I'll go take a look." After speaking, she walked over to the girl who was standing on the side monitoring the surroundings and gave a low voice, and then He turned around and hurried downstairs. She was really anxious. Their people had been looking for suspicious people in the hospital, but they had never found any trace of the enemy. Unexpectedly, Wan Lin had locked a suspicious person as soon as he came, which showed that the enemy had been secretly monitoring the place.

At this time, the girl walked up to Wan Lin and Xiaoya. She glanced at Wan Lin and Xiaoya pretty, and then said with a smile, "Big brother, big sister, come with me, you can just call me Xiaoqing." After that, she took Wan Lin and Xiaoya to the front corridor unhurriedly, and then walked down another staircase at the end of the corridor.

The three walked downstairs and quickly glanced at the bustling crowd around them. Xiaoqing followed and led Wan Lin and the two to the corridor where Chengru and several others entered.

Xiaoqing took Wan Lin and Xiaoya into the surgical inpatient ward, and then walked towards a closed corridor door on the side. At this time, Wan Lin had seen through the open ward doors around him that the surrounding wards were full of patients with bandages on their bodies, and several patients with crutches were limping out of the ward. .

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