Panther Commando

Chapter 4153: Taoist temple on the cliff

Xiaohua heard her grandfather's call by the deafening waterfall. It raised its head and let out a deafening leopard roar, then jumped high from the flying water, and ran straight to the Taoist temple halfway up the mountain.

Wan Lin saw the anxious grandfather running towards the hillside with Xiao Hua. He quickly surveyed his surroundings, his right hand quickly passed over his waist, and he held a few steel needles between his fingers. Grandpa ran down the steep side of the hill.

At this time, Wan Lin really felt uneasy in his heart. Daoist Netherworld suddenly sent a message to his grandfather, and the message sent out with his true energy was very weak. According to what his grandfather knew about him, he must have encountered an accident, but it was really hard to predict what happened, so Wan Lin secretly Take out a few steel needles and clamp them between your fingers to prevent emergencies.

Wan Lin followed his grandfather's figure and turned around the side hillside, and he saw the hillside behind the mountain at a glance. The hillside is extremely steep, and the hillside is covered with strange rocks. Pieces of jagged rocks stand out with sharp edges and corners. Twisted black rock cracks are all over the rocks, and several green weeds are sticking out from the rock cracks. The wind swayed, and the faint Taoist temple stood on a boulder that suddenly protruded halfway up the mountain.

Wan Lin looked up at the Taoist temple on the steep mountainside, and he secretly said in his heart: "What a hidden Taoist temple, even if ordinary people find this Taoist temple standing on a mountainside of several hundred meters, it is difficult to climb up. No wonder grandpa doesn't let them become Confucianists. Follow, I'm afraid it will waste a lot of time to climb up by yourself."

At this time, Xiaohua had already jumped high and jumped up the steep hill. It grabbed the rock in front of it and turned its head to look at Grandpa and Wanlin behind. There was a faint blue light in his eyes, and he seemed to be anxiously waiting for them to go up. .

Grandpa saw that Xiaohua had jumped up the cliff, he also ran a few steps forward, followed by leaping up, grabbed a crack in the rock under Xiaohua, and kicked a raised rock under his right foot. The body jumped up again, and in the blink of an eye, he had already climbed to the cliff wall thirty or forty meters high.

Seeing his grandfather's impatient look, Wan Lin quickly took a deep breath and picked up Qinggong, speeding up and running to the foot of the mountain. He jumped up and grabbed a rock above, and kicked a rock protruding under him with both feet. , the body jumped directly to a black rock crevice diagonally above.

He quickly climbed to the foot of his grandfather, then panted and looked up, the cliffs above were almost straight up and down, while observing the steep cliffs above, he secretly said in his heart: "The Taoist temple is built on such a steep mountainside. This shows that the Taoist priests in this Taoist temple do have a rare light in the world, and it also shows that they are masters of the world who like quietness and do not like to interact with outsiders. The tradition of Pu, sitting and forgetting to keep one, it is no wonder that the master of nothingness has such high attainments."

He did come here with his grandfather when he was a child, but he was still young at the time, and his grandfather climbed this steep cliff with him on his back, so he didn't have this shocking feeling in his heart.

Now that he is hanging on this steep rock wall, he is really a little frightened in his heart when he experiences the cliffs that people who watch inside usually go in and out. He stopped for a while to breathe, and then kicked his feet on the cracks under his feet, and his body jumped upwards.

With the rising and falling figures of Wan Lin, Grandpa and Xiao Hua on the rock wall, the crisp sound of the piano could be heard clearly. At this moment, the high-pitched sound of the piano suddenly became low, and each note was as heavy as the whimper of a mountain spring, causing Wan Lin's heart to beat violently suddenly, and a strong infuriating qi followed the low-pitched piano. The sound rushed towards him.

Wan Lin's face immediately turned red. He forced his inner strength to suppress the beating heart in his heart, resisting the strong infuriating qi that was rushing down from above. He stretched out his left hand and grabbed a raised rock above. He stopped in a crevice below and looked up, with a look of horror in his eyes.

The deep sound of the piano carried a strong internal force, and the small sound of the piano penetrated into his heart like a golden iron horse, as if a heavy punch was punching in his heart, which made him stunned. He really did not expect that the Taoist priest, who was about to become a person in his grandfather's mouth, could still play such a fierce qin sound when his life was on the verge of death. This skill really shocked him!

At this time, the grandfather who was climbing up suddenly heard Wan Lin's violent breathing. He stretched out his right arm and grabbed a rock above, hanging in the air and looking down.

When he saw Wan Lin's flushed face, he quickly raised his left hand and waved it downward, and a pink infuriating energy instantly enveloped Ji Wan Lin's body. The old man waved his left hand up, and shouted in a deep voice, "Lin'er, get up!"

With the infuriating energy of the old man Wan Lin's ears suddenly disappeared, and he felt a force lift himself up. He hurriedly kicked the crevice under his body with his feet, and his body jumped up with a bang, and stopped after grabbing a raised rock beside his grandfather.

When the old man saw Wan Lin rushing to his side safely, he turned his head to look at the surrounding mountains, his face was very gloomy. Wan Lin grabbed the rock, looked up at the Taoist temple not far above, and said in horror, "Grandpa, the Taoist priest is so powerful, and the sound of the piano he plays now carries such a powerful internal force, should he be alright? "

At this moment, Xiao Hua had already scurried under the wall of the Taoist temple, looking down with a faint blue light in her eyes, and was not affected by the sound of the piano at all.

Grandpa heard Wan Lin's horrified voice, he listened intently to the melody of the piano and shook his head, then he sighed and said in a low voice, "This is a tune played by Wu Wu with the inner strength that he has cultivated in his life. Summarize your life with the sound of the piano, while preventing outsiders from approaching."

The sound of the qin has become fluctuating high and low, the tune is soft and soft like the whispers of family members for a while, and the tune is high and agitated like a galloping river.

Grandpa listened to the sound of the piano for a while, and he said in a low voice with a gloomy face: "Lin Er, listen carefully, there are childhood joys, all-powerful arrogance, and the struggle of gold and iron horses in this sound. There are whispers of family affection, and boundless remorse in my heart! But there have been discontinuities in the sound of the piano, which shows that his qi is insufficient and his true qi cannot run freely. Unexpectedly, otherwise the sound of the piano would not be filled with remorse!"


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