Panther Commando

Chapter 4164: wooden box in cave

Wan Lin stopped in shock, he wiped the rain on his face and looked up into the air. The thick dark clouds shrouded above the head are rolling in the whimpering mountain wind and drifting to the distant mountains, and brilliant stars have appeared in the gaps in the clouds. This sudden storm in the middle of the night seems to have come to see off Xuanxuguan and Daoyuan Wuwu on a special trip. It came and went suddenly.

In a blink of an eye, the hurricane and rain in the mountains suddenly disappeared, and the sky was full of stars. The undulating mountains are full of flowing water reflecting the starlight, and the crisp stream water echoes the sound of the low waterfall, as if a long-toned music was played in the thick night.

At this time, Xiaohua was already standing on a rock halfway up the mountain, and a stream like a silver chain was slowly flowing down not far from its side. Xiaohua stood quietly on the dim rock, looking at Wan Lin and grandpa who were striding down the hillside below, with a faint blue light looming in her eyes, her demeanor seemed very serene.

Wan Lin and his grandfather strode under the rock in front of Xiao Hua and stopped. Only then did Wan Lin see that there was indeed a small cave under the rock where Xiao Hua was standing. The cave is very hidden, and there are jagged rocks and weeds all over the cave entrance, which completely block the low cave entrance. this hole. He looked at the dark cave and quickly took out the flashlight from his bag.

Grandpa has also stopped. He stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the dark entrance with a sad look on his face. Wan Lin stood quietly by the side, he secretly raised his true anger, his eyes were fixed on the dimly lit mountains on the side, and a few steel needles were tightly sandwiched between his right fingers to prevent the kid from following him.

The cold mountain wind in the mountains suddenly stopped, and the old man stood quietly in front of the dark cave entrance for a long while without speaking. Wan Lin held the flashlight in his left hand and stood there quietly, but his eyes were fixed on the dimly lit mountains around him, concentrating on providing protection for his grandfather.

After a long time, two lines of tears suddenly flowed down Grandpa's face. He stared at the dark cave and suddenly sighed: "Alas, the cave is still there, but the old friend has gone, and the scene of exchanging martial arts and medical skills with Wuwu seems to be still there. Right in front of you!" The old man raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Lin'er, let's go in and rest for a while."

"Okay." Wan Lin agreed in a low voice, and then he approached the rock beside the cave entrance and put his left hand into the cave to turn on the flashlight. It was dark now, and it was really dangerous to turn on the flashlight in the dark, so he put his left hand into the hole before turning on the flashlight.

The bright flashlight beam illuminated the dark cave, and the grandfather immediately bent down and got in. Wan Lin raised his eyes and glanced around, and whispered to Xiao Hua, who was lying on the rock above the top of the cave, "Little Hua, pay attention to your surroundings." He followed with his flashlight and lowered his head into the narrow hole.

The entrance of the cave is wrapped in rocks and looks very narrow, but the inside of the cave is very spacious and dry, and it does not have the humid and sultry feeling of ordinary caves.

Wan Lin followed his grandfather into the cave. He straightened up and raised his flashlight to illuminate the entire cave. At this moment, he suddenly saw that his grandfather was standing in the cave, staring intently at the two rocks in front of him that were close to the cave wall.

Two rocks about half a meter high stood opposite each other, as if two people were whispering in the dark. A rectangular, antique-looking purple wooden box was placed upright on a rock.

In the bright flashlight beam, grandfather stepped over to the rock with an excited expression. He stared at the small wooden box placed on the rock, and suddenly burst into tears and said, "Nothing knows that after I leave, I will definitely come here!" Said With that, he bent down and stretched out his hands excitedly to hold the small wooden box.

Wan Lin quickly raised his flashlight to take a photo. He knew in his heart that the two old people were in the same mind, and the Taoist priest must have expected his grandfather to come here, so he deliberately left some things here for his grandfather.

The old man opened the antique wooden box with trembling hands. Wan Lin hurried over to his grandfather and raised his flashlight to take a picture. A gleam of crystal light suddenly emerged from the wooden box. Inside the box was an antique scabbard dagger on the top of the golden satin. The scabbard was inlaid with a brilliant white gem.

The gem is refracting a dazzling, dazzling light in the flashlight beam held by Wan Lin, which makes people's eyes bloom. There are also several small white wax pellets placed on both sides of the dagger like seven stars.

The old man looked at the relic left by the Taoist priest in the box, his eyes were full of tears, and his hands holding the small wooden box trembled slightly. He stared at the wooden box for a while, before twitching his gray eyebrows and murmured, "Nothing, I didn't expect you to still think about me before you left, leaving me such a precious treasure!" With that, the old man Tears welled up again.

Wan Lin saw his grandfather's excited look, he bent down and gently placed the guqin under his ribs on the ground, then stretched out his hands to support his grandfather and sat on the rock in front of him.

Wan Lin turned around and put the flashlight on a raised rock on the cave and sat down on the rock opposite Grandpa. At this time, the old man took a few deep breaths and calmed down, he raised his gray eyebrows, looked at Wan Lin and said in a leisurely tone: "Lin'er, you are still young, and you can't understand me and the nihilistic master. Such an emotion."

He then stretched out his right hand and carefully took out the dagger inlaid with a gemstone from the wooden box and said, "Our family has been single-handed for several generations, and we have lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests, with less contact with outsiders. Moreover, There are very few people in this world with similar skills to my Wan family, so there are very few friends around us who can communicate with each other, let alone people like me and Xiwu who can communicate with each other."

The old man spoke in a leisurely tone, and then handed the wooden box in his left hand to Wan Lin. He stretched out his left hand and pulled out the scabbard of the dagger in his hand with a bang. A cold light immediately appeared in front of Wan Lin's eyes, and the dark cave suddenly filled with water. A strong murderous aura!

The dagger radiated a cold light in the darkness, and the white light carried a strong murderous aura! The hairs on Wan Lin's body stood up at this moment, and he stared at the sharp dagger in his grandfather's hand.

At this time, he has already seen that this is indeed a sharp blade that can cut gold and break iron, and there is a strong murderous aura on the knife, which means that this sharp blade must be stained with the blood of countless damned people. The dagger will not carry such a strong murderous aura!

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