Panther Commando

Chapter 4174: Shells in the forest

Wan Lin is a descendant of the Wan family. Although his skill is not as good as that of a Taoist priest who is over sixty years old, his internal skills have already gained considerable popularity. When he was in close contact with the Taoist priest of nothingness, he had already felt the profound skill in the Taoist leader's body. At that time, he realized that as long as the Taoist leader ate the fragrant magic pill in his hand when he was injured, he would definitely save his life.

Seeing Wan Lin's puzzled look, the old man replied with a gloomy expression: "Yes, at that time, as long as Niu Wu ate the rejuvenation pill in his hand, he would never die. Even after we arrived, if he ate the rejuvenation pill in our hands, he would never die. Fragrant Demon Pill, he will not emerge so quickly. But he is already ashes, and he is completely disappointed! He has Xuanxuguan's Huisheng Pill by his side, so why would he eat our elixir again?"

"The actions of the disobedient have made his heart feel like a tree, and he has no desire to survive! He told me at the time that there is no way to do good or bad, only people are called by themselves, and the rewards of good and evil go hand in hand. This is his own creation. You should be punished like this!"

He followed Wan Lin with concentration and said, "In the records left by our ancestors of the Wan clan, the rejuvenation elixir of Xuanxu Guan has been mentioned many times, saying that this elixir is extremely effective and its functions are revived. The rare medicinal materials are carefully concocted, and it is a rare elixir in the world. I didn't expect that nothingness left me such a precious gift before he left, and he himself was not willing to eat it!"

After listening to his grandfather's story, Wan Lin was moved and said, "Grandpa, the Taoist master of nothingness hopes that you will live a long and healthy life." The old man said with some sigh, "I understand the meaning of nothingness, but those of us who practice internal skills don't meet as long as we don't meet. Accidentally, health and longevity is not a problem.”

He raised his head and looked at Wan Lin affectionately and continued: "Lin'er, you are all engaged in extremely dangerous careers, take a few pills when you leave." Wan Lin quickly shook his head and said, "How about that, then It was given to you by the Taoist priest, and I already have the two elixirs, Xiangmowan and Shebaowan, by my side, so please stay with me."

The old man waved his hand and said, "The medicinal properties of Huisheng Pill are not the same as those of our Wan clan. They are a sect that practice cold arts, so the spirit medicine in the door has a miraculous effect on the treatment of diseases caused by cold symptoms, especially It works very quickly for the critically ill and the seriously injured, and our medicines can't compare to them."

The old man followed with a dignified expression and said: "This is not only for you alone, Xiaoya and Chengru are all children of our Wan family, even Fengdao and Baoya are your brothers of life and death, you should bring more by your side. These elixir can keep everyone safe, take it with you."

Wan Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, I'll take two pills, and you keep the rest as spares. You have Professor Chang and your younger siblings by your side. If something happens, you can feel at ease. By the way, Dao Master Jiao In the relics given to you, isn't there a medical book of Xuanxuguan, can we re-concoct some elixir of rejuvenation pills in the same way?"

At this time, the sun has risen, and the green grass in the mountains is gently swaying the slender grass blades in the breeze. The old man smiled when he heard Wan Lin's suggestion. He leaned over and picked a few small black fruits from a small tree not far away. The fruit was handed to Wan Lin.

The old man chewed the wild fruit in his mouth a few times, then frowned and said, "The wild fruit is sour." He then looked at Wan Lin with a smile and said, "Although Xuanxuguan's medical books are precious, they only record the The methods and prescriptions for diagnosing various incurable diseases will definitely contain the prescription of Huisheng Pill. But can you concoct the fragrant magic pills and Shebao pills from Wan's family? The main medicines in it are all by chance Treasures can only be obtained by coincidence, and it is very difficult for those who are unlucky to obtain them. Otherwise, the medicines such as Xiangmo Pill, Shebao Pill and Huisheng Dan would not be so precious."

Wan Lin stuffed the fruit handed over by his grandfather into his mouth. He chewed the sour wild fruit a few times and laughed. Indeed, these revitalizing drugs are precious not only because of their magical effects, but also because they are extremely difficult to concoct. The main medicine in those pills really had to be obtained by chance.

The old man followed and glanced at the surrounding hillside, stood up and said to Wan Lin, "Lin'er, give me your saber." Wan Lin quickly pulled out the saber in the scabbard at his waist and handed it over. He already knew in his heart that Grandpa was definitely going to collect some herbs to go back, and he also got up and stood up.

Sure enough, the old man strode to the small forest on the hillside where Xiaohua had just entered. He grabbed a vine wrapped around the trunk with his left hand, raised the saber in his right hand to cut off the branches and leaves on it, and then bent down to cut the vine. Tiegan cut off, and he followed and pulled the vine down from the tree.

Wan Lin took the saber from his grandfather and said with a smile, "Grandpa, do you want to make a medicine basket? I'll go get two more vines." With that, he took the saber and strode to a nearby tree Next, use a saber to skillfully cut off the top branches and leaves, and then raise the saber to cut off the root of the vine.

The moment he bent down, he suddenly straightened up and took a step back. He grabbed his grandfather's arm and hid behind the tree. He followed his right hand and quickly pulled out the pistol at his waist. Looking looks very nervous.

It was quiet in the forest, wisps of sunlight shone on the forest floor covered with fallen leaves and grass, and there were clusters of mottled light and shadows everywhere in the forest. At this time, the old man had already snatched the saber from Wan Lin's left hand. He leaned against the tree trunk and asked in a low voice, "Lin'er, what's going on?"

Wan Lin moved his pistol and swept the surroundings, and replied in a low voice: "There are three 7.62 caliber assault rifle shells on the ground. They should have been left recently, and there is no dust on them." The old man heard Wan Lin's answer, Immediately forcing a burst of true energy into the surrounding forest, he whispered, "There is no one around, let's go and have a look."

Wan Lin inserted the pistol into the holster around his waist, and took his grandfather to the side and under the tree. He bent over to pick up the three shells that had fallen in the grass, raised them up and took a closer look and said, "Yes, the caliber is 7.62 mm, it should be the ammunition equipped with the ak47, and there is a faint smell of gunpowder inside. , the shooting time should be in these two days."

The old man stared at the woodland. He raised his feet and walked a few steps around. He squatted down and scratched the weeds on the ground and watched carefully for a while. He stood up and looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Yes, the footprints on the ground are still there. Although there was a heavy rain last night, it can still be seen here that these are the footprints of four people. It seems that they are carrying heavy things on their backs, otherwise the footprints would not be so deep. "

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