Panther Commando

Chapter 4167: cold attack

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In the cave, the flashlight Wan Lin placed on the cave wall emitted dim light, making the entire cave appear very dim. Favorite this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛Wan Lin sat cross-legged on the rock near the cave wall, his face was pale, and his whole body was shaking violently in the cold air that the Void Daoist entered into his body, and the upper and lower teeth were still emitting light and dense collisions Sounds like a patient who is swinging.

At this moment, the thumb of his left hand pressed **** the jewel in the scabbard, and the jewel emitted a dazzling white light in his violent trembling. .

After a while, Wan Lin's body, which was shaking in the cold air, gradually came to a standstill, and the gloomy aura that came out of his body gradually disappeared in the dim cave, and his pale face gradually became a rosy layer. The color of his face, even the cyan on his face has disappeared.

But at the moment when he felt the chill disappear from his body and heaved a sigh of relief, a wave of fiery air suddenly emerged from his meridians, and the gem he was pressing on his left hand suddenly became hot, a fiery breath. The fountain generally rushed to the meridians in his hands.

Wan Lin's face instantly turned red, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans poured out from his face, and white mist immediately appeared from the wet clothes on his body, and a hot breath immediately permeated. in a dark cave.

At this moment, the cave seems to have experienced two seasons of cold and summer. The icy aura in the cave just disappeared, and a wave of heat rushed out of Wan Lin, and the heat wave rolled in the dark cave. At this moment, Wan Lin felt like he was in a furnace, and the rapidly circulating aura in his meridians seemed to be hot magma, causing the blood in his whole body to boil.

In his astonishment, he immediately realized that it was the excess yang energy in his body and the hot breath from the gem on the scabbard, which made him fall into a furnace. Startled, he hurriedly removed his left thumb from the gemstone of the scabbard, followed by slowing down the infuriating energy in his body, and gradually let the suppressed cold infuriating energy rise.

After a while, the fiery feeling on his body suddenly disappeared, and a cool feeling spread all over his body, making him feel refreshed. The expression on his face also returned to normal, and the blue color on his face gradually rose to his cheeks.

The old man sat in the dark cave and watched Wan Lin's face change motionlessly. At this time, he watched Wan Lin quiet down, and his nervous face just now also calmed down. He knew that just now Wan Lin had lucked his infuriating energy and suppressed the cold infuriating energy that was infused into his body by nothingness; now he released the gem on the scabbard in time and released the cold infuriating energy at the same time. Some, so that the yin and yang in the body can be balanced.

The old man didn't show it when Wan Lin performed the exercises. He just waved a burst of true qi at the beginning to help Wan Lin lift his true qi, but he didn't help him in the later exercises. He knew that he couldn't stay by Wan Lin's side for a long time. The gloomy and frigid infuriating energy that Dao Wuxian had injected into Wan Lin's body had to be refined by Wan Lin himself.

At this time, he saw that Wan Lin had finished his work and gradually calmed down, and he knew that he was already familiar with the whole process of refining this cold energy. He let out a light breath, then lowered his head and looked at the rock where Wan Lin was sitting.

The old man looked dimly at the rock standing quietly opposite him for a while, and then said to Wan Lin in a calm tone: "When I met with nothingness, we talked very speculatively, and then we also showed each other the inner strength of our own sect. The power of the void is almost similar to mine, and the cold power on his body is very good. But I discovered the shortcomings of their Xuanxu Guan internal power at that time, and I knew that the power of the void at that time could no longer be improved, otherwise the sinister poison in the cold would definitely hurt him. body of."

He then raised his head and glanced at Wan Lin's blue face, and said leisurely: "Xiwu is proficient in medicine, he has already realized this, and he told me with a gloomy expression that Xuanxuguan's unique medicine can no longer resist his body. Deep cold infuriating, his skill is almost at the end."

"At that time, he took out the dagger and told me that although the jewel on the dagger could emit the breath of Chiyang, it could no longer cooperate with him to continue practicing. Sometimes strong and sometimes weak, let him feel like falling into an ice cellar for a while, and then feel burned by fire, just like how you felt just now."

When Wan Lin heard this, recalling the situation when the cold qi attacked just now, he said, "Is it possible that after Xuanxu Guan's skill reaches a certain level, he can no longer control the yang qi in this orb?"

The grandfather replied immediately: "Yes, that's the case. When the yin and cold qi that they have cultivated has accumulated to a certain level, this gemstone will emit a more intense fiery aura under the stimulation of this yin and cold qi. Practitioners cannot control the true qi in the body at all in this fiery breath. If too much yin and cold true qi is collected, the body will feel as cold as an ice cellar; if too little is collected, it will appear again. The feeling of burning your body. If you are not careful, you will hurt yourself."

"Xiwu knows that my Wan family is also proficient in medicine, so he asked me if I could re-concoct a red-yang pill based on the unique elixir of their Xuanxuguan to maintain the yin and yang in his body. Balance. At that time, I shook my head and said that the drug is only a temporary auxiliary measure, and taking it for a long time will inevitably lead to drug resistance in the body. balance."

In the dim cave, the old man remembered the scene at that time, and his face was full of sorrow, as if that scene was right in front of him. He was silent for a while, then looked at the dark mountains outside the cave and said slowly: "Back then, I was chatting with nothingness in this cave, exchanging experiences and medical skills in practice, and he also told me a lot. I was really moved by his upright mind and character at the time when he went out to the cloud to march on chivalrous and righteous things."

When the old man said this, he lowered his gray and said in a leisurely tone: "If you can get a confidant in life, this life is enough! If you can become a lifelong friend with nothingness, I am satisfied!"

He then raised his finger and pointed at the guqin that Wan Lin had placed beside him, and continued: "At that time, we used this guqin that has been handed down for hundreds of years in the Xuanxu concept, and played a song each, and the two of us followed and stroked this guqin. Laughing. We all heard each other's heart in the melodious sound of the piano, heard our passion for being chivalrous and all-powerful in walking the rivers and lakes, and heard each other's perception of life and each other's admiration, confidant! "

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