Panther Commando

Chapter 4165: magic dagger

In the dimly lit cave, Wan Lin's flashlight on the rock on the cave wall emitted a bright beam. The old man sat on the rock quietly looking at the sharp dagger in his hand, with a sad look in his eyes. He knew in his heart that before he left, he left such a precious thing here, which was his trust and gratitude to him, his bosom friend!

The old man raised his head desolately, he saw Wan Lin looking at the dagger in his hand in astonishment, he immediately understood what Wan Lin was thinking, he stared at the dagger and said, "You are right, this dagger is a mystical dagger from the past dynasties. The personal belongings of the sect master are the treasures of Xuanxuguan! For hundreds of years, the Taoist priests of Xuanxuguan have been walking around the world with this sharp dagger, and this dagger has been stained with countless gangsters The blood is indeed full of murderous aura!"

He then lowered his eyes and looked at the dagger in his hand and continued: "When nothingness brought me here, he was sitting on this rock under you. At that time, I was also shocked when he showed this dagger to me. He said that this dagger is the treasure of their Xuanxuguan, and it has been handed down in the hands of their Xuanxuguan heads for hundreds of years."

The old man said this in a leisurely manner. He suddenly waved his arm in the flashlight. The cold light in the old man's hand flashed before Wan Lin's eyes, and a cold wind made the hairs on his face stand up.

With the cold light in the old man's hands, a crisp sound of "cha" sounded from a rock protruding from the cave wall. Wan Lin's eyes widened immediately, and he turned his head to look in astonishment.

A bowl-sized rock was falling from the bulging rock beside him. He quickly reached out to catch the rock that was falling to the bottom of the cave, followed by staring at the incision on the rock, and his mouth opened. He really did not expect this dagger to be so sharp, such a hard rock, to break like tofu under this knife!

The old man retracted his arms, stared at the unscathed blade and sighed: "This dagger can cut gold and break iron, and the knife is stained with blood of countless nights. Thinking of nothingness giving me this treasure before he left, he couldn't bear to take this dagger away, and he was probably even more worried that the sharp blade would fall into the hands of that rebel!"

The old man sighed and stopped talking. He raised the scabbard in his left hand and stared at it for a moment before continuing: "This scabbard is inlaid with extremely precious gems. There is an extremely small hole. In a critical moment, as long as luck and skill swing the scabbard in the hand, this gem will emit a dazzling light and a sharp whistle, which can disturb the opponent's ears and eyes and take advantage of the momentum to kill the enemy. It is indeed a rare treasure." After speaking, the old man handed Wan Lin the scabbard and dagger in his hand.

Wan Lin stretched out his hand to take the dagger and scabbard, and a chilling cold air immediately came from the sharp dagger, and the heavy dagger made his right hand sink sharply. He grasped the dagger tightly in astonishment, lowered his head and stared at the dagger that was flickering with cold light. He really did not expect this small dagger to be so heavy, and it was so gloomy and cold on it.

Seeing Wan Lin's astonished expression, Grandpa immediately asked, "Do you feel that the knife has a chill to the bone, and it is very heavy?" Wan Lin immediately replied in shock, "Yes, this dagger has cold tentacles, and why is this Heavy, what material is this dagger made of?" He then looked at the scabbard in his left hand and said, "This scabbard is warm in the hand, and there is also a faint heat on this jewel, so strange Ah."

When grandpa heard his question, he shook his head and replied, "I don't know either. I asked the same question when I was holding this dagger at the time, and nothingness told me that this dagger was made of ancient cold iron. Yes, so the tentacles are cold and extremely sharp. But what exactly is cold iron? I haven't figured it out yet."

He followed the scabbard in Wan Lin's hand and continued: "However, the internal power of Xuanxuguan is extremely cold, and this dagger is extremely beneficial for their Xuanxuan people to practice the cold internal power, so the past dynasties of Xuanxuguan The sect masters always carry this treasure of town, which is also the token of the sect heads of Xuanxu Guan."

In the dim cave, the old man pointed to the dazzling gem on the scabbard, looked at Wan Lin and continued: "Look at the gem on this scabbard, you must think it is a diamond. In fact, it does not It's not a diamond, it's a gem found with that cold iron. This gem is amazing,"

He said, shaking the scabbard in the hole, squinting his eyes at the dazzling light above, and continued: "As long as there is a glimmer of light outside, this gem will emit a dazzling light, even in the starlight. What exactly is this gem? I don't know, and no one in Xuanxuguan knows. But this gem is indeed the exact opposite of the ice-cold blade, emitting a heat all the time, and once it encounters the cold True Qi, it will emit a fiery breath."

When the old man said this, he sighed and stroked the gem on the scabbard, and said with tears in his eyes: "Xiwu is good at divination. After he was injured, he has understood that since the rebellion appeared, Xuanxu Guan has ceased to exist~ He Xuanxuguan has been unable to escape this catastrophe! So, he specially gave this magical dagger to my old friend, he knew that I would definitely come to this cave to cherish him! The rock is the same rock I was sitting on back then, and he put this wooden box here on purpose."

Wan Lin listened to his grandfather's remarks quietly, and he heard a little surprised and asked: "Grandpa, the internal power passed on to me by the immortal Taoist seems to have the aura of our Wan family's internal power. What's going on?"

At that time, when the Taoist priest gave him a loss, he made him feel like he was in an ice cellar, but then the Taoist priest pressed his palm on his chest and injected a pure inner force like a spring breeze. Have this question.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, the old man replied ponderingly, "Do you still remember the characteristics of Lingxiu Sect's martial arts?" Wan Lin replied immediately, "Remember, the disciples in his sect will suffer from cold poison when they practice their internal skills. Invasion, not only is the skill difficult to enter the transformation realm, but also the lifespan is not long, only the old master has become a real master with both internal and external cultivation."

The old man nodded and said: "Yes, all the sects that practice cold arts have this problem. Kungfu is closely related to the human body. Once the balance of yin and yang is lost, it will inevitably cause great harm to the body. Yin and cold, the stronger the skill, the more cold and cold the constitution will be, which will inevitably cause great damage to the body.”

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