Panther Commando

Chapter 4155: majestic hall

The sun has set in the west, and the mountains are hazy. Wan Lin stood at the dim entrance of the Taoist Temple and looked inside carefully, then turned to look down the steep rock wall outside.

At this moment, the fingers of his right hand were holding a few steel needles tightly, and he had secretly raised his true qi, and there was a faint light in his eyes. Grandpa said just now that Chang seemed to be on guard against something, which made him feel uneasy.

He looked at the steep cliffs around him, and thought with some doubts in his heart: "Didn't Grandpa say that the Taoist priest has accepted an apprentice, why is this apprentice not around when the Taoist priest is dying? Could it be that something happened to this apprentice? abnormal?"

At this time, the little flower lying on his shoulder also seemed to feel the depressing atmosphere in the Taoist temple, with a faint blue light looming in its eyes, and looked around quietly.

After a while, a grandfather's deep voice suddenly came from a hall on the side of the Taoist temple: "Lin'er, you come in now and meet the vain Taoist priest." The old man's voice was very low, and there was a sense of sadness in his voice. .

Wan Lin's heart sank suddenly when he heard grandpa's cry, and he immediately realized that grandpa's hunch was accurate, and the nihilistic Taoist was really dying, otherwise grandpa's voice would not be so sad.

He quickly agreed in a low voice, and then whispered to Xiaohua, who was lying on his shoulder: "Xiaohua, pay attention to your surroundings!" Xiaohua wagged his tail on his shoulder, and then jumped from his shoulder, directly to the side The top of the high hall jumped over.

Wan Lin raised his foot and walked quickly towards the row of halls under the cliff. He stopped in front of the hall door in the middle, and quickly sorted out his camouflage uniform. He followed in a low voice and said, "Grandpa, I'm coming in. It's over." In his voice, he gently pushed open the two broken wooden doors that were leaking everywhere.

With the sound of the door opening, a tall statue immediately appeared in front of him. In the dimness, the statue stood close to the cliff, the paint on the body had faded, but the face of the statue was still lifelike, and a pair of big eyes were shooting a deep light, looking down at Wan Lin who had just stepped into the door, the whole hall gave people a glimpse. A majestic feeling.

On the incense table in front of the statue are three black bronze incense burners, and wisps of blue smoke are rising from the three incense burners. The light in the hall is very dark, the smoke is lingering inside, and the faint aroma contains a peculiar smell, which is refreshing. Wan Lin took a deep breath, and he immediately recognized that this kind of incense mixed with precious medicinal herbs can make people feel at ease and calm their minds. He turned around and closed the hall door, then turned to look inside the hall.

In the lingering blue smoke, an old Taoist priest in a Taoist uniform is sitting quietly in front of the statue, with an antique guqin placed on the small incense table in front of him.

The Taoist priest's face was haggard, with a dark blue color in his pale face, and a dark red bloodshot hanging from the corner of his mouth. Although his face was bleak, the two star eyes on his face were bright, and he quietly looked at Wan Lin who was pushing the door and walking in.

Wan Lin stepped in and closed the door of the hall and quickly folded his hands and bowed in salute. At this moment, the Taoist priest stared at Wan Lin's camouflage uniform for a moment, then turned to look at the old man sitting next to him and asked, "Soldier, is this Ling Sun?"

Grandpa sat cross-legged on the futon next to the incense table. He looked at Wan Lin who was saluting, waved his hand, and then pointed to another futon beside him to let him come over and sit down.

The old man looked at the Taoist priest and replied in a low voice: "Yes, he is my grandson Lin'er. He followed me to visit you when he was a child, and later he joined our Huaxia army and became a soldier who defended his family and the country. "

After listening to Grandpa Wan Lin's introduction, the nihilistic Taoist suddenly lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then raised his head after a while. With a look of remorse on his face, he looked at Wan Lin's grandfather and said in a low voice: "Okay, you still have the foresight. My family of Xuanxu has lived in seclusion here for generations, not to mention martial arts, but it can be regarded as The only remaining internal power sect in China, I didn't expect that this mysterious sect would be cut off with me."

As he spoke, two lines of hot tears suddenly shed in his eyes, he then reached out and grabbed Grandpa Wan Lin's hand and said, "I have relied on my hard-working martial arts to punish evil and promote good, and I have relied on my mysterious medical skills. I have saved countless people, but in the end, my Xuanxu stunt was ruined in my hands, I am so sorry!"

When Daoist Xuanxu said this, his face suddenly became ashen, and his body that was sitting upright also trembled violently at this time. Grandpa Wan Lin's face changed greatly, and he immediately saw that the air was disordered due to being too excited.

He grabbed the Taoist priest's hand, and a red flashed across his face. A strong infuriating qi rushed to the meridian of the Taoist priest's hand immediately. He followed Wan Lin and said hurriedly: "Lin Er, hurry up. Give me a fragrant magic pill!"

Wan Lin was already sitting cross-legged on the futon, he quickly pulled out a small bamboo tube from his waist and was about to remove the plug on it. At this time, Daoist Netherworld suddenly shook his drooping head gently, he raised his head with a pale face, looked at Wan Lin and said hoarsely: "No, I know that your Wan family's elixir is extremely precious~www. has the effect of bringing back the dead. But I already know my injury, my internal organs have been shattered, and even Da Luo elixir is useless, don't waste such a precious elixir for me, save it to help others ." Saying that, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Wan Lin was stunned when he heard the words of Daoist Wuwu. He didn't realize that the man who had just played the golden zither was actually injured so badly, he quickly looked at his grandfather. Grandpa clenched the void's hand tightly, and was silent for a while with a gloomy expression. He followed Xiang Wanlin and shook his head gently.

Wan Lin reluctantly put away the bamboo tube, and looked at the Taoist priest with a puzzled look in his eyes. He really didn't understand that this martial arts master with extremely high skill, someone who was scheming could not approach him at all, how could he be affected by it? Such a serious injury?

At this time, the Taoist priest had recovered from the strong infuriating energy that his grandfather had injected into his body. He spit out a mouthful of blood, took a few deep breaths, and then raised his arms and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. . He gently pushed his grandfather's hand away and said in a low voice, "Okay, I have no regrets in seeing you, my old friend, before I emerge! Now that I have made up my mind, my old friend doesn't need to waste any more money for me. pissed."

He pushed his grandfather's arm away, and suddenly there was a burst of light in his eyes, and he stared at Wan Lin for a while, followed by a soft look in his eyes. He turned his head to look at Wan Lin's grandfather and said, "Okay, Sun's facial features are upright, and his eyes are full of introverted and righteousness. It seems that he has inherited the mantle of your Wan family, which is gratifying."

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