Panther Commando

Chapter 4156: end-of-life trust

The sun had set, and the great hall, which was built close to the cliff, was very dark. Xiwu looked at Wan Lin's grandfather and finished speaking, then lowered his head and sighed: "I think I have a lifetime of **** and desire, cultivate my mind, and become detached from the world, but I didn't expect that I had no eyes in front of the immortal realm and accepted a disobedient. This is also the case. Retribution!"

He then raised his head and looked at the dim sky outside the hall, and said in a leisurely tone: "Just now, I recalled all the experiences in this life. Unexpectedly, I took a wrong look at the matter of accepting apprentices, so that I ended up like this."

He held up the guqin in front of him with his dark-faced hands, lowered his head and gently blew off a touch of incense ash on it, then handed the guqin to Wan Lin and said, "It's fate that the little benefactor can come here before I emerge. Although Guan's kung fu and medical skills can be regarded as the best in China, they are not in the eyes of your Wan clan. However, this guqin has been passed down from generation to generation by my Xuanxu Guan and has a history of hundreds of years, so I gave it to a small benefactor. Think about it."

When Wan Lin heard this, he immediately understood that this guqin was very precious. He was about to raise his hand to say no, when his grandfather looked at him and said, "Take it. He stood up, bowed his hands and took the guqin handed over by the Taoist priest.

When Daoist Xuanxu saw Wan Lin got up and took the guqin respectfully, he took a deep breath with satisfaction, and a gleam of light burst out in his eyes. He lowered his head and took out an antique wooden box from under him, held up his grandfather who was looking at Wan Lin and said in a deep voice, "Master Wan, I have already told you the cause and effect, I can only ask you to get rid of this matter. "

He followed the hands to hold the wooden box over his head, bowed his upper body slightly and said, "Master Wan, here are my Xuanxu Guan's martial arts secrets and the medical skills and prescriptions that I have summed up over hundreds of years, although these are incompatible with your Wan family. In comparison, but it is a stunt of my Huaxia, I really can't bear to lose it."

He looked at Wan Lin's grandfather with all the light in his eyes, and said in a choked voice: "I'll ask you to help me find a successor, it is considered that my mysterious faction has not been lost, I only ask that the successor be of good character and inherit these two unique skills, I don't care if he is willing to inherit the mantle of my Xuanxu Guan." After speaking, he supported the incense table in front of him with his elbows and stood up tremblingly, bowed to Wan Lin's grandfather and held the wooden box over his head.

Wan Lin's grandfather's expression was white and dignified. He understood the weight of this request. It was a trust related to the heir of the Xuanxu family, and it was a trust from this confidant on his deathbed. He quickly stood up, bowed and stretched out his hands to take the wooden box that was over his head with both hands, he held the wooden box with both hands and said in a deep voice: "Daoist, I promise you, I will never let you Xuanxu door two doors. The stunt is lost!"

As he spoke, the old man turned around and handed the wooden box to Wan Lin and said, "Lin'er, put it away." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to support the shaky nihilistic priest, and then injected a powerful force into his body. Infuriating. Wan Lin heard his grandfather's instructions, and quickly stretched out his hands to respectfully take the wooden box, followed by taking out a towel from his backpack, wrapped the wooden box, and carefully put it into his backpack.

Seeing Wan Lin put away the wooden box, the Taoist priest of nothingness finally showed a gratified smile on his pale and withered face. He looked at Wan Lin's grandfather and said gratefully, "I'm lingering on nothingness, and I've spent my life practicing the truth. The anger finally boils down to your arrival, this matter is finished, I have no regrets and no regrets in this life, and my wish has been fulfilled!"

When he said this, he gently pushed away the grandfather Wan Lin who was giving him internal energy, followed with a straight back and looked at Wan Lin's grandfather with high energy and sighed: "Master Wan, I have wasted my life for decades, okay? There is still a soulmate like you, I have no regrets in my life! Hahahaha..."

The nihilistic Taoist said this excitedly, and suddenly looked up at the dark hall above his head and let out a burst of heroic laughter. The ear-piercing sound suddenly sounded, and the entire hall made a "humming" vibration in the laughter of his inner strength, and the small stones and dust followed from the mottled walls. Rolling down, the giant statues leaning behind him trembled slightly with laughter.

The abrupt laughter of the Taoist priest made Wan Lin's ears hurt. He quickly raised his inner strength and secretly resisted the laughter that penetrated into the eardrum. He couldn't help but feel a burst of horror in his heart. At this time, he can still make such a shocking laughter.

The setting sun has already set, and the empty hall is dark, only a few incense sticks in the three incense burners in front of the statue are still emitting a dark red light. The dark hall suddenly filled with a gloomy feeling amid the protruding laughter.

At this moment, the laughter of Dao Wuwu in the dimness suddenly became sharp, and a cold breath suddenly filled the hall. The dark red incense in the incense burner became as bright as a ghost fire in the cold breath. The piercing laughter of Daoist Nothingness suddenly became like the cry of a nightingale in the silent, gloomy darkness.

With the gloomy laughter of the Void Daoist Wan Lin suddenly felt his heart beating violently, as if he was about to jump out of his throat at any time, and the cold infuriating qi was like a wall Press in front of him!

He hurriedly lifted up the infuriating energy in his body, and tried his best to resist the laughter with powerful inner strength, and a red body-protecting infuriating qi gushed out from his body.

The sharp laughter hit Wan Lin one after another. Wan Lin's red infuriating energy that was protecting his body fluctuated violently, trying his best to resist this sudden infuriating energy. At this time, he was different from being on the cliff. At that time, the infuriating energy he raised was struggling to grasp the steep rock wall in front of him while resisting the shrill sound of the Daoist Master. At that time, he was doing two things. But now, he raised the inner strength of his whole body and concentratedly resisted the infuriating qi that came from the laughter of the Taoist priest.

But that's it, Wan Lin's face was pale in the cold infuriating qi of the Taoist priest, and the red body-protecting infuriating qi gushing out of his body went up and down with the laughter established by the Taoist priest, almost sticking to his chest. He stood with his legs shoulder-to-shoulder and his knees slightly bent, trying his best to resist the strong laughter of the Taoist priest, preventing himself from being pushed out of the door by the cold, most yin breath.

At this time, he suddenly understood that the internal power of Xuanxu Guan is a kind of internal power with feminine attributes, but he did not expect that Dao Wuwu would actually practice this kind of feminine internal power to the extreme. Forcing out the infuriating qi out of his body, trying his best to resist the internal force of the immortal Daoist, this really made him feel shocked!

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