Panther Commando

Chapter 4182: The doctor's benevolence

On the steep cliff, the tall old man's body had already fallen to the top of the rock more than ten meters below the right in the blink of an eye. At this moment, his left foot lightly tapped the raised rock, and his body went straight to another raised rock at the lower left with a "swoosh". His arms fluttered like fallen leaves towards Wan Lin.

Wan Lin looked nervously at the fallen grandfather, then stretched out his hands and gently placed the old man on the rock beside him. At this time, the old man's face was flushed with excitement, he stood firm and immediately took out the two ganoderma lucidum from the medicine basket, he held the ganoderma lucidum in front of Wan Lin and shouted: "Lin'er, look, there is a strong smell on it. The fragrant smell of the fungus, the edge of the cap is densely arranged with growth circles, at least three or four hundred years, this is a rare treasure!"

Wan Lin was also pleasantly surprised to take the Ganoderma lucidum that his grandfather held in front of him and looked at it. A faint fragrance came straight into his nostrils. The mushroom caps on the two Ganoderma lucidum were red and black like paint. There are densely growing circles, and there are countless tiny tube holes under the hard cap. This is indeed a rare wild Ganoderma lucidum. No wonder Grandpa is so excited.

He excitedly took out a towel from his body and carefully wrapped the two Ganoderma lucidum. He handed the wrapped Ganoderma lucidum to his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, wild Ganoderma lucidum is hard to find now. I didn't expect to find such a precious Ganoderma lucidum here."

The old man stretched out his hand to take the wrapped Ganoderma lucidum, his eyebrows trembled with excitement, he excitedly put Ganoderma lucidum into the basket behind him and said, "Yes, I said how can there be such a poisonous snake next to me, so there is a treasure hidden here? This is nothingness that blesses us in the dark. I have traveled all over this place in the past ten years, but I have never found such a precious Ganoderma lucidum growing here!"

The old man said with his hands clasped in fists, turned around and bowed deeply in the direction of Xuanxuguan. He straightened his waist and said to Wan Lin, "Incense and magic pills need this kind of ganoderma lucidum for more than 100 years, but the ganoderma lucidum I have on hand has been used up, and I am worried that there are no remaining fragrant magic pills for these auxiliary medicines!"

Wan Lin said quickly, "Grandpa, there should be a Ganoderma lucidum on the market, how much is it? Let's buy it!" The old man shook his head and replied, "This kind of Ganoderma lucidum more than 100 years old cannot be found in the market at all! No matter how much money you have, you can’t buy it. Alas, let alone this kind of Ganoderma lucidum that is more than 100 years old, even the wild Ganoderma lucidum for a few years is rarely seen on the market. The ones that can be bought on the market are basically Artificially cultivated, it will be on the market in a few months.”

The old man sighed and continued: "I used to seldom go to the drugstores in the city, but now that I live in the city, I realize that wild medicinal materials are rarely seen on the market. To be honest, I really dare not buy them. The medicinal herbs that came here are the ones that I picked up from the mountains, and the medicinal effects are sufficient.”

He followed Wan Lin and continued earnestly: "Do you know why grandpa can cure the disease? Not only is the diagnosis accurate, but also the medicinal materials prepared by grandpa are not sloppy in the slightest. This is a matter of human life. I can make a living casually. The main purpose of my return this time is to collect some herbs with my own hands, those herbs in the city simply can’t get into my eyes!”

Wan Lin nodded vigorously with a dignified expression. He knew that doctors are benevolent, and good medical skills can save people from water and fire, but if there is no decent medicine at hand, no matter how high a medical skill is, it will still be useless.

The medicine market in the city is now a mixed bag, most of which are artificially cultivated medicinal materials, and are also full of fake medicines made by some unscrupulous merchants. If these raw materials with no or insufficient efficacy are accidentally used, it will directly affect the patient's health and even life. It is no wonder that grandfather does not use the medicinal materials in the city, but insists on returning to the mountains to collect medicines.

After the old man finished speaking, he glanced around and said, "This time I brought Xiaomin and Xiaomiao back, just to let them familiarize themselves with various herbs, know the medicinal properties of them, and teach them how to go to the mountains to collect herbs. The foundation of our medical skills. When you and Xiaoya are okay, follow us to the mountains and help me collect more medicinal materials."

"Okay!" Wan Lin replied quickly, and he looked at a few small bushes that burrowed out of the stone crevices and said, "Hey, isn't that a big bone pill?" After saying that, he quickly walked to the side and stretched out his hand. He pulled out a small arbor and said, "Grandpa, it's really a big bone pill." He pulled out the dagger and skillfully peeled off the root bark and leaves, and then walked to Grandpa with the root bark and leaves.

The old man took a look at the herbal medicine handed over by Wan Lin and took a closer look, then said with a smile, "Yes, it is indeed a big bone-setting pill. This thing can be used as medicine after it is dried. It has the effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relaxing muscles and bones It also has good curative effect on asthma and other diseases.”

The old man raised his hand and put the herbs into the medicine basket behind him. He followed the look at the little flower that emerged from behind the rock and said with a smile: "Xiaohua, the toxins and cold air in your body have also been expelled, and your stomach is full. Now, can we set off?" Xiaohua heard her grandfather's witty cry, grinned and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of her with her big mouth wagging her big tail. She looked very Wan Lin saw Xiaohua Excitedly, he smiled and said, "Look at how beautiful the little flower is." The old man smiled and said, "Of course it is beautiful, and the Rejuvenation Pill is a miracle drug in the world. It is a good thing that even a thousand dollars can't buy. It must be comfortable now. Well, I'll collect medicine while walking." The old man followed with big strides and walked towards the rolling hills ahead.

Wan Lin agreed. Just as he was about to follow his grandfather forward, the satellite phone he placed on the side of his backpack suddenly made a beeping sound. He quickly stopped and took out the phone and put it to his ear.

Xiaoya's voice came over immediately: "Lin'er, you've been away for several days, why haven't you come back yet?" Wan Lin smiled, and he replied in a low voice, "Something happened, my grandfather and I are going to I can't get home until tomorrow." Xiaoya followed and asked, "What happened to the nihilistic leader you said?"

When Wan Lin heard Xiaoya mention the Daoist Master of Nothingness, his face darkened immediately, and he replied in a low voice: "Alas, the old Daoist priest has already emerged, and the Xuanxu View has disappeared." Xiaoya shouted in astonishment on the phone : "Oh, why is this happening? Did you have an emergency? I knew I would go with you. No, with the holy hand of Grandpa there, why did the Taoist suddenly leave?"


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