Panther Commando

Chapter 4120: sleeping ward

In the dimly lit corridor, two pretty female nurses sat slumped by the corridor wall with their heads bowed, the long eyelashes on their faces still trembling slightly, their breathing seemed to be very even, and their delicate faces seemed to be broken.

The boy stared greedily at the two delicate nurses in front of him. He unconsciously bent down, stretched out his left hand and lightly touched a nurse's delicate face, then raised his left hand to his nose and took a deep breath. He stared at the two little nurses in front of him with glowing eyes, then swallowed hard, straightened his waist, raised his gun and walked forward.

The other tall man in the back looked down at the little nurse who was motionless, then raised his eyes and glared at the boy in front of him. He muttered in a low voice, then raised his right arm and raised his gun and walked forward. .

The corridor was dark and silent, and the lowly sound sleeps continued one after another. The little man in front was already following the wall under the corridor on the right, and carefully walked past the door of the trauma treatment room on the left. He raised his gun and turned his head to glance at the closed door of the treatment room. At the door of the last ward.

He raised his gun nervously and aimed at another corridor door in front of him. When he saw several fully-armed guards lying down on the corridor door, the nervous expression on his face suddenly relaxed, and his hands with guns followed to his side. look inside the door of the ward.

This third ward is the inpatient ward of the three expedition team members they discovered in the covert reconnaissance. It is likely that there are also hidden guards in it, so the little man's mood became extremely nervous, and he clenched the pistol deeply in both hands. He took a deep breath, and then suddenly the probe looked in through the glass on the door.

The room was very dark, but through the light from the bathroom inside the door, the little man could see three figures lying on three hospital beds at a glance. He looked at it intently, and his face suddenly became tense again. He vaguely saw a dark figure dazedly beside the innermost hospital bed. But he immediately saw from the nurse hat on the shadow's head that it was a sleepy little nurse sitting under the bed.

He let out a long breath, released the gun handle with his left hand and raised it in a "safe" gesture, then put his left hand down and gently pushed open the door of the last ward.

At this time, the two tall men in the back were walking close to the corridors on both sides with their guns in both hands. That was the boy who raised the gun to the head of the guard soldier. Seeing the gesture from his companion in front, he stepped over and sat on the floor. The two little nurses on top then raised their guns to face the treatment room in front, and then raised their left hand to push open the door of the treatment room.

Qian Bin was closely monitoring the movements of the three boys in the door through the observation hole on the door. At this time, he saw that the other party was actually going to push the door to come in to check. His face changed greatly, and the gun in his hand immediately aimed at the door. At this time, he had no time to retreat into the room and look like he was asleep. Once the boy outside the door came in, he had to act first. In such a short period of time, he really did not have time to make other reactions.

Just when the other party was about to open the door, a low voice in Y language suddenly came from outside the door: "Speed ​​up, don't make trouble."

As the head of the operations department of the National Security Bureau, Qian Bin is proficient in four or five foreign languages. He immediately understood the meaning of the other party's words, and knew that the boy across the corridor must be the team leader of this action team, and now he must be It has been judged that there is no danger, so he ordered his subordinates to speed up and act as soon as possible to avoid someone breaking in in the middle.

Sure enough, the boy outside the door, who had already touched the door panel, withdrew his left hand, and a low sound of footsteps followed from the door. Qian Bin breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his muzzle and cheeks and continued to look out in front of the observation hole on the door.

The tall man who was about to push the door just now raised his gun and walked forward, and the boy across the corridor also appeared at the door of Zou Tao's ward. At this time, the little man glanced at the two companions who were following behind him with searching eyes, followed by pointing to the front and making a "safe" gesture. The boy behind him immediately raised the muzzle and shook the door, signaling him to go in immediately.

The little man saw the movement of the boy behind, and immediately pushed open the door of the ward where Zou Tao and the others were, and walked in. The two boys at the back immediately stood by the door one by one, raising their guns and aiming at both sides of the corridor. .

The little man walked into the ward. He immediately raised his gun and glanced inside the room. When he saw that the three people lying on the hospital bed and the little nurse sitting on the floor were still sleeping, he immediately pointed the gun at him. The bathroom was lit with lights on the side, and then he pushed open the bathroom door. At this time, he was leaning against the wall next to the bathroom door, and he looked very nervous. He was obviously worried that there were security guards hidden in the bathroom.

The lights in the bathroom were still on, and the room was empty. The little man immediately breathed a sigh of relief, he took a half step back, stretched out his left hand and made a gesture to the two companions behind him, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com followed with a gun and walked into the dimly lit ward.

The tall man who was watching the corridors on both sides from the door saw the gesture made by the smaller man in the room. The two of them swayed and entered the ward immediately. The guns were still aimed at the door, and their movements seemed very tight.

There were still waves of low snoring in the corridor and the ward, and there was no abnormal sound. The two tall men carefully listened to the movement outside the door, then quickly turned around and raised their guns at the dimly lit ward.

At this time, the little man had already raised his gun and walked to the hospital bed of the second air knife. His muzzle quickly slid across the three figures lying on the beds, and then aimed at the little nurse who was sitting on the floor next to him, leaning against the bedside table. .

At this time, he saw that the four people in the room were still sleeping, so he lowered the muzzle of his gun with confidence, followed one step to the aisle of the first and second hospital beds, and reached out and grabbed the air knife with his left hand. metal box. He then lowered his head and took a closer look at the diamond in the box that exuded a dim light, and then reached out and touched the few dark stones on the side, and he whispered in Y in surprise: "That's right. , these are meteorite fragments."

Hearing the sound, the two tall men stepped over to his side. One of the operations team leaders glanced down at the metal box. He then stretched out his left hand and grabbed the metal box. He carefully closed the lid and stuffed it into his chest pocket. Then he lowered his head and whispered in Y language: "Second group, act!" He then whispered to another tall companion beside him: "Take this expedition team member and go!"

The tall man immediately bent over, picked up the air knife lying on the bed and carried it on his shoulders. He raised the gun in one hand and held the air knife on his shoulder with the other, and turned around to walk out of the house. The little man immediately turned around and walked out the door, the * in his hand facing the direction of the door.


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