Panther Commando

Chapter 4116: firm tone

When Qi Zhijun in the room heard Ye Feng's voice, he quickly pressed the keyboard twice, and a dim image of the door of the outpatient building immediately appeared on the monitor screen. He followed and looked at the screen intently.

At this time, the rear door of the ambulance had opened, and three people in white coats and doctors were pulling out a stretcher on which the patient was lying. They put the stretcher on the ground and quickly supported the support below. A person who looked like a family member of a patient also jumped out of the car, and several people hurriedly walked towards the emergency building with a stretcher.

Qi Zhijun stared at the ambulance, his expression very gloomy. At this time, he also had doubts about the ambulance that came at a sudden speed. Not long after, a report came from their earphones: "Report, the ambulance brought the seriously wounded, the one who fell from the fourth floor at the construction site, and has now been rushed to the operating room. ."

Ye Feng asked hurriedly: "Where are the medical staff and the wounded's companions in the ambulance?" A low report came from the earphones: "The wounded was seriously injured, they pushed the wounded directly, followed The surgeon in the emergency room went to the operating room. Now the emergency doctor has urgently notified the doctors in the inpatient department and rushed to the operating room for the operation."

At this moment, the combat staff officer who was monitoring another monitor screen suddenly reported in a low voice: "Report, two doctors in white coats and two nurses in the surgical ward are rushing down the corridor to the outpatient clinic. Go to the surgical operating room on the first floor of the building."

Qi Zhijun and Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the report. They knew that the corridor of the surgical ward could lead directly to the surgical operating room. Moreover, it is late at night, and there are indeed only some doctors on duty in the emergency department. Once a patient encounters an operation, the doctors and nurses of the inpatient department really need to come to support.

Qi Zhijun looked at Ye Feng who was standing by the window and said in a low voice: "It seems that everything is normal, the ambulance is indeed a patient." Ye Feng nodded and said: "Yes, if it is a fake patient, the emergency room will not The doctor in the inpatient department will be urgently asked to go to the operating room, and the doctor who received him must have determined that the other party's injury is very serious, so he was sent directly to the operating room."

After speaking, he stared at the ambulance outside the window at the entrance of the emergency room, and said to himself: "It's just that the time of this ambulance's arrival is too coincidental, it happened to be the onset time of the anesthetic given by the enemy. "

Before Ye Feng's words were finished, the two ambulances flashed blue lights and sirens and drove into the hospital gate. They stopped behind the first ambulance outside the emergency room, followed by several medical staff. He jumped out of the two ambulances and pushed the two patients to the emergency room in a hurry.

Ye Feng frowned, he looked at the two ambulances coming, and said to himself, "The emergency room was really busy tonight, it seems that it was a sleepless night!"

It didn't take long, the report sounded from his earphone: "Report, the two ambulances that came in later were indeed patients, and now, after being diagnosed by the doctor in the emergency room, these two patients are indeed emergency patients. Nothing unusual."

Ye Feng then saw several medical staff walk out of the door of the emergency room again. Several people boarded the next two ambulances, and then turned around and drove towards the door of the hospital.

Ye Feng looked at the first ambulance that was still parked outside the door of the emergency room, and asked into the microphone with a gloomy expression: "Director Qiao, why haven't the first ambulance and the medical staff on it returned?"

Director Qiao's voice followed in his earphones: "Bureau Ye, I am also a little puzzled. Now that the investigation has been done, it is said that the injured person is a relative of the ambulance driver, so the driver and the emergency doctor in the ambulance also went to the operation. It's not far from the surgical inpatient department, so I didn't send someone to follow it." "Understood, continue to monitor the surrounding movement." Ye Feng replied in a low voice, he knew that Director Qiao was worried that he would send someone to follow him. attention of outsiders.

Ye Feng stood looking out of the window in the dimly lit courtyard for a while, he turned around and walked to the seat next to Qi Zhijun and sat down, followed by pondering and said, "It's strange, the sedatives given by the enemy in the meal, the effective time is It's three o'clock in the night. But now the time has come, there is still no trace of the enemy. This is a bit strange, did they find an abnormality, temporarily cancel the operation, or change the operation time?" He raised his wrist and face. Staring blankly at the pointer above.

When Qi Zhijun heard Ye Feng's voice, he stared at the pictures around the surgical inpatient department on the screen and said thoughtfully: "It's a little strange, these red fox people are indeed beyond our expectations. According to our analysis, the enemy has no courage yet. Carry out a strong attack on our surgical inpatient department, otherwise they will not be able to escape if they make a But from which direction are they going to enter the target area?"

He turned his head to look at Ye Feng and said, "However, unless the other party finds that this is a trap and temporarily cancels the action. Otherwise, they have no reason to cancel the action. They worked hard to put medicine in the food, and we will definitely be aware of it the next day. If they really cancel tonight's action, it means that they have alerted us, and they should understand that once tonight is over, they have no chance of a second action at all!"

As he spoke, he carefully recalled the previous action steps, and then said with a certain tone: "Up to now, every step of our actions has not shown any flaws, and it is impossible for them to find out that this is a trap. And they really want to temporarily cancel the action. , they must notify the snipers on the roof of the experimental building to withdraw quickly, but now the leopard head has not sent a signal, which means that the other party is still on the roof of the experimental building and has not received an order to retreat. Therefore, they will definitely be there. Take action tonight!"

When he said this, a firm look suddenly appeared in his eyes. He grabbed the microphone on the table to tell Zou Tao and the others to be more vigilant, but then put it down with a relaxed expression. He turned his head to look at Ye Feng. Said: "Wait, Zou Tao, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, they are all people with rich experience in fighting the enemy, we don't need to remind them." After speaking, he gently placed the microphone on the table.

Seeing Qi Zhijun's calm look, Ye Feng grinned. He followed and looked at the surveillance screen in front of him and said, "Yes, no matter how capable the people of Red Fox are, they can't make waves on our land in China. We will wait for them in the target area, but I want to see. They can't take the bait!" As he said that, a cold and stern light appeared in his eyes.


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