Panther Commando

Chapter 4125: hospital back door

nbsp; In the thick night, on the dark road behind the hospital, two motorcycles saw the police car with the police lights flashing on the road ahead. the trigger. At the same time as their gunshots, a dense burst of bullets had been whistling.

The two boys snorted and slammed off the motorcycle and rolled to the side of the street. The unmanned motorcycle continued to charge forward for more than ten meters, and then fell to the ground and rubbed against the dark road. Dark red Mars.

The two boys jumped out and tumbled quickly on the ground for a few weeks, then bent down and stood up under a row of low plants on the side of the road. They carried pistols and limped down the side wall.

The two rushed under the dim wall in panic. While twisting and pulling the trigger towards the police car not far away, they accelerated to the head of the wall that suddenly jumped up and grabbed the wall.

At this moment, several black shadows suddenly appeared on the dim wall, and the muzzles of the black holes were already aimed below. The two boys jumped to the side in shock, the muzzle in their hands immediately raised upwards. "Da da da", "da da da", a burst of rapid gunfire followed from the wall, and several strings of whistling bullets flew straight to the two boys who raised their pistols. The two boys trembled violently a few times amid the loud gunfire, and raised their hands back. He fell backwards without saying a word.

At the same time, in a narrow, dim alley on the side, two other motorcycles with black lights were racing forward like crazy, and the motorcycles made a hoarse roar.

The two boys who were driving had heard the rushing sirens and gunshots behind them. They had already understood that their two companions would never have any hope of surviving, so the two of them twisted the motorcycle hard regardless. Accelerate the accelerator, speed up and rush to the front alley.

Just as the two motorcycles approached the junction in front, a black police personnel carrier suddenly rushed out of the dim hutong entrance. The bright headlights in front of the car illuminated the narrow, dark hutong as if it were daytime. Then came several armed police soldiers who were fully armed and aimed their guns at the hutong.

The two motorcyclists were startled and hurriedly braked and turned. The motorcycle immediately made a sharp braking sound. The two motorcyclists pressed the handlebars with their hands and jumped sideways from the motorcycle to the side of the road.

They tumbled on the ground for a few weeks as soon as they landed, and then jumped and rushed down the walls on both sides. The two smoky cylindrical things also rolled from their hands at the same time, and went straight to the dark road ahead. Scroll up.

In a blink of an eye, the two boys had already rushed under the fence through the big tree by the roadside amid the harsh rubbing noise of the motorcycle. At this moment, two shadows suddenly appeared on the dark roof of the troop carrier.

"Da da da", "da da da", the sound of two rapid assault rifle shots followed from the black personnel carrier, and the two boys who had already reached up and reached out to grab the head of the wall, as if they were hit by a heavy hammer. After a while, it flew back along the wall, followed by two heavy landing sounds, "patta" and "patta", and the pistols clenched in the right hands of the two also fell to the ground.

At this time, two plumes of thick smoke had risen from the small columns tumbling on the ground, and the narrow, dim alley was shrouded in a thick white smoke.

At the entrance of the dim alley, the two shadows on the roof of the troop carrier who had just fired had straightened up. Wang Tiecheng was wearing a helmet and a full set. The soldier hiding behind the car waved and shouted: "Put on a gas mask and clean up the scene!"

He followed the command of a captain standing beside him with a gun: "Staff Wang, let's go, let's go directly to the hospital!" He then retracted from the roof of the car into the car. Following his voice, the black police armored personnel carrier immediately made a roar of "hum" and rushed towards the fog ahead.

At this time, the kid who was driving the ambulance in the hospital had already seen the water vapor that exploded when the off-road vehicle behind him hit through the reflector. His face turned pale, and he stepped on the gas pedal hard and rushed towards the back door of the hospital.

He already knew in his heart that the two companions in the off-road vehicle and the team leader who entered the ward were finished, and his only way out now was to rush out of the hospital and try to escape under the cover of his accomplices outside the hospital.

Just when the ambulance rushed to the back door of the hospital and there were still hundreds of meters, he reached out and took out a small remote control from his pocket, pressed the button on the remote control with the fingers of his right hand, and stared straight at hundreds of meters. outside the hospital gate. But the door still stood quietly in the dark, only a few lights beside the door were glowing dimly.

The boy's eyes widened, his right hand shook the remote control in his hand vigorously, and his fingers followed and pressed **** the remote control. The gate was still silent, and a flame did not burst as expected, and the surrounding roads were also dark as usual, and there was no violent explosion.

He cursed angrily, threw the remote control to the passenger seat next to him, and then stepped on the accelerator and drove straight to the gate, wanting to break through the gate and escape. According to their plan, they have two sets of evacuation plans. The first plan is to stun the guards in the ward, then hijack the expedition team members and meteor fragments, and disguise as a patient to escape directly from the main entrance of the hospital.

The second set of retreat plan is to rush out through the back door of the hospital once there are pursuers behind. They have already installed remote control detonators around the road near the back door, and they are ready to suddenly explode the door when they are close to the back door, and then drive directly out of the hospital, while detonating other detonators to stop the pursuers.

This kid did not expect that he could not detonate after pressing the remote control several times in a row. This made him immediately understand that the other party had taken precautionary measures and completely blocked the radio transmission frequency on the remote control, which showed that it was indeed an early morning. Just the traps designed for them, Huaxia's military and police have long been waiting for them to come and die.

At this moment, the kid already understood the whole story. He desperately gave up the remote control in his hand, stepped on the accelerator and drove to the back door of the hospital. At this moment, the iron door of a warehouse next to the back door of the hospital suddenly opened, and a black-pressed wheeled armored vehicle suddenly drove out of the warehouse.

The armored vehicle rushed out of the warehouse door, then turned around on the road ahead, and rushed towards the oncoming ambulance. The two bright headlights in front of the armored vehicle illuminated the dim road as if it were daylight.

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