Panther Commando

Chapter 4094: feel embarrassed

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao nodded immediately, Cheng Ru replied: "Yes, we are here to attract the enemy, since the enemy found us in this type, then we will change to this ward and wait for the rabbit!" Feng Dao followed: " Yes, we should switch here and ask Zou Brigade's opinion later."

Wan Lin nodded when he heard the two men's answers, looked at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao and exhorted: "The enemy's goal is not to hurt the scientific expedition team members, but to obtain information about meteorites and those precious meteorite fragments. However, once they After the operation, you will definitely find that this is a trap, so they will definitely hurt people at that time. Therefore, you must be vigilant, and never let them hurt innocents and yourself. If you can't catch your opponent, kill them on the spot! "Speaking, there was a murderous look in his eyes!

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and Feng Dao replied in a low voice immediately, and a fierce murderous aura emerged from their bodies at the same time. At this time, the combat staff standing beside Zou Tao suddenly felt a fierce murderous aura coming towards him. A layer of goosebumps.

He was a newly selected combat staff officer from the army below. It was the first time he saw Wan Lin and the others. At this time, he suddenly felt the murderous aura coming from his side, and immediately took a half step back unconsciously. He was shocked in his heart. He shouted, "Where are these people from? Good guy, it's scary!"

Wan Lin saw that the combat staff officer stepped back with some fear. He frowned and gave him a cold look, then turned back to look at Cheng Ru and asked, "Has the equipment been sent?"

Cheng Ru replied immediately: "My sniper rifle has already been delivered. In addition, considering that this is an urban area, Director Ye has equipped Xiaoya and Lao Feng with *, and Minister Qi will also send you and other team members' equipment. Come home to prevent emergencies from happening.”

At this time, Zou Tao had finished reporting to the headquarters, and he had seen Liangzi's fearful expression. He frowned and said in a low voice, "Staff Wang, get out!"

An excellent special forces soldier should be the one who collapses in front of Mount Tai without changing his face. Although this newly elected staff officer has a good business, he can withdraw backwards in the face of murderous aura, and he is still in front of his brother troops. This really makes Zou Tao like this. The captain is embarrassed!

Wan Lin heard Zou Tao's annoyed scolding, he turned his head and glanced at the staff officer who was blushing and walked out in embarrassment, he quickly looked at Zou Tao and waved his hand to persuade in a low voice: "He must have never been on the battlefield, I was a little nervous when I participated in this kind of mission for the first time, so it's good to exercise. By the way, I told Xiaoya and Laocheng just now that the enemy has found out in this room, did you and Laocheng and Laofeng change this ward?"

Zou Tao put away the unhappy expression on his face, looked at Wan Lin and replied, "Yes, when I reported the situation to the headquarters just now, Director Ye and Director Qi also ordered us to change to this room, we just need to bring our things. "

He followed Liangzi who had just walked to the door and called out, "Lieutenant Colonel Cheng and Lieutenant Colonel Feng, you bring me and Lieutenant Colonel Cheng and Lieutenant Colonel Feng's equipment to this ward, we live here." Liangzi, who looked a little embarrassed, hurriedly answered. With a sound, he turned and ran to the side ward.

Zou Tao followed in a low voice and said to Wan Lin, "I don't know if Director Qian, did they find that kid? I'll ask him." After speaking, he whispered into the microphone with a dignified expression: "Director Qian, did you find that Did the leopard head feel the opponent?"

Qian Bin's shrill voice came from the microphone: "No, nothing unusual! However, the man with his hands on his own has been monitored by us, and this person is sitting in a hospital outside the surgical ward. On the edge of the flower bed."

Wan Lin and a few people around also heard Qian Bin's answer through the earphones, Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, and then asked Wen Meng, who was walking in, in a low voice, "Wen Meng, have Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai released? "

Wen Meng replied immediately: "We have let them see the photos of the suspects and let them out. We left a small exit above the bathroom window for them to get in and out."

"Okay." Wan Lin replied, he followed Zou Tao and Xiaoya and said, "Let's go to the monitoring room, Lingling, help Laocheng and the others to clean up here." After speaking, he and Xiaoya , Zou Tao walked out of the ward and went straight to the doctor's office in the center of the corridor.

Wan Lin and Xiaoya followed Zou Tao into the doctor's office. The two hygienists in white coats were sitting at the desk, staring at the monitors on the desk without blinking. When they saw Wan Lin walking in, they quickly stood up and raised their hands to salute. Zou Tao waved to the two of them, followed with Wan Lin and Xiaoya to the table and looked at the screen.

The screen is clearly showing the scene outside the surgical ward. There are several men and women in a hurry on the walking path. It seems that they are people who are going through the hospitalization procedures for their There is a grass outside the window near the ward. , Some patients in hospital gowns and bandages were sitting on the seats beside the flower beds, and there were crutches beside them.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the screen quickly. He then raised his finger and pointed at a man sitting on the cement fence of the flower bed, and said, "This is the kid I found near the outpatient building."

When the two health workers heard Wan Lin's identification, they looked at each other with horror in their eyes. They had seen this person just now, but there was nothing unusual about this person, and it did not attract their attention.

Zou Tao took a careful look at the suspect on the screen, and then ordered the two men standing beside him: "Monitor this person closely, and report immediately if there is any situation." He then turned his head and said to Wan Lin: "From the appearance, it is true It's hard to find these suspects, so it's no wonder that Director Qian's people didn't find anything."

Wan Lin stared at the screen and said in a low voice, "Yes, when Xiaoya and I followed Cheng Ru and the others near the outpatient building, we actually walked past this person. I raised my head and stared at us, and the aura emanating from him made me suddenly feel the danger, if he looked at us casually, I would not have noticed anything abnormal at all."

After speaking, he frowned and turned to look at Zou Tao and said, "The other party entered the hospital in disguise. If the other party does not take action, it may be difficult for Director Ye's people to find them."

As soon as he finished speaking, several people's earphones simultaneously heard the high-pitched voice of Director of Operations Qian Bin: "All surveillance personnel, pay attention, a man on crutches is approaching the suspect beside the flower bed, closely monitor, do not approach he."


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