Panther Commando

Chapter 4095: 1st group kitten

Wan Lin and the others were refreshed when they heard Director Qian's voice in the earphones, and immediately looked at the screen. A man with thick bandages on his ankles and wearing a camouflage shirt was limping towards the flower bed with a cane.

This person wears a straw hat on his head, his face is dark, and there are some mud spots on his body. At a glance, he looks like a construction worker, but there is no suspicious place at all. He limped to the flower bed, stopped and glanced around, then sat down beside the flower bed more than one meter away from the suspect.

He sat on the edge of the flower bed, raised his face and glanced around, and then put the crutches in his hand gently beside him, he then took out a cigarette case, then took out one, and said something to the people around him?

The person on the side turned to look at him, waved his hand and rejected the cigarette handed over, then took out a lighter and handed it over. The visitor took the lighter and lowered his head to light a cigarette, while casually looking at the window of the ward where Wan Lin and the others were just now.

The moment the other party raised his face, Wan Lin suddenly said in a low voice, "That's right, this person has a murderous look in his eyes. He has thick knuckles and a curved right index finger. He must be someone who often pulls the trigger."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden commotion under the surrounding buildings. Six or seven kittens of different colors roared down from the roof of a row of bungalows on the side and ran straight to the lawn in front of the surgical ward. The people around screamed and turned their heads to look, a few timid women had already retreated in panic, and a group of kittens ran past the flower bed like a smoke.

Wan Lin's eyes lit up, they had already seen on the screen at this moment, the black and yellow flowers and the white fur white were among them. It was indeed difficult to distinguish two little leopards among a group of kittens. They chased away A group of kittens ran quickly across the lawn in front of the flower bed. When Xiaohua and Xiaobai passed in front of the two suspicious persons beside the flower bed, they seemed to suddenly slow down and pause for a while, then speed up and follow the others. The kitten disappeared into a field of flowers not far away.

At this moment, all the people in the middle of the lawn raised their heads in astonishment, and then smiled at the disappearance of several kittens. At this time, Wan Lin and several others had noticed that the suspect who was already sitting beside the flower bed and the migrant worker who had just sat down stiffened, their right hand was unconsciously pressed on their waist, and they looked and ran past. The eyes of a group of kittens all showed a cold look in an instant.

Xiaoya, who was standing on the side, straightened up and smiled when she saw the group of kittens that were running by, and she followed: "Xiaohua and Xiaobai have already discovered these two people, and now they are chasing the group of kittens and running over to warn us. "

Wan Lin also stood up and said, "Yes, they must have discovered that these two people have a murderous aura that ordinary people don't have. When they ran past these two people, they suddenly slowed down, obviously smelling the two people. The smell. Zou Brigade, please inform Director Qian, saying that there must be something wrong with these two people."

Zou Tao replied immediately: "Okay." He then whispered into the microphone: "Director Qian, Xiaohua, Xiaobai and Leopardtou have identified these two suspects, don't disturb them." After speaking, he stared at the screen The crutch that was leaning against the flower bed said in a low voice, "Leopard head, take a closer look at the crutch beside that kid. This crutch should be homemade, and ordinary crutches aren't so thick!"

Wan Lin heard the sound and looked down, the image on the screen was very clear, the long single crutch really seemed to be made of thick wooden sticks, and was tightly bound with dirty bandages and debris strips. It seems to be made by yourself from waste materials from the construction site.

Wan Lin frowned immediately, and he whispered: "Grandma, this is the length of a sniper rifle! It is very likely that there is a sniper rifle hidden inside. If it is a sniper rifle, this kid must be the cover of the operation! "

Zou Tao said with a gloomy face: "Yes, this is the length of a sniper rifle. This kid must be someone who is going to cover the retreat of his companions after the operation starts. It seems that I really need to transfer my sniper."

Wan Lin nodded with murderous intent in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "If there is a sniper rifle hidden in the wooden crutch of the other party, this person is very dangerous. No wonder the sharpness in this kid's eyes can be seen through the screen. Let him slip away from our eyes!" He followed and turned to look at the Chengru people who had already cleaned up and entered the ward and said, "Laocheng, Wen Meng, you two snipers come and have a look."

Wen Meng and Cheng Ru hurried to Wan Lin's side and looked down, Wan Lin raised his finger solemnly and pointed at the person sitting beside the flower bed and said, "This person is probably hiding a sniper rifle in the wooden crutch beside him. Pay attention to this person's movements!" "Yes!" Cheng Ru and Wen Meng replied while looking at the target on the screen intently.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Zou Tao with a grim expression and said: "It seems that Director Ye and Director Qi's judgments are very The people of Red Fox really aimed at this, and the people of Red Fox used The killers are famous, and outsiders don't have the murderous aura they have!"

At this moment, a short man in a white coat suddenly appeared at the door of the doctor's office. Wan Lin and Zou Tao saw at a glance that it was Qian Bin, the director of the National Security Bureau's operations department. Dressed in a doctor's garb.

Wan Lin took a step forward and asked, "Director Qian, why are you here?" Qian Bin walked into the office and replied with a gloomy expression, "I'll let you know the situation."

With that said, he walked directly to the desk where the surveillance screen was placed, raised his finger and pointed at the two suspicious persons on the screen and said, "Leopard head, these are the two boys you found, and now we have assigned special personnel to monitor them."

He then pointed to the crutch beside the suspect, with a vigilant look in his eyes, and said, "Look here, this crutch was made by this kid. Judging from the length and diameter, it is very likely that there is an assault rifle or A sniper rifle!"

Zou Tao immediately said: "Yes, Leopard Head and I were talking about this just now. We also thought that this might be the enemy's sniper. Did I transfer the sniper?" Director Qian immediately said: "I have already I reported my speculation to the headquarters, and Director Ye and Director Qi agreed with me after carefully reviewing the photos of the scene."

He then took out a picture from his pocket and spread it on the desk next to him, and continued: "This is the floor plan of the hospital, here are the surgical inpatient department and several passages leading to the outside, and Minister Qi suggested to arrange these four points. Sniper." He took out a red pen and drew several circles at different positions on the map.


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