Panther Commando

Chapter 4124: intensive gunshots

Zou Tao looked at the two enemies who were killed by Cheng Ru and Wen Meng outside the window. He already knew in his heart that there was indeed a big gap between his team members and the leopard team members around him. Their special team's sniper pistols were very accurate. , but they just lack the leopard team's ability to observe the battlefield situation and the ability to pull the trigger decisively in a critical situation.

If Cheng Ru and Wen Meng's actions were a little slower just now, I'm afraid that the enemy's muzzle would have ejected two strings of ferocious bullets. And this momentary delay may cause casualties to the surrounding special forces.

At this time, Cheng Ru's muzzle had already moved, and the muzzle was aimed at the ambulance that was rushing towards the back of the hospital. Just when he aimed at the side of the car and pulled the trigger, two clusters of sparks shot out by bullets suddenly appeared on the roof and side of the ambulance. The snipers of the special brigade hiding around had pulled the trigger on the escaped ambulance.

At this moment, a wheeled armored vehicle suddenly rushed out of a dim bungalow in front. Several bright headlights in front of the vehicle were shining straight at the rushing ambulance, and a machine gun mounted on the roof of the armored vehicle was lying on the back. With a black shadow wearing a helmet, the muzzle of the machine gun was aimed straight at the rushing ambulance. At this time, the armored vehicle with machine guns was roaring and rushed straight to the ambulance in front!

Cheng Ru raised his sniper rifle and saw the rushing armored vehicle, and he grinned. At this time, he already understood that Ye Feng, Qi Zhijun, and Zou Tao had considered various plans for the enemy to retreat, and had already made adequate preparations.

The wheeled armored vehicle that suddenly rushed out must have been quietly transported into the hospital by a large box truck and hidden in a garage of the hospital. At this time, the operation had already begun, and the armored vehicle, which suddenly rushed out of the darkness, just intercepted the fleeing enemy vehicle.

Cheng Ru followed and retracted the sniper rifle. He whispered to Zou Tao who was standing by the side of the window: "Zou Brigade, you continue to command the brothers outside, let's go to support Leopard Head!" He ran to the door with the wind knife.

Now that he has seen the armored vehicles that can resist bullets blocking the enemy's retreat, he knows that these enemies in the courtyard are no longer a concern, and Ye Feng definitely wants to leave a few openings in order to know as much as possible about the red fox the situation of this organization. So he immediately pulled back the sniper rifle from the window, turned around and ran towards the door with the wind knife.

As soon as the two ran out of the ward, Xiaoya and Qian Bin in the corridor ran towards the right corridor with guns. Lingling, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying also rushed out of the girls' dormitory next to them. The rifle followed Cheng Ru and several others and ran to the right corridor.

A few people just ran to the side corridor door, and Ye Feng's stern command sounded in everyone's earphones: "Stop these motorcycles outside the door, and they must not escape!" Cheng Ru and several people heard Ye Feng's words. The command sounded, and while carrying the gun and running down the corridor, he turned his head and looked out through the windows of the surrounding rooms.

Before Ye Feng's voice could be heard, a flashing red police light suddenly lit up in the thick night outside the military hospital, followed by bursts of hurried sirens, and the entire night sky was illuminated by the flashing police lights into a dark red.

With the sudden lighting of the police light, there was a rapid roar of motorcycles and the whistling motor of police cars in the night sky. The sound of pistol shots, followed by the roaring sound of motor vehicles. come.

At this time, on several streets outside the hospital, police lights flashed and sirens blared loudly, and black police cars with flashing lights roared out from various intersections, just blocking several streets around the hospital.

Four boys driving motorcycles were slowly waiting for their companions to rush out on the road near the hospital. At this time, they suddenly saw policemen pouring out of them. They were shocked and called their companions while driving more The motorcycle rushed around.

In the blink of an eye, the roar of motorcycles and police cars had resounded in the dark night sky, and the riders on several motorcycles raised their arms as they galloped, and a few flames went straight to the police who were rushing around. The surrounding police cars stopped on the road amid the flames sprayed by the other party. Groups of armed police soldiers immediately jumped out of the car, and then they hid in the darkness behind the car, raising their guns to aim at several motorcycles.

At this time, Ye Feng and Qi Zhijun, the commanders-in-chief of the temporary command post in the inpatient department of the internal medicine department, had already drawn the curtains and stood in front of the window, both of them looking out the window with sharp eyes. They were located just so that they could observe the street behind the hospital. The two of them stared at the few motorcycles that were flickering on the street like headless flies, and their faces were very gloomy.

At this moment, the voice of Wang Tiecheng, the leader of the Provincial Armed Police Special Brigade, suddenly came out of the headphones of the two: "Report, the frequency jammer and electromagnetic shielding vehicle have been put in place, and the enemy is still desperately resisting, whether to kill or not? "

Ye Feng heard Wang Tiecheng's hurried voice and immediately understood that this group of enemies was very dangerous. Even though they were surrounded, they were still desperately resisting. And Wang Tiecheng has also arranged electromagnetic jamming vehicles and frequency jammers at relevant positions as planned to prevent the enemy's remote control detonation and pre-installed * cover retreat.

He glanced at Qi Zhijun, who was standing beside him, and followed a stern command in the voice: "If the enemy continues to resist, kill him on the spot. Kill him on the spot!"

He already knew that he was facing members of the killer organization, the Red Fox. The members of this organization were different from the enemies of other organizations. They were all vicious and brutal, and they knew that they had a lot of blood debts on their hands. Once caught by any country, they would never Will there be a good end, so they will not die if they die.

At this time, Qi Zhijun heard Ye Feng's command, his face was gloomy, and there was a murderous look in his eyes, and he ordered to the microphone: "These red fox people can't be kept, kill them!" In his voice, the street outside was originally The police cars that had been blocked in the road by the fire from the enemy's guns suddenly sounded loudly, and the bright lights suddenly shot a dazzling beam of light in the dimness, followed by a burst of dense gunshots. .

In the dense gunshots, the two motorcycles that were running in an S-shape on the road fell to the ground, and the motorcycles that slid forward in inertia immediately rubbed two red sparks with the ground. The two motorcycle riders with helmets in the car suddenly jumped down agilely at the moment when the motorcycle overturned. They rolled on the road for a few weeks, and then they lay on the ground and raised their arms forward.

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