Panther Commando

Chapter 4172: in wonderland

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Hearing the description of the injured person, Xingwu was already certain in his heart that this traitor was indeed relying on Xuanxuguan's martial arts to do evil! In his rage, Niu Wu immediately took out a few pills and handed them to the wounded, telling him to take the medicine on time, and he would definitely recover in ten days. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

In the dark cave, the old man sighed when he told this: "Alas, at that time, nothingness was searching in fury for nearly a month, and finally he saw an elderly man tending sheep on a hill next to a village near the border.

After he walked over and saluted, he asked the old man if he had seen a thin, blue-faced young man recently? The old man pondered for a while and told him that he had indeed seen this person in the evening more than half a month ago. The boy was walking towards the border alone with a backpack. "

He looked at Wan Lin and said, "At that time, nothingness was sure that this traitor had escaped the border. If nothingness found this kid in his rage at that time, he would definitely take care of him on the spot, even if he didn't kill the bastard, he would definitely chase him. The martial arts of Xuanxu Guan on his body. Later, this kid came to cry and begged for mercy. He was kind and kind. He was soft-hearted, and he didn't kill the kid directly. But he didn't expect that this would bring him a fight. Catastrophe!"

"Oh, it's fate!" The old man sighed as he said this, and said in a leisurely tone in the dark: "Forget it, don't mention this. Now you already have the true qi of Xuanxu, which can be regarded as half Xuanxu. I'm a watcher, and I'll give you the cleaning up of each household. Grandpa is old and has no energy to find this bastard."

In the darkness, Wan Lin nodded thoughtfully. He already knew in his heart that this kid must have robbed a large amount of money and immediately fled abroad with the money, and it is very likely that he joined an overseas armed organization by virtue of his good skills, so that he is carrying military weapons. Doubt is readily resolved.

He secretly said in his heart: "This kid must have been continuously increasing his power in the past two years, and suddenly found that the cold power in his body could not be controlled at all. Only then did he understand that the pill he took during Xuanxu Guan practice is a kind of special restraint for internal cold. Poison's elixir. After this kid understands this, he will carry this weapon secretly back to Xuanxu Guan, want to get this pill and the secret recipe, and solve the problems that arise in the practice once and for all."

"It seems that this kid is already ready to kill the master. Once the void refuses, he will kill the void to find this kind of elixir and prescription, and at the same time get the treasure of the Xuanxu view that he thinks exists."

Wan Lin thought of this, and an angry glow suddenly appeared in his eyes. He looked at his grandfather and was about to speak, but the old man suddenly raised his inner strength, and a vigorous air wave followed and wrapped himself and Wan Lin. The old man followed in this airtight air circle, and whispered to Wan Lin the inner power of Xuanxu Guan.

Wan Lin quickly put his hands on his dantian and closed his eyes to lift the infuriating energy in his body. He already understood that grandfather urges this strong infuriating energy to isolate the connection with the outside world, to ensure that the sound is not leaked out, and at the same time use the infuriating energy to sense suspicious movements in the outside world. Now, in this dark cave, the old man will teach him the secrets of the secret inner power of Xuanxu Guan.

The long night was long, and the eastern sky finally revealed a ray of dawn in the darkness, and the starlight in the sky also quietly disappeared in the gray sky. At this moment, a thin mist suddenly rose from the undulating mountains, and the mountains after the rain shrouded in clouds and mist in the blink of an eye. .

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who had been lying quietly on the rock above the entrance of the cave, suddenly stood up, a blue light appeared in her eyes, and she looked down at the entrance of the cave below.

The figures of Wan Lin and his grandfather came out of the hidden hole. The old man stood in the waist-deep weeds at the entrance of the hole and stared at the fairyland-like mountain in front of him. look in the direction.

The old man clasped his fists with solemn expressions, bowed deeply in the direction of Xuanxu Guan, and murmured in his mouth: "The world is natural, the filth is scattered, the cave is mysterious and swaying and Taiyuan. Nothingness, I'm leaving! The old man straightened his waist with a dignified expression, and looked up at the towering mountain top in the distance through the white mist.

The steep mountains seemed to float above the clouds. In the gusts of mountain wind, the white mist rolled with the wind, and the mountains were vast and boundless!

Wan Lin stood quietly behind his grandfather. He stared at the fairyland-like mountains in front of him, and his eyes were filled with intoxication. The hillside in front of him was green and green, the green forest was like the sea, the misty waves in the distance, and the distant mountains were like daisies, he seemed to be in a fairyland.

At this moment, the white clouds and mists in the east were suddenly reflected in a pink color, and the clouds and mists surrounding the mountainside rose into the air, and a fiery red sun jumped out from behind the top of the mountain. In the blink of an eye, the golden sun has risen to the top of the mountain, and the clouds in the sky are colorful.

A gust of mountain wind suddenly whistled from the side of the mountain pass, and the white mist filled the mountains rolled and flew into the distance. The green mountains and steep peaks gradually appeared in front of Wan Lin and his grandfather.

In the blink of an eye, the originally hazy mountains seemed to be suddenly opened, clearly appearing in front of Wan Lin and his grandfather. The crisp birdsong in the mountains also rose into the wind, and the sound of waterfalls catering to the "rumbling" resounded. Valley.

"It's dawn! Lin'er, Xiaohua, our house!" The old man's vigorous voice followed, and his right hand swung a savage palm wind into the dense weeds in front of him, and then followed the grass that separated to both sides. Walk down the mountain.

In the cool mountain breeze in the early morning, the fog that permeated the mountains gradually dissipated, and the steep peaks and green vegetation were clearly displayed in front of Wan Lin and his grandfather.

Wan Lin adjusted his breathing while walking, allowing his true qi to slowly flow along the meridians; he turned to look at his grandfather who was walking beside him and asked, "Grandpa, what you just said seemed to follow the nihilistic master before leaving. It's the same as what you recite in your What is that?"

The old man looked at the little flowers running in front, and replied as he walked, "That is the divine mantra of Jingtiandi in Taoism. I often recite this mantra when I sit in meditation. I remembered it after listening to it a few times." The old man Looking at the green mountains in front, he raised his hand and pointed at the rocks at the foot of the mountain in front of him and said, "Go, let's rest there for a while."

"Okay!" Wan Lin agreed. He took his grandfather's arm with his left hand and walked towards the foot of the side mountain, raised his hand to hold the gun handle at his waist, and quickly glanced around.

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