Panther Commando

Chapter 4166: gem on scabbard

As the old man said, he lowered his head and gently stroked the gem on the scabbard in his hand and said: "Because of this, it is difficult for people who simply practice cold skills to achieve transformation, unless they are the old master who cultivates both yin and yang skills. Xuanxu Guan The same is true of martial arts. Once the internal strength is practiced to a certain level, it will inevitably have an impact on the body. But the Taoist priests of Xuanxu Guan are good at medicine. During their practice, they use a unique Chiyang medicine to ensure the balance of yin and yang in the body.”

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's explanation, he pondered for a moment, and then asked with some doubts: "Drugs are only a temporary auxiliary measure, but they can't completely maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body, right?"

In the dark cave, the old man and Wan Lin, who were sitting cross-legged on the rock, had already created a white mist. Both of them were talking, and they had already raised their skills to force the moisture out of the clothes to prevent the long-term rain from causing damage to the body.

Seeing Wan Lin's puzzled look, the old man raised the scabbard in his hand and replied, "You're right, they can't do without this Chiyang's unique medicine when they practice, but once the skill reaches a certain level, the medicine is very difficult. Continuing to resist the strong cold infuriating energy in the body will still cause great harm to their bodies. However, the past heads of Xuanxuguan have this magical dagger in their hands, so the power of the heads can still reach A decent level."

He then raised the scabbard in his hand, pointed at the gem on it that reflected the bright light, and said, "Look at this gem, as long as the holder mentions the cold inner strength, this gem will emit a red sun. Breath, and this kind of breath can just neutralize the yin-cold infuriating energy in their bodies, so as to achieve the balance of yin and yang of the body. The blade of this dagger can help the holder to deepen the inner strength of yin-cold, and the gems on the scabbard can also Maintaining the balance of yin and yang in the bearer's body is also the reason why their ancient masters of Xuanxu Guan have good skills."

The old man shook his head and said: "Of course, this is only the treatment of the head of Xuanxu Guan. The average disciple's skill is shallow, and he can still rely on medicine to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body. However, if there is no such red yang medicine With the help of , once they bring up their true qi, they are like entering an ice cellar, unable to leave this unique medicine of Xuanxuguan."

At this time, Wan Lin understood the truth of the matter. He sighed and said: "No wonder that rebel came back after escaping from Xuanxu Guan. It seems that he really needs to find this unique medicine of Chiyang, and robbing money is second."

The old man immediately said: "Yes, that kid came back after betraying his teacher's door, just to find this kind of Chiyang's medicine and the unique secret recipe for concocting this medicine, and at the same time he was worried that nothing could recover his martial arts. After he came back, he knelt down. In front of the void, he cried bitterly to the master to ask for this kind of pills, but he saw that the void had made up his mind, and he wanted to recover the Xuanxu Guan martial arts on him. The boy immediately revealed his true form, took out his pistol and shot the void. The key point, and then hit the palm after the Void was seriously injured, shattering the Void's body meridians."

When the old man said this, he said with a sad and angry look on his face: "But this **** didn't expect that the power of nothingness has reached the realm of transformation. He was seriously injured by surprise, but he still wielded a powerful infuriating energy and shot down the opponent's hand. The murder weapon. The rebel didn't expect his master's skill to be so profound that he was so scared that he escaped from the Taoist temple with injuries."

Wan Lin stared at the scabbard refracting the dazzling light, he suddenly stood up and dimmed the flashlight on the rock on the cave wall, followed by looking at his grandfather and said angrily: "Grandpa, don't worry, don't say I already have It contains the inner power of Xuanxu, even if it doesn't, I will definitely get rid of this traitor for the emptiness!"

When the old man heard Wan Lin's murderous voice, he nodded with relief, and said solemnly: "Yes, being bit by others and reciprocating with a spring, this is the tradition of our Wan family! In the relationship between nothingness, we must act as chivalrous and righteous, and get rid of this kind of ungrateful **** who kills his teachers and destroys his ancestors, such people who stay in the world will be a disaster for the country and the people!"

He turned his head and looked at the dark mountains outside the cave and continued: "Speaking of which, nothingness is the most powerful person among the heads of Xuanxuguan's dynasties. Although their heads of dynasties relied on this dagger's yin and cold The yang energy emitted from the qi and gemstones can raise the skill to a higher level, but in the end it relies on external power to assist the rise of the skill, and cannot fully achieve the balance of yin and yang in the body.”

The old man handed the scabbard to Wan Lin and said, "If you practice internal power by external force, you will not be able to train your internal power to the realm of transformation. After the past heads of Xuanxuguan have practiced their skills to a certain realm, this imbalance will get worse. It's serious, so their skills can't reach the level of our Wan clan. However, the skills of the heads of Xuanxuguan are already enough to look down on the rivers and lakes."

At this moment, Wan Lin's bluish complexion suddenly turned pale, followed by a burst of involuntary chills, his lips turned blue and purple, and his upper and lower teeth made a "kakaka" collision sound, a strong chill. The ground poured out of him, and the cave was immediately filled with a cold breath, and he sat down on the rock with a trembling body.

Wan Lin was startled, and immediately realized that the cold infuriating qi in his body had poured out He hurriedly brought up his inner strength. But at this time, his meridians were already filled with the cold infuriating qi that was input by the Taoist Master, and he couldn't raise his own pure zhenqi at all.

When the old man saw Wan Lin's expression, he immediately understood that the yin and cold qi in Wan Lin's body was very strong, and the zhen qi in Wan Lin's body was not enough to suppress this cold qi. He raised his right hand and waved a warm breath, and said hurriedly, "Hurry up and hold down the gem on the scabbard!"

An anxious Wan Lin just raised a little bit of infuriating energy from his grandfather's infuriating qi. When he heard his grandfather's voice, he quickly pressed his left thumb **** the gem of the scabbard.

A warm white light immediately emitted from the gemstone, and a fiery sensation immediately rose from his thumb and rushed straight to the meridians in his hands, and then went straight to the eight extraordinary meridians in his body. The gloomy feeling immediately subsided.

Wan Lin focused his attention on his true qi, and with the hot aura on the gems, the meridians in his body quickly revolved. Moved up.

At this time, the old man saw that Wan Lin had raised his true qi movement, and he slowly waved his right palm, sitting in the dark and quietly looking at Wan Lin, his face seemed very calm.

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