Panther Commando

Chapter 4110: Do it yourself

When Zou Tao heard Wan Lin's explanation, his face was a little embarrassed, what did he want to say? At this time, Qian Bin and Director Qiao of the National Security Bureau looked at each other, Director Qiao looked at Zou Tao and said, "Brigade Zou, Leopard Head's worries are justified. Before you entered here, Director Qian and I both personally talked to Zou Tao. The various buildings of the hospital have been surveyed on site."

As she said that, she turned and pointed to the roof of the laboratory building and said, "We have been to the corridor and roof of this laboratory building. Since this is the building where the hospital conducts medical experiments, it is indeed full of various pipes. These pipes are mainly air-conditioning equipment to maintain the air temperature and humidity in the laboratory, as well as filtering equipment for various toxic and harmful gases, and the terrain above is really complicated."

Qian Bin also looked at the screen with a gloomy expression and said, "Yes, let alone the dim vision conditions at night, even during the daytime, it is difficult for us to find the enemy in this dense pipeline and equipment. It is said that in a concealed situation, it quietly approached the target."

He turned his face as he spoke, looked at Zou Tao and said, "Brigade Zou, Captain Wan is right to worry. Just now, Xiaobai, a sensitive leopard, was found in the search for the enemy, which shows that this kid is extremely vigilant. Gao, it is even more difficult for us people to avoid the eyes of that kid. If we go up too many people, it may disturb the opponent and affect the whole plan. From the current situation analysis, only Leopard Head is the most suitable candidate. "

Zou Tao fell silent when he heard the analysis of the two directors of the National Security Bureau. He frowned and thought for a moment, then looked at Wan Lin and asked worriedly: "Leopard head, will the injuries on your hands and arms affect you? action?"

At this time, he already knew in his heart that the opponent's concealment skills and means of action were indeed excellent. He could suddenly disappear from many surveillance cameras, and he could find Xiaobai with a smaller target in the complex terrain of the corridor. This really shows that this The boy has extraordinary skills.

Moreover, the opponent itself is a sniper of the killer organization Red Fox, and covert assassination is indeed their specialty. The sniper's marksmanship and individual combat abilities must also be outstanding. Now even Leopard Tou and Cheng Ru, two of China's top snipers, are afraid of this opponent. I am afraid that their own people are really unsure about going up, and a little carelessness may cause casualties.

When Wan Lin heard Zou Tao's question, he looked down at the gauze that had oozing blood on his hand, then moved his fingers and replied, "No, it's just a scratch, it's basically healed now, and it won't affect the movement. ." At this time, Xiaoya also said: "Leopard head, I will give you some medicine and re-bandage it."

Before she could finish her words, Lingling walked out of the office quickly to the disposal room on the side, and then came back with a white porcelain tray. She picked up a cotton swab and dipped it in iodine, and handed it to Wan Lin, who had already been untied. Xiaoya with a bandage on her hand.

Wan Lin stretched out his hand and asked Xiaoya to re-medicate himself. He looked at Zou Tao and said, "That's it, I'll take Xiaohua to deal with this sniper in a while. Once you find the enemy entering, give it to me immediately. Send signal."

When Zou Tao saw Wan Lin's firm attitude, he hesitated and said, "I can't make the decision on this matter. I have to ask Minister Qi and Director Ye for instructions." Then, he turned his head to the microphone and explained the countermeasures they studied and Wan Lin's research. The plan to deal with enemy snipers in person was reported.

After he finished the report, the earphone suddenly became quiet. After about two or three minutes, the voice of Qi Zhijun, the head of the operation department, came out of his earphone: "Okay, then let Leopard Head deal with this sniper personally. , tell your sniper that you must protect the safety of Leopard Head and never let him have any accidents!"

Before Minister Qi's voice could finish, Director Ye's voice also came from Wan Lin's earphones: "Wan Lin, be sure to pay attention to safety and bring both leopards!" Wan Lin said quickly, "Director Ye, you Don't worry about Minister Qi, it's enough for me to bring Xiaohua, Xiaobai stays in the ward to help Zou Brigade and the others to deal with other enemies!"

Ye Feng said thoughtfully, "Okay, just pay attention to safety. You don't have a sniper rifle with you, do you?" Wan Lin thought for a while and replied, "No, there are already snipers from Zou Brigade around, and I am close to the enemy. The body of the sniper rifle is too long, which is not conducive to close combat, and I have a pistol on me."

When Ye Feng heard Wan Lin's answer, he immediately said, "Okay, if you need any equipment, just tell Qian Bin and Zou Brigade and let them prepare it for you." "Yes!" Wan Lin replied quickly.

At this time, Zou Tao looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, the range of the pistol is too close. Once the firepower with the enemy is too weak, you should bring a gun with an effective range of 200 meters. I have prepared it here." , he bent over from a large backpack under the table, took out an MP5* and handed it over.

Wan Lin stretched out his right hand to take the * and glanced at it, then replied thoughtfully, "Okay, then prepare me two more spare He then put the * on his shoulder and reached out to pick it up. After Zou Tao handed over the two magazines.

He then looked at Director Qiao and asked, "Do you have any clothes here that are convenient for night operations?" After saying that, he pulled back Xiaoya's left hand that had been bandaged again.

Director Qiao replied immediately: "We have already prepared clothes for you on various occasions." Then, she looked at Wen Meng who was drilling out of the hole in the corner of the house and said, "Wen Meng, take Leopard Head with you. The ward picks up clothes for night action, and takes off the camouflaged bandages on the leopard's head by the way."

Wen Meng quickly agreed. She walked to the crowd and handed the plastic bag containing the mineral water to Director Qiao. She looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, come with me." Lin walked out the door.

Wan Lin and Wen Meng walked out of the doctor's office, and the room suddenly became quiet. Everyone's eyes were looking at Wan Lin who walked out, and everyone's eyes were full of concern. Everyone is not doubting Wan Lin's ability, but in this dim vision, it is indeed a very dangerous thing to quietly approach a killer.

Zou Tao took a deep breath, then looked at the people around him and said, "Laocheng, Laofeng, you two return to the ward and take your place. Director Qian, I will take Xiaoya to tell the guards' brothers how to confuse them. The matter of the enemy. Director Qiao, please explain to the brothers outside, you must not alert the other party when you find the enemy, let them in and let us deal with it!"

When Qian Bin heard Zou Tao's words, he frowned and said, "Brigade Zou, if our guard's brother pretends to be in a coma, the enemy won't attack them after they come in, right?" Everyone was worried when they heard Qian Bin's question. looked at Zou Tao's face.


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