Panther Commando

Chapter 4119: life and death

In the dimly lit corridor, the little man raised his gun and entered the corridor, and the two behind him also stepped into the door. The three of them raised their guns nervously and aimed into the dim corridor ahead, and one of them lowered the muzzle and turned around to quickly close the corridor door.

The boy closed the corridor door, and his face suddenly showed a vicious look. He raised his hand and tucked the * in his left hand into his waist, and turned to face a guard soldier who was sitting crookedly on the wall next to the building door. , suddenly raised the * in his hand, the muzzle of the gun was on the drooping head of the guard soldier, and the trigger was about to be pulled! Obviously, this kid wanted to see if the guard beside him was really in a drowsiness.

Qian Bin was shocked, he grabbed the handle of the door with his left hand and was about to open the door and rush out! The moment his hand touched the handle, he suddenly saw that another boy next to the corridor door grabbed his companion's raised arm, followed him and shook his head gently, apparently for fear of causing the surrounding people to shoot. vigilance.

Qian Bin immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other party raised his gun again and aimed at the corridor in front of him. He stared at the soldier of the special brigade who was still sitting on the ground with his head down, and praised in his heart: "It's really good! To be able to remain calm and motionless under the muzzle of the enemy's guns, this shows that the people brought by the Zou brigade. It's really different!"

At this time, he already understood the purpose of the other party to prevent his companions from shooting. The other party just used sedatives to anesthetize the people in his corridor, and did not dare to use sedatives for the doctors and patients in the surrounding wards to avoid causing people to be alert. At this time, the kid fired, although the sound of the gunshot was extremely low, the smell of gunpowder from the muzzle must permeate the corridor, and the bullet must make a sound when it hits the target.

In this extremely quiet environment, any small sounds and the smell of gunpowder smoke are likely to attract the attention of the surrounding guards. So, when his companion was about to pull the trigger, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his arm. Moreover, they certainly do not believe that someone can point a gun at their head in a sober state and still remain silent.

Seeing that the other party had left the door and walked forward, Qian Bin immediately released his left hand that was gripping the doorknob tightly. He knew that the brother of the special team on the ceiling must be like him and almost shot the boy below.

Although they can easily kill these three boys by shooting now, the sound of the gunfire will inevitably alert the enemies outside who are responsible for covering and retreating, and it is very likely that other enemies can escape before being exposed. So, before all the enemies are exposed, they really can't make it easy.

At this moment, the three boys who had already entered the corridor raised their guns and glanced around. They stared at Lingling and Wen Meng in nurse uniforms who were sitting in the front corridor, and their nervous eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

The boy walking in front immediately raised his hand and made a "go forward" gesture. The three of them then clasped their hands tightly, aiming their guns at the door of the ward and doctor's office in front of them, and then carefully pressed against the wall of the corridor. of moving forward.

The sleeping security guards in the corridor and the nurses sitting on the edge of the corridor in front of them really relaxed the nervousness of the three boys. The sight of the guards and nurses asleep in front of them made them think that the sedatives secretly dropped into the lunch box had worked, and the guards and medical staff in this closed area had already fallen asleep.

Now they all think that they can successfully kidnap a scientific expedition team member and take away the precious meteorite fragments obtained by the scientific expedition team members without a knife. From the beginning of their operation to the present, it is indeed smooth sailing. .

Three figures in white coats quickly approached the first ward in front of them in the dim light of the corridor. The little man in front bent over and stepped over the door, aiming his gun at the doors of the rooms in front of him, and then a tall man standing on the side of the door suddenly probed into the ward through the small glass window on the door. Go, the other boy stopped under the wall of the opposite corridor, half squatted and aimed his gun at the door of the first ward.

The tall boy immediately saw through the glass window on the door of the ward that three guard soldiers were lying on the three beds in the ward, and he immediately realized that this was the restroom of the guards on duty.

At this time, three soldiers in combat uniforms were lying sideways on the hospital bed, and the lights in the room were still on. Obviously, the three soldiers couldn't hold on before turning off the lights, and fell asleep under the attack of the medicine. . On the innermost wall of the ward near the window, three assault rifles were lined up neatly.

The big man stared at the three sleeping soldiers in the room, and a sinister smile immediately appeared on his face. He then reached out and patted the small man in front of him who was holding his gun at the surrounding room, motioning him to move on. The little man felt the gesture of his companion behind He immediately understood that there was no danger in the side ward. He raised his foot and walked towards the second ward in front. He walked to the door and followed the probe to look into the ward. .

The room was also brightly lit, and the hospital bed was empty. He turned his face and glanced at the two female nurses sitting crookedly by the corridor wall, and immediately understood that this was the girls' dormitory. He followed a step and stepped across the front of the doctor's office, and the muzzle in his hand immediately aimed at the doctor's office with the half-open door.

The back of a female doctor immediately caught his eye. The female doctor was lying on the desk with an open book under her body. The beautiful half of the female doctor's face was facing the door, and her fair face was very white. Delicate, the long eyelashes on his face are trembling slightly with steady breathing.

He followed and looked to the side of the office. There were also two doctors in white coats lying on the other two desks. The two also looked like they were sleeping. There were a few plastic bags in a trash can next to them. in the fast food box.

The boy then turned his gaze to the beautiful female doctor's face again. At this moment, a squinting look suddenly appeared in his eyes. The beautiful figure of the female doctor was like a magnet that tightly attracted him. His eyes were gleaming, and he was about to walk into the house when he lifted his feet.

At this moment, the boy behind him who was holding his gun against the wall stepped over to his side. The man glanced into the office, and then looked sharply at his companion who raised his feet and walked into the room. There was a strong murderous aura.

The little man quickly took back his footsteps when he saw the sharp gaze of his companion. He glanced greedily at the female doctor, and then lowered his head to look at the two female nurses who were asleep on the floor of the corridor in front of him.


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