Panther Commando

Chapter 4115: finally in place

The night was hazy, the sky was full of stars, and the roof of the experimental building was dark. Wan Lin was lying on the top of the cement tank, his hands tightly clutching the MP5*, and there was a gleam in his eyes. At this time, he knew that the low voice he made just now had already captured the opponent, so he had already raised the skills of his whole body, and his body was like a tense cheetah, ready to decisively kill this kid when the enemy took action.

Just when the other party was aiming in the direction of Wan Lin and was about to walk forward, a small black shadow suddenly appeared under the dense pipes on the roof of the side building. Turn the muzzle to aim at the dark pipe on the side.

As the opponent's muzzle turned suddenly, a small cat-sized animal seemed to be suddenly frightened and sprang forward, and then suddenly appeared and disappeared between the dark pipes. Qian flew up and disappeared into a dense pipeline in a blink of an eye.

A low swearing sound followed in the darkness. Wan Lin immediately turned his head condescendingly, the other party had lowered the muzzle of his sniper rifle, his eyes were looking at the dim pipe on the side, and he made a low cursing sound.

The boy followed the single-handed gun, turned around and walked back to the elevator where he was just now. Obviously, this kid has quietly lowered the rope in his hand along the side of the building, and established another escape route.

It didn't take long for the boy to appear in the pipe that was hidden just now, and he sat down next to a pipe near the elevator. He sat beside the pipe and looked at Wan Lin with a probe, then reached out and gently leaned the sniper rifle against the pipe beside him.

At this moment, Wan Lin felt a chill on his back. He knew that the very slight sound he made just now had already aroused the vigilance of the boy across from him. Xiaohua saw that the other party suddenly raised a gun and aimed at her. It immediately sneaked down from the invisible elevator room, and then showed a figure and ran to the side like a smoke, making the other party mistakenly think that the movement just now was just that this kitten was there. The sound of panic.

Wan Lin was relieved when he saw the opponent put down the sniper rifle and sat back to the original position from the corner of his eye. At this time, he climbed on the top of the tank and could already see the opponent's figure clearly and condescendingly.

At this time, he stared at the figure of the other party and said in his heart: "This kid is indeed a sniper with rich practical experience, and ordinary snipers do not have such sensitive eyes, eyes and reaction speed, which shows that this kid is often on the battlefield of this kind of life and death moments. He appeared on the battlefield, and he has already exercised his sense of danger on the battlefield. Fortunately, he and Xiaohua came up, otherwise the people of Zou Brigade might not be able to avoid being discovered by this kid. "

Thinking to himself, he quietly stretched out *, the muzzle was aimed straight at the top of the other's head, he adjusted his breathing and lay on the top of the tank quietly, and his eyes suddenly became dull at this moment.

In the face of this alert opponent, he has secretly completely restrained the energy in his body. After adjusting his shooting posture, he stretched out his right hand and tapped the wireless microphone lightly, signaling to the headquarters and Zou Tao that he was in position.

At this time, the temporary headquarters of the ward on the top floor of the internal medicine inpatient department had turned off the fluorescent lamps in the room, and only a wall lamp mounted on the wall was emitting dim light. Ye Feng, the commander-in-chief of the operation, and Qi Zhijun, the deputy commander-in-chief, were sitting at their desks and staring at the surveillance screen in front of them.

At this time, they heard a very low voice from the earphones at the same time, and a light immediately appeared in the eyes of the two of them. Ye Feng let out a long breath, turned his head and said to Qi Zhijun next to the table, "The leopard's head is finally in place safely!"

Qi Zhijun raised his wrist and glanced at the watch above. It was two forty-five in the night, and he said solemnly, "It took so long for the leopard's head to hide itself, which shows that the topography of the building is extremely complicated. , and the other party's vigilance is very high, it seems that the other party is really a strong opponent." He then lowered his head to the microphone and asked, "Have you found the position of the leopard's head?"

There was a very low report sound in his earphone: "No. 1 sniper position report, the top of a storage tank on the roof of the experimental building just moved faintly. A kitten also suddenly crowded from the roof. It emerged from the pipeline, and then ran quickly through the pipeline. The specific reason is unknown. From the analysis of the current situation, it should be our people who secretly boarded the high point of the roof of the experimental building. "

After Qi Zhijun heard the report, he followed a deep voice and said: "Continue to monitor closely, focus on monitoring the side of the stairs of the laboratory building, and never let the enemy escape. The situation on the top of the building is handed over to the people who go up." He followed. The microphone asked, "Zou It's almost time, how are you doing?"

Zou Tao's low reply came from his microphone immediately: "Report, we are already in place, so the personnel have all pretended to be in a coma, just waiting for the enemy to take the bait!"

Qi Zhijun immediately ordered in a low voice: "Okay, the soldiers must pay attention to safety!" At this time, Ye Feng, who was next to him, also asked into the microphone: "Director Qiao, did you find the situation there?" Director Qiao whispered. An echo sounded: "Report, no suspicious persons were found near the surgical ward, and no abnormalities were found in other parts of the hospital."

Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun frowned when they heard Director Qi's report. Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then said into the microphone: "Pay attention to monitoring, once you find an abnormality, you must not be alarmed!" "Yes!" Director Qi's voice came over immediately.

Ye Feng gave the order, he stood up with a solemn expression, turned and walked to the side of the window. Standing under the wall on the side of the window, he stretched out his hand to open a crack in the thick curtain, then raised his hand and rubbed his red eyes and looked out.

A thick night shrouded the entire military hospital. In front of the emergency building on the side, there were several figures hurriedly walking into the building. Obviously, some emergency patients, accompanied by their family members, are hurriedly entering the emergency building.

At this moment, an ambulance with flashing blue warning lights roared into the gate of the General Hospital of the Military Region, and drove straight to the door of the emergency building. Ye Feng stared at the ambulance parked in front of the emergency building. At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, and he immediately whispered into the microphone: "Director Qiao, let the outpatient building disguise himself as a doctor to closely watch the people entering the emergency building. People." Director Qiao's low response sounded from his earphones.


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