Panther Commando

Chapter 4093: open window

Wan Lin heard Zou Tao Zou Tao's introduction, looked up at the ceiling, he suddenly jumped up with his knees bent, stretched out his hand and tapped the ceiling above, he then lightly fell to the ground and asked, "This ceiling What material was used? It seems to be very thin."

At this time, a fully-armed soldier standing next to him whispered: "Report, the ceiling here is made of organic-coated high-cleanliness board, which looks very clean. But it is really thin. This kind of board is actually made of pieces. It's made of very light-weight steel, on which each piece can be moved easily."

He took a step forward, reached out and took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Zou Tao, "Captain, this is the schematic diagram of the air-conditioning duct above."

Zou Tao stretched out his hand to take the note and opened it, then said to Wan Lin, "This is a schematic diagram of the outside ceiling. Liangzi and the others have already drilled in to investigate carefully, and the direction of the pipeline has been listed above." Wan Lin heard Zou Tao Tao's introduction glanced at the guard soldiers with admiration, and then looked down at the schematic diagram.

The schematic diagram clearly shows the direction of the ventilation ducts. The ducts pass over the aisle and then extend to the rooms on both sides. Each room has two ventilation openings. The size of the ventilation ducts and the distance between the ventilation openings and the wall are marked on the schematic diagram. The position of the edge, the whole schematic diagram is very regular, and the person who sees the drawing has a solid drawing skills.

Looking at the schematic diagram, Wan Lin praised: "What a solid foundation in the work on the map." Zou Tao said proudly: "Hey, Liangzi is a lieutenant's combat staff who was recently selected from the grassroots army, and all kinds of basic skills are very solid. This time We did not suspend military rank in action."

Wan Lin and the others looked at the staff officer standing in front of him and nodded with admiration. Zou Tao followed and said, "Liangzi, show us the nearest water well."

"Yes!" Ryoko replied with her feet together, and followed a few people to the side room. He walked into the ward on the side and said, "This used to be a five-person surgical ward. After we came here, it was temporarily used as the boys' restroom. The ward next to it was the girls' restroom. Brigade Zou, Lieutenant Colonel Cheng and Lieutenant Colonel Feng. Live in the ward next door."

With that said, he went to the window, stretched out his hand, pushed the window open, and said in a low voice, "Captain Wan, the iron grating on the ground three meters outside is the water well closest to here."

Wan Lin stood and walked to the side of the window and looked out the window. Just as he stretched out his head, a strong feeling of being watched suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart. He glanced at the position of the iron grates outside the window, and then retracted his head. The people around were startled when they saw his nervous movements, and immediately pressed their hands on the pistol grip on his waist, and the air in the room immediately became tense!

Wan Lin raised his hand to stop the people's questioning, and then whispered to Zou Tao, who had bandages on his head and the chubby wind knife on his face: "Someone is watching, you show it at the window to avoid attracting the enemy. Be alert." As he said that, he motioned the people around him to hide in the corners on both sides of the window, and he also took a step back.

When Zou Tao heard that someone was watching, a murderous look appeared in his eyes. He immediately took out a pair of black-rimmed eyes from the pocket of his hospital gown and put it on his face, then walked to the window with the wind knife and took a deep breath.

Zou Tao followed and opened the window and looked out generously. Through the iron railing installed outside the window, the two saw seven or eight surgical patients wearing hospital gowns and bandages not far from the window. , The patient is either walking slowly and recovering his function, or he is sitting on the lounge chair around the grass outside the window and chatting. In the distance, you can also see some pedestrians coming and going through the ward.

Both Feng Dao and Zou Tao have just returned from the plateau, and their faces have been darkened by the strong ultraviolet rays of the plateau. At first glance, they are people who have returned from the plateau. Feng Dao has a kind round face and Zou with glasses. Tao does give a sense of politeness.

The two just stood at the window when Wan Lin whispered to Xiaoya who was standing beside him, who was wearing a white coat: "Go forward and stop them from opening the window." Xiaoya hurriedly stepped forward from behind, she looked out After taking a look, she turned her head to look at Zou Tao and said, "Why did you open the window again?" She raised her hand and closed the window again.

At this time, everyone saw that the windows were closed again, and everyone let out a long sigh of relief. Although they all know in their hearts that the other party's purpose here is not to kill people, but to try to **** away our researchers and those meteorite fragments, but Zou Tao and Fengdao are exposed in front of the enemy's eyes, which really makes everyone feel in their hearts. nervous.

When Zou Tao saw Xiaoya closing the window, he turned to look at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, what did you find just now?" The patient and the pedestrians in the did not find anyone watching. When the people around heard Zou Tao's question, they all looked at Wan Lin.

When Wan Lin heard Zou Tao's question, he frowned and sneered: "I can't tell. As soon as I stretched out my head, I suddenly felt a strong feeling of being watched. Hehe, it seems that these **** are really There are a lot of people here!" When the people around heard Wan Lin's answer, their faces became serious.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he lowered his head to the wireless microphone hidden on his collar and said, "Director Qian, send someone to scout the window of the boy's lounge in the target area at 1 o'clock. Just now I felt a sense of being watched, there must be Someone is spying on us here." "Understood, I'll send someone over immediately." Qian Bin's icy voice came from his earphones.

When Zou Tao and Liangzi heard what Wan Lin said, admiration appeared in their eyes. They are special forces themselves, and they know that a good sniper is extremely sensitive to danger. This requires not only actual combat experience, but also a very high skill, otherwise it is impossible to produce this sixth sense!

Wan Lin notified Qian Bin, then looked at Zou Tao and said in a low voice: "This is under your command. You can report the situation here to the commander-in-chief and deputy commander." Zou Tao nodded and immediately walked aside to meet Using the wireless microphone, he reported to the headquarters what Wan Lin discovered just now.

At this time, Wan Lin glanced at the furnishings in the ward, and whispered to Xiaoya and the others around him: "Just now, the opponent has seen that this is the ward where the scientific expedition team members are hospitalized. Are we taking Brigade Zou and Lao Cheng and Lao Feng together? These disguised wounded are transferred to this ward." Xiaoya also looked at Chengru and Fengdao, wanting to hear their opinions.


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