Panther Commando

Chapter 4152: old man's friend

Wan Lin and his grandfather stopped when they saw the rushing waterfall in front of them. Grandpa glanced solemnly at the roaring waterfall in front of him, then turned to look at Wan Lin and asked, "Lin Er, do you still remember the place where the illusory priest lived. The Taoist temple?"

Wan Lin stared at the steep mountain in front, and he replied: "Remember, that Taoist temple is halfway up the mountain behind the waterfall. I remember that the hill behind was a steep rock wall, and the Taoist temple was hanging on the cliff. He also brought me and Xiaohua here." He followed and looked at the waterfall in front of him.

The peaks in front are tall and steep, with rolling hills on both sides. On the cliffs near the top of the mountain hangs a silver waterfall with a width of 20 to 30 meters. The white water collides violently between the rocks on the mountainside and pours down. Crystal clear water droplets are flying in the air, and the vast white water vapor permeates the mountainside.

The roaring waterfall then slammed into a pool of water at the foot of the mountain. The waves at the foot of the mountain were flying, and the overflowing water flow from the water pool converged into a narrow stream from the foot of the mountain, rushing along the foot of the mountain. Going to the mountains in the distance, the scene is very spectacular!

"What a magnificent waterfall!" Wan Lin admired the waterfall pouring down in front of him. He then turned to look at his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, the waterfall here seems to be much bigger than when I was a child."

Looking at the waterfall, the old man raised his hand and folded his gray hair and replied, "Yes, it's much bigger than when I came here a few years ago. Let's go, the Master of Nothingness is waiting for us." He lowered his head. , looked at Xiao Hua who had run to the side of the water and was licking the splashing spray with her mouth open and her head raised, and shouted, "Xiao Hua, we're leaving, lead the way ahead!"

Xiaohua heard her grandfather's cry in the rumbling sound of the waterfall. It turned around and ran from the water to the steep hillside. Then, it stopped on a rock and shook the long hair on its body. Diffuse in the sunset.

The setting sun is like blood! The sunset hanging high on the top of the western mountain suddenly turned blood red. At this moment, the waterfall in front was suddenly illuminated with blood red by the sunset, and the dark gray rock on the mountain peak was also reflected in a gold at this moment. Yellow, the water splashes from the little flowers are bright red, like blood droplets that fill the air.

The old man looked at the waterfall that suddenly turned red, his face changed greatly, he stared at the red waterfall that was flying down, and muttered: "Life is easy to end in the morning, and things are impermanent and bad. go!"

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard his grandfather's muttering, and quickly followed his grandfather's side and strode to the side of the hill. He didn't know what the old man saw in the waterfall that was suddenly reddened, but he had already heard that the old man was reciting the verses of Lu You, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. .

At this time, the old man's face already showed an anxious look. The large rock he stepped on suddenly made two "clicks" and slightly shattered, and the tall body jumped towards the hillside on the side of the waterfall. In the past, his heels would just touch the jagged rocks, and he ran to the back foot of the mountain at a fast speed.

At this time, the figure of the old man was ups and downs, and the whole person seemed to be floating forward quickly on the hillside. In the blink of an eye, Wan Lin had been pulled away by a distance of nearly 100 meters.

Wan Lin saw his grandfather suddenly mentioning Qinggong and rushing out to the side, he immediately realized that he felt the immortality and longevity, so he rushed out impatiently. Chase behind.

The little flower on the rock on the side saw that Grandpa and Wan Lin suddenly flew forward like a fly. It also quickly turned around and jumped off the high rock, and ran straight down the hillside like a cloud of smoke.

It wasn't long before Wan Lin and his grandfather had followed the flower in front of him and turned over the front hillside. At this time, Wan Lin's eyes lit up. The foot of the hill in front of him was lush and green, while the side hillside was full of strange rocks, hanging from the steep hillside. With a raised Taoist temple.

The wall outside the Taoist temple is mottled, revealing patches of gray and white traces, and the buildings inside the wall cannot be seen from the foot of the mountain. At this time, the Taoist temple with a dilapidated appearance has been integrated with the dark gray steep rock wall. It is difficult to find that there is a Taoist temple with a history of hundreds of years hidden on this steep rock wall.

At this moment, the sound of the guqin like pearls falling on a plate suddenly came faintly with the breeze in the mountains, and Wan Lin quickly listened to it. The sound of the piano is intermittent in the slight mountain wind. For a while, it is as rushing as the roaring river, which is heart-wrenching;

At this moment, the old man stopped and listened attentively, and the anxious look on his face suddenly calmed down in the melodious sound of the piano, he murmured and sighed: "The old friend of nothingness is waiting for me, I finally came. It's gone!"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, the sound of the piano suddenly became high-pitched and agitated along with the There was a sense of excitement in the sound of the piano. Obviously, the violinist had sensed the old man coming.

The old man listened to the suddenly agitated sound of the piano, followed by a look of relief on his face. He knew that his old friend had already sensed his breath. He looked up at the towering mountain peaks in front of him and took a deep breath, catering to the sound of the piano blowing from the mountain wind, he let out a long, low whistle in a melodious tone.

At this time, the faint sound of the guqin suddenly changed its tune, the sound of the qin became ethereal and distant, and the pearl-like sound floated straight to the top of the mountain. ""High Mountains and Flowing Waters"!" Wan Lin murmured suddenly when he heard the Qingyue qin sound, he had already heard that this was the famous guqin song "High Mountains and Flowing Waters".

The old man listened to the crisp sound of the piano, he stopped the long whistling, his gray eyebrows trembled violently, and tears welled up in his eyes, he knew that this old friend who had been with him for decades, also He is regarded as a bosom friend!

He then raised his head and chanted: "Ere is like Mount Tai, and the ocean is like a river. There is no old friend, I am here!" The old man's voice with inner strength was already trembling slightly in excitement, and a jagged rock under his feet followed. It collapsed with a "crash" sound. At this moment, the figure of the old man sprang forward like a roc with its wings spread out, heading straight for the steep rock wall in front of him.

Wan Lin saw the figure saved by his grandfather, and he suddenly understood why his grandfather valued this nihilistic leader so much in his heart. Grandpa's skill is extremely high, and there are few opponents in the world, and there are very few people in the world who can really interact with him. And the nihilistic Taoist priest who lives in seclusion on this cliff in front of him is as high as his grandfather in both skill and medical skills. He is indeed the old man's bosom friend hidden in his heart!


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