Panther Commando

Chapter 4121: Anger in the dark

In the dimly lit ward, the person with the appearance of the team leader stared at the metal box in the small man's hand with light.

He saw that the little man and the companion who was carrying the hospital bed in the middle had already walked towards the door. He then turned around and walked to the window, stretched out his left hand and opened a gap in the thick curtain. He raised his * and aimed out the window of the ward, staring straight at the direction of the emergency building outside the window.

At this time, the ambulance that had been parked in front of the emergency building had flashed its blue warning lights under his command, and roared towards the door in front of the surgical inpatient department, as if picking up one from the inpatient department. Patients with sudden emergencies are generally transferred to hospitals.

Almost at the same time, in the parking lot outside the surgical inpatient ward, there was a sudden muffled sound of a car motor, and a black car slowly drove out of the parking position and drove directly to the road at the back door of the hospital on the side.

Another dark gray off-road vehicle started the motor and parked quietly in the parking space with the lights on. The barrels of the two guns were aimed at the mouth of the surgical inpatient department and the road leading to the hospital gate on the side.

At this time, Ye Feng, the commander-in-chief of the operation, and Qi Zhijun, the deputy commander-in-chief, were already standing in front of the window of the temporary command headquarters on the top floor of the surgical inpatient department. The emergency van heading for the surgical inpatient unit.

At this moment, a low report from Director Qi of the Intelligence Department came out from their earphones at the same time: "Report, the ambulance parked in front of the emergency building suddenly started and was heading towards the surgical inpatient department. The surgical inpatient department was hospitalized. A black car and a dark gray off-road vehicle in the parking lot near the department also started at the same time and were slowly moving towards the surgical inpatient department. On the road outside the hospital gate, four vehicles were approaching the road in front of the hospital from different directions."

Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun heard Director Qiao's report, they looked at each other, Qi Zhijun raised his hand gloomily and slashed down, Ye Feng looked at Qi Zhijun's actions, and immediately whispered into the microphone beside his mouth He shouted in a deep voice, "Action!"

Following Ye Feng's low and firm command, the big man in the ward who was walking towards the door with the air knife suddenly heard a low and angry scolding: "Boy, be gentle! "

Before he finished speaking, a fierce wind sounded straight to the boy's ears. The big man who was carrying the air knife heard the scolding suddenly coming from beside him. He was startled and suddenly raised the * in his right hand, but before he could point the gun at the air knife, he heard the sound in his ears. There was a loud "bang", and the base of the ear seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer.

A loud bang echoed in his head, and his head immediately tilted to the right shoulder. With a groan, he let go of the tightly gripped pistol and fell sideways with his eyes closed.

The air knife on his shoulder slammed hard at the base of the boy's ear, followed by a push on his shoulder, and his raised right hand swung vigorously at the boy who was walking towards the door in front of him.

In the darkness, a dim light with a sharp wind "whoosh" flew straight to the right shoulder of the little man in front of him who was walking towards the door! At this time, Cheng Ru, who was on the hospital bed near the door, had already swooped up with a carp, and rushed behind the boy who was walking towards the door with the flying knife whistling past!

The little man who was walking towards the door heard the scolding behind and the sound of beating one after another. He took a step towards the side wall in shock, and the pistol in his right hand slammed back. At this moment, a cold light has been whistling into his right back shoulder.

With the sound of a sharp knife being inserted into his arm, the little man groaned, his right arm that was being raised slammed down, and the * in his hand fell to the ground in response!

The little man's reaction was quick, he twisted his body sharply in the sudden sharp pain in his back shoulder, his left hand quickly slid across his waist, and a sharp dagger was raised and slammed into the pounced shadow. At this time, his dark face had turned pale, and the severe pain had distorted his pale face, and the whole face looked very hideous in the dark.

At this moment, Cheng Ru's figure had appeared in front of him. His left hand stretched forward and grabbed the opponent's wrist that was holding the dagger tightly, and then he grabbed it vigorously and twisted it to the side. The right hand hit the opponent's face hard.

With the sound of shattering bones, the clenched fist of his right hand also slammed into the opponent's face. At this time, the air knife also fell from the air at the same time, and he raised his left foot with a slap. Kicked **** the lower back of the little man. The little man was hit hard one after another, and with a scream, he rose off the ground, and flew straight towards the open door like a sharp arrow.

At the same time as the angry scolding of the wind knife sounded, a white light suddenly rushed out from under Zou Tao's dark bed in the innermost ward like lightning and rushed towards the black shadow standing on the side of the window. Before the tall man standing by the window looking out could react, Bai Guang had already rushed to his right arm holding the gun.

Standing by the window, the big man raised his gun and observed the movement outside the window. He suddenly heard the scolding coming from behind him. He instinctively took a step back and turned sharply to move the muzzle back.

But at this moment, there was a gust of wind behind him, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw that a white light had rushed to his arm like lightning, and suddenly there was a sound from the wrist with the gun that he was raising backwards. A crisp "click" sound.

The boy involuntarily pulled the trigger during the mutation, and with a low "poof" gunshot, a faint fire burst out from the darkness immediately, and a red spark was immediately shot by the bullet on the wall opposite the hospital bed.

And at the same time as the fire was spewing from his muzzle, he also felt a sharp pain in his wrist at the same time. With a crisp "click" sound, his right hand, with the tightly clenched pistol, suddenly detached from his arm. Running to the ground and falling, a red column of blood spurted forward from the broken arm like a fountain.

At this time, Wu Xueying, who was sitting on the floor between Feng Dao and Zou Tao's hospital beds, had already sprung out from the room to the window like a leopard. A slap" hit the boy who had just turned around on the chest.

The boy's face suddenly turned pale, he shouted, and flew backwards with a bow, and then slammed into the wall by the window with a slap. He stared in disbelief at the palm that was falling to the ground with his eyes wide open, his left hand suddenly inserted into the pocket of the doctor's white coat he was wearing, and then he pulled out a round object.


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