Panther Commando

Chapter 4181: 0 years Lingzhi

Under the scorching sun, Wan Lin saw that his grandfather had jumped up the steep cliff like a knife, and he immediately showed a nervous look on his face. He hurriedly ran down to the cliff with the backpack in one hand and the guqin in the other. He gently placed the backpack and the guqin on a rock more than one meter high beside him. When he fell off the cliff, he reached out to catch his grandfather.

He knew that his grandfather's skill had reached the perfection, but on such a steep and wet cliff, no matter how high his skill was, he would inevitably miss, so he quickly stood firm on the rock and put on a posture to **** his grandfather.

Just when Wan Lin raised his arms and looked up intently, the old man had already climbed agilely to the middle of the cliff more than forty meters high. Grabbing the cracks above, stepping on the raised rocks below with both feet respectively, and reaching out to the grass with the right hand.

Just as the old man's right hand touched the grass above, his right hand that was raised up suddenly retracted like lightning, and the protruding upper body suddenly shrank down, followed by a pale pink body protection. gas.

Wan Lin was shocked! At this moment, he had already seen that in the grass in the crevice of the cliff above Grandpa's head, a black-brown, wooden stick-like thing suddenly stood up. The triangular stick head was biting at Grandpa's retracted right arm like lightning!

Wan Lin immediately realized that this must be a highly venomous snake lurking in the grass around Ganoderma lucidum! He knew that some precious elixir in the mountains would give off a fragrant smell, so there might be some highly poisonous snakes or ferocious beasts hiding around. The venomous snake that bared its fangs and gnawed at Grandpa!

"Be careful!" He yelled, and the steel needles in his right hand were about to be thrown upwards. At the same time, Xiaohua, who was running in the mountains in front, saw her grandfather climbing the steep cliff, and also turned around and ran back.

At this time, its sharp eyes had already seen the poisonous snake that suddenly emerged. It jumped up while running, and a deafening roar suddenly came out of its mouth, and the blue light beam shot out of its eyes straight to the top of Grandpa's head!

The blue light beam shot straight on the triangular snake head that was pecking at the old man's arm, and the deafening leopard's roar made the whole cliff shake violently.

Under the stimulation of Xiaohua's dazzling blue light and strong sound waves, the triangular snake head with the snake letter in its mouth quickly stopped suddenly, and a panicked look followed from the cold eyes on both sides of the snake head.

At this moment, the old man's retracted right hand suddenly stretched forward like a lightning bolt, grabbing the snake under the snake's head with a "snap", and the old man suddenly raised his arm upwards.

A big snake that was over a meter long was immediately pulled out by the old man from the crevice of the cliff. The long snake body was twisting violently under the raised right hand of the old man, which was shocking!

Wan Lin looked up at the poisonous snake in the hands of his grandfather, which was swallowing the snake letter with its mouth open. He exclaimed in astonishment, "Five-step snake!" If you are bitten by this kind of snake, you will die of poison if you can't walk five steps! He hurriedly called out to his grandfather nervously, "Grandpa, did he bite you?"

The old man clawed at the crevice with his left hand and held the struggling snake high with his right hand. He raised his head and stared at the struggling snake and said loudly, "Lin'er, don't worry, it hasn't been able to bite my old man. hunter!"

The old man said and turned his head to look at Xiaohua who was flying from under the cliff. With his right hand, he grabbed the position seven inches below the snake's head and shouted at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, this delicious food is handed over to you!" The old man's vigorous voice In the middle, his right hand slammed to the side of the mountain.

The poisonous snake in the air twisted its slender body and flew straight to the floret that was rushing like a fly. The bright red snake letter in the mouth was quickly spit in the air against the floret below, and a terrifying "hiss" sound made people feel Creepy.

At this moment, Xiao Hua's eyes were blue with blue light, and it suddenly jumped up from the rocks to meet the poisonous snake flying in the air. It was in the air and suddenly raised its right paw forward, and slapped the side of the triangular snake's head with a big mouth with a "pop". The snake's head, which was biting at Xiaohua with its big blood-red mouth, flew to the side. At this moment, Xiao Hua's left paw flashed cold light over the snake's body under the snake's head.

Under the dazzling sunlight, the nails from Xiaohua's left paw flashed a cold light across the air, and the triangular snake head flew up from the twisted snake and went straight to the mountains on the side, followed by a stream of blood from the snake. Squirt from the body.

Xiaohua cut off the snake's head with one claw, opened her mouth and bit the twisted snake's body, and it fell from the air. Xiaohua's action to kill the poisonous snake in the air was as fast as lightning, and she made several movements in one go. In the blink of an eye, she had already bitten the long snake and landed beside Wan Good! Wan Lin stared at Xiao Hua's lightning-like movements and couldn't help cheering loudly. Xiao Hua fell under the cliff and immediately raised her big blue eyes to look at Grandpa who was still hanging on the cliff above. It was sure that there was nothing else around her. After the poison, he shook his thick tail, held the prey in his mouth, and ran excitedly behind a rock on the side.

Wan Lin smiled when he looked at Xiao Hua, knowing that when these leopards eat, they will definitely find a hidden place. The head of this snake is highly poisonous, and the long snake body is a delicious meal for Xiao Hua. .

And Xiaohua has just finished eating the rejuvenation pill that grandfather gave it, and the toxins and cold air in the body have been discharged, so it will definitely feel hungry, this delicious poisonous snake is indeed coming at the right time.

At this time, the old man was clinging to the top of the rock with his left hand, with one foot in a crack under him, and the other on the raised rock on the cliff. Grass, carefully picked off the two palm-sized ganoderma lucidum growing in the grass.

The old man lifted the Ganoderma lucidum to look carefully, and then exclaimed in surprise: "Haha, no wonder there are poisonous snakes guarding here, this is at least three hundred years of Ganoderma lucidum, now baby!" The old man looked into the grass in surprise. Looking at it, he shouted: "No wonder, these are two male and female Ganoderma lucidum growing together!"

The old man shouted excitedly while hanging on the steep rock wall, and then carefully put the two ganoderma lucidum into the medicine basket on his back. He lowered his head and glanced at the cliff below, and gently pushed the side cliff with his right hand, and his tall body immediately roared down against the steep rock wall, and went straight to the side below a raised stone on the cliff. go.

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