Panther Commando

Chapter 4111: concerned look

Hearing Qian Bin's worry, Zou Tao lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then he raised his head and said firmly: "No, the Red Fox people are targeting the scientific expedition team members and meteor fragments, and the enemy's action time is very tight, no It's time to attack the comatose personnel. As long as our personnel do not show their guilt, the other party will never take an extra shot at them. The point now is that the few of us should take action quickly, and we must not give the enemy a chance to counterattack. We must win with one blow !" Saying that, he looked sharply at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao heard Zou Tao's figure, and the two immediately replied in unison: "No problem, as long as they enter the ward, we will never let the enemy have another chance to shoot!"

When Qian Bin heard Zou Tao's answer, he glanced at Director Qiao of the Intelligence Department beside him, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay, then tell the good brothers, the other party will most likely test the brothers' reactions after they come in, make sure Are the brothers in a coma? You must make them unable to react." At this time, his heart was really contradictory. If the soldiers of the guards pretended to be in a coma and couldn't shoot, in case the enemy who entered suddenly attacked the soldiers, it would be very important indeed. Danger.

The guards and soldiers in the ward were all subordinates of Zou Tao, and he understood Qian Bin's concerns very well. He walked to the table thoughtfully and pointed to the distribution map of the surgical ward and said: "Our security personnel are mainly concentrated near the corridor doors on both sides of the corridor. In order to prevent the enemy from hurting my brother, I sent two brothers to hide first. On the ceiling of the corridor, observe the enemy's movements through these two ventilation holes, if the enemy really enters through the corridor door and poses a fatal threat to the brothers, then shoot them immediately."

He raised his head and looked at Qian Bin and continued: "At the same time, they can monitor the sound coming from the ventilation ducts at any time in the ceiling, which can prevent the enemy from using the ventilation ducts to enter the ward."

After listening to Zou Tao's plan, Qian Bin stared at the map and pondered for a moment. He then raised his head and said, "Okay, that's it! You told the two brothers on the ceiling to control the heat, because the enemy is likely to be different. If they enter through the channels, once they shoot, they will definitely alert the enemy inside and outside and destroy the entire operation plan.”

He then turned his head to look at Director Qiao and said, "Director Qiao, I'll stay here pretending to be a doctor. You go out and explain to the brothers who are monitoring outside, so that when they find out the enemy's actions, they must not be alarmed."

Director Qiao nodded solemnly and replied, "Okay, then I'll go out and arrange it, you must pay attention to safety." After speaking, she strode to the corner of the room and lifted the cover on the hole and drilled in. She knew that Qian Bin asked her to go out for her safety, but she really wasn't an operative. Not only would she not be able to help here, but she might also be a burden to the people here, and there was indeed a need for someone to command the scene outside.

At this time, Wan Lin came back in a black combat uniform. He was wearing a black tactical vest, a holster with a pistol fixed on the side of his thigh, a * on his shoulder, and a tactical vest in his ear. With an inconspicuous wireless microphone plugged in, the whole person looks very neat. When Xiaoya saw Wan Lin and Wen Meng walking back, she walked up and looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Have you brought your hidden weapon bag? Why didn't you wear a bulletproof vest?"

Wan Lin patted his waist lightly and replied, "Hehe, I never leave this thing. I don't need the bulletproof vest. That thing will affect the movement in a narrow space." After speaking, he looked at Zou Tao and Qian. Bin asked, "Are you all ready?"

Zou Tao immediately explained his plan, followed by looking at Wan Lin and asked, "Leopard head, do you think this arrangement is appropriate?"

Wan Lin looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully, then nodded and said: "Okay, we must ensure the safety of the brothers, once the enemy threatens the lives of the brothers, let the monitoring brothers immediately kill them, and we must not let our People are threatened! In addition, the ceiling must be dark, and the enemy will not be able to find the brothers hidden in the ceiling even if they drill through the ventilation ducts. It is indeed a good way to hide two warriors on this."

When Zou Tao heard that Wan Lin agreed with his plan, he followed: "Okay, let's do it like this! Xiaoya, come with me and explain it to the brothers." Xiaoya replied and walked to Wanlin's side. She whispered, "Be careful." After speaking, she took a deep look at Wan Lin, turned around and followed Zou Tao out.

Wan Lin saw Zou Tao and Xiaoya walking out. He turned around and glanced at Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, Ling Ling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying in the room, and then said in a low voice, "Okay, I'm leaving!" She shouted at Xiaohua who was lying on the desk: "Xiaohua, let's go!" Xiaohua heard the sound and jumped up with a "whoosh", and it gently landed on Wan Lin's showed a face. With an excited look.

Xiaobai, who was lying on the desk, also quickly stood up, and he was about to jump up. Lingling standing by the table quickly reached out and picked it up and said, "Xiao Bai, you can't go, we still need you here."

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua fall on his shoulders, turned around to take a compressed biscuit and a bottle of mineral water that Wen Meng silently handed over, he walked to the corner of the house, bent over and got into the hole.

Cheng Ru and several people stood in the office with dignified expressions, quietly watching Leopard Head and Xiaohua get into the hole. They didn't speak. They knew that Leopard Head had entered a state of war. For these battle-hardened special forces, a soulful look is enough to express all their concerns for each other!

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the General Hospital of the Southwest Military Region was already shrouded in thick darkness. No one could be seen moving around in the hospital, the windows of most buildings were already dark, and the lights in several inpatient buildings had also dimmed. Only in front of the emergency building near the gate, there was still a dim light, and the noisy hospital during the day suddenly became very quiet.

The laboratory building was pitch black. This is the place where scientific research experiments are carried out inside the hospital. The staff have already turned off the lights and returned to their homes. Only a dim yellow light is still flashing in front of the gate. There were several dim street lamps on the road around the building, and the entire experimental building and surrounding buildings looked very dim.

At this moment, in a flower bed behind the laboratory building near the hospital warehouse, a small black shadow the size of a cat suddenly appeared. The little black figure ran straight into the lawn below the laboratory building like a smoke, and it quickly jumped up to the window sill on the first floor, and a faint blue light flashed from the dark window.


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