Panther Commando

Chapter 4171: Physician in the ward

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In the dark cave, the old man said with an angry tone: "Xiwu saw the scene in the ward, and he quickly pulled a family member of a patient who walked out of the ward to ask about the situation. The other party said that after the owner was injured by the gangster Internal bleeding, and now suddenly my hands and feet are cold and my whole body is shaking. The doctor suspects that it may be suffering from malaria.

In the darkness, Wan Lin asked in astonishment when he heard this: "The owner must have been taken to the hospital immediately after being injured. How could he have contracted malaria again?"

The old man waved his hand and said: "Xiwu quickly probed into the ward and looked into the ward. There was a man in his 60s lying on the hospital bed. At this time, he was shaking all over, his face was cyanotic, and he had difficulty breathing. The doctor inside was in a hurry. First aid was given to the injured, but those doctors were at a loss with the test sheets, and they didn't seem to know the cause, let alone how to rescue them. The family members standing on the side were sweating profusely."

"Xiwu already understood the whole story when he saw this. He stepped into the room and reached out to grab the patient's hand. Then he raised his head and said to the doctor standing next to him: I know what's going on, let me come. The doctor and his family were about to stop him, but nothing happened. A pill has been taken out and stuffed into the patient's mouth who is shaking, followed by a burst of infuriating energy and forced into the patient's abdomen."

When Wan Lin heard what his grandfather said, he already understood the reason for the trembling of the injured person, and he asked, "Has Daoist Netherworld already seen that this is a cold attack in the injured person's body?"

The old man replied: "Yes, Niuwu can see at a glance that it is very likely that the rebels used cold power to injure the owner of the house. At that time, the people around saw a Taoist priest suddenly breaking in, and they were shocked and pulled the Nihility. At this moment, the patient had stopped trembling, his face turned rosy, his breathing became smoother, and both his closed eyes were opened. When everyone saw the injured patient who had improved, they immediately understood the sight in front of them. The little Taoist priest is actually a genius doctor." In the darkness, the old man talked about the following things.

In the ward of the county hospital, everyone saw that the Taoist priest who appeared like a ghost made an extraordinary move, and the condition of the injured had improved. They quickly let go of their hands and stood aside.

Seeing the crowd retreat, Daoist Netherworld immediately pulled off the wounded's hospital gown and looked at the wounded's chest. As expected, a blue handprint appeared on the wounded's chest. He could see at a glance that this was indeed the act of the rebel! Anyone who is hit by the Xuanxu Guanhan Gong will definitely leave this cyan palm print on their body, unless a power machine like nothingness has been practiced to the realm of transformation, there will be no traces.

But there is still some doubts in his heart. He really can't believe that his apprentice would dare to do such a life-threatening thing. With a dignified expression, he grabbed the injured person's wrist, output his true qi and carefully probed for the cold air in the patient's body. After confirming that the injured person was indeed the act of the traitor, a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

But he let out another sigh of relief, and he secretly said in his heart: "Although this rebel's skill has improved, it seems that he didn't teach him the pills. It's really right that this kid's skill has not yet reached the level of one palm. As long as it is treated in time, the life of the injured person should be worry-free."

At this time, the body of Daoist Wuwu was already in a cold sweat. If the injured person died under the hands of the rebel, the sin of his master would be too great, and the boy's kung fu was taught by him after all!

He focused on the injured man's wrist for a while, then turned his head to look at the doctor and the patient's family and said, "It's okay, although his meridian was injured, as long as the cold energy is forced out of his body, his life is not in danger. Just eat me. I promise to get him back to normal within ten days."

The Taoist priest followed and asked the doctor and the patient's family to go out first, and he wanted to force the cold air out of the injured body. Just when everyone was suspicious, there was a hot air coming from the injured person's hand, and the cold feeling on his body disappeared immediately. The injured person raised his head with great joy, and asked the doctor and family members to go out quickly, so as not to influence the Taoist priest to treat him.

The Void Movement Gong forced the cold air out of the wounded's body, and then used True Qi to mend the patient's damaged meridians for a while. He immediately took out a few pills for the wounded to eat, and then looked at the wounded and asked, "Injured What does your boy look like? In which direction did he run?"

At this time, the injured person had already felt that his body had really improved. While thanking the old Taoist priest who suddenly appeared in front of him, he said, "I was home alone last night, and the children were busy with business outside. In the middle of the night, I suddenly felt my hands There was a sudden chill from above. I woke up in my sleep immediately, I opened my eyes and saw a thin masked boy in the dark, standing beside the bed pressing my chest, The cold air made my whole body tremble, as if the blood had coagulated, and I couldn't even breathe."

He lowered his head and sighed and said, "Alas, he grabbed me from the bed without saying a word, and then took me to the safe, forcing me to enter the password to open the safe. At that time, the boy's hands were tight. He grabbed my neck, and the cold air in his hands poured into my body one after another. As soon as I opened the safe during the persecution, this kid gave me a hard slap on the chest. "

"At that time, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The sharp pain and the icy cold air made me unable to breathe. I narrowed my eyes and pretended to be dead, and then watched the kid take out the belongings in the safe. The kid must have thought I was dead at the time. He put all the valuables in the safe into his backpack, then gave me a cold look, and ran to the bathroom on the side with the black backpack on his back. Get out. His movements are so fast that he has disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye."

Hearing this, nothingness frowned and asked, "Didn't you see what he looks What features does he have?" The injured person immediately replied: "At that time, he wore a hood , I really didn't see what he looked like, but he was about 1.65 meters tall, very thin, not very old from the outside, and spoke with a heavy accent, but I couldn't tell who he was. "

He pondered for a while when he said this, followed by looking at nothingness and said: "By the way, when he forced me to enter the safe code, he held a flashlight in his hand, and his slender neck and wrists seemed to be smeared with a cyan color. I don’t know if it was a tattoo or something smeared. At that time, I was shivering from the cold, and I didn’t see it clearly, it just gave me a gloomy feeling.”

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