Panther Commando

Chapter 4175: muddy footprints

In the woods on the hillside, Wan Lin saw his grandfather watching the woods, and he quickly walked over with the cartridge case. He walked over to his grandfather and looked down. Sure enough, there were several vague footprints on the muddy forest floor, and the rainwater from last night remained in the footprints.

He lowered his head and looked at it carefully for a while. The footprints were very blurred in the rain. When he looked at it, it was a few muddy puddles. He couldn't see the difference at all. footprint?

He straightened up and looked at his grandfather with some doubts and asked, "Grandpa, the footprints have been soaked in the rain, how can you see that these are the footprints of four people, I have watched the same for a long time, it is not a person who moves left and right to step out. footprints?"

The old man lowered his head and pointed to several puddles on the grass and explained: "Look, these footprints look like puddles at first glance, but if you look closely at their shape, you can see that they are human footprints. Judging from the shape, at that time, These people are all standing on the edge of the forest and looking down the hillside. If the footprints were made by one person moving sideways, it would not be so neatly arranged under these trees near the edge of the forest. Therefore, these footprints should be four people at the same time. Standing under the tree, hiding and looking down the hillside."

The old man turned his head and glanced around, and then said, "They should have seen a prey under the **** here, so one person suddenly started to grab it. The footprints on the hillside below have been washed away by the rain formed by the rainstorm last night, so we No footprints were seen below. There was a creek on the side of the woods where they were supposed to be picking up prey."

At this time, Wan Lin heard his grandfather's analysis and saw that it was indeed the traces of several footprints, and the toes were all facing the hillside below. It was true that four people were hiding under the tree at the same time.

He looked at the old man and nodded, and said thoughtfully, "It seems that the other party used an assault rifle to aim at the prey on the hillside and shot a short shot. This kid's marksmanship is quite accurate, and he was killed with just one short shot. Prey, we have to be careful. Grandpa, let's take a look by the stream, shall we?" With that, he put his right hand into the hidden weapon pocket at his waist, and quickly clamped a few steel needles between his fingers to prevent accidents.

At this time, there was a sudden rustling sound of grass shaking in the forest in front of the side. Wan Lin and his grandfather immediately disappeared behind the tree and looked into the forest. It turned out that Xiaohua suddenly ran over from the hillside above.

Xiaohua rose and fell among the weeds in the forest, and appeared in front of Wan Lin and his grandfather in a blink of an eye. It lowered its head and glanced at the puddles in the grass, with blue light looming in its eyes and stood up, facing Wan Lin. Lin and Grandpa raised their right paws and pointed to the middle of the forest on the upper side.

Wan Lin and his grandfather glanced at each other. Outside the forest was the direction of the stream they were going to check. Xiaohua must have found something there? Wan Lin immediately bent down and patted Xiao Hua's head, and then whispered, "Come on, let's go over and take a look." Xiao Hua shook her thick tail, turned and ran to the side of the forest. Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua running out, and he whispered to his grandfather with a few steel needles in his hand: "Grandpa, you follow me." After saying that, he looked at Xiao Hua's back and strode towards the other side.

The forest was very quiet. The arrival of the small flowers made the animals living in the forest have long since escaped without a trace. Even the chirping of insects whispering in the soil had disappeared. The shadow of the tree is like a figure standing in the forest.

Wan Lin and his grandfather followed Xiao Hua out of the grove. A babbling stream was slowly flowing down from the rocks above the hillside. The stream reflected a silver chain-like luster in the sunlight. The waves splashing among the rocks are one after another, reflecting the dazzling luster like pearls.

Wan Lin walked out of the woods and immediately glanced around vigilantly, followed with his grandfather to the stream where Xiao Hua was standing and stopped. A faint smell of blood penetrated Wan Lin's nose immediately, he looked down, some colorful feathers were scattered in the grass beside Xiao Hua, and the soil under the grass roots was still soaked with patches of red blood.

At this time, Grandpa had already raised his head and looked around. He bent down and picked up a feather from the grass and said, "These feathers have already lost their color. Those boys should have come here yesterday morning and shot and killed this pheasant. But a chicken can't fill their stomachs, and they should have hunted other prey around." He followed and asked Xiaohua who was standing on the rock: "Xiaohua, do you see anything else?"

Xiaohua heard her grandfather's voice, stood up and pointed to the hillside above the stream, then jumped off the rock and ran up. Wan Lin quickly followed, and he followed Xiaohua to the stream on the hillside above. There were two rabbit skins thrown next to the rocks at the edge of the forest, and some hare's internal organs were scattered in the grass below.

Wan Lin glanced at the mountain opposite the stream, walked back to his grandfather and said thoughtfully, "Yes, there are two rabbit skins and some internal organs on it. It seems that they had a meal in the forest. There should also be traces of burning fire. This is deep in the mountains and few people travel, even if hunters rarely come to this mountain, and these people appear here with their hands, they should not be hunters on our side, but most likely drug dealers who **** drugs. "

The old man nodded, looked up at the hillside opposite the creek, and said, "Yes, they must be avoiding the police's investigation, so they detoured into the depths of this sparsely populated They must have He was carrying contraband. Niu Wu told me yesterday that he met several drug dealers with guns in this mountain half a year ago, so I should be careful when I go back.”

When Wan Lin heard that Daoist Netherworld had encountered drug dealers in this mountain, he frowned and asked, "The Daoist Netherworld was not injured at that time, right? Those people are very dangerous gangsters."

The old man replied coldly: "They don't have the ability! That day, when Xiwu went out to collect medicine, he just walked near the waterfall behind Xuanxu Guan Mountain, and he saw three people standing by the puddle next to the waterfall. Shadow. At that time, nothingness didn't know they were drug dealers, and thought it was just a few hunters who passed by this mountain by accident. He didn't want to talk to outsiders, so he turned around and left."

"I didn't expect those boys to see the nothingness at this time. They immediately pointed their guns at nothingness and yelled at him to pass. At that time, nothingness didn't expect these people to carry weapons, so he immediately faced the opponent's muzzle. He walked over vigorously. As soon as he reached the waterfall, the three boys came over and grabbed his food basket. One of them greedily grabbed the jerky in the back basket and stuffed it into his mouth, then asked Is there anyone around the nothingness?" (https://) "Leopard Commando" only represents the views of the author Zhuxiang Bookstore, if you find any content that violates national laws, please delete it, https:// The stand is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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