Panther Commando

Chapter 4298: suspect vehicle

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Wan Lin and the others relaxed a little after hearing Li Dongsheng's introduction. They have long known that the guards of the institute have been providing covert protection to Yu Jing and related researchers. Wan Lin looked at Li Dongsheng and asked, "The guards have less actual combat experience. Are they replaced by ours?"

Li Dongsheng immediately replied: "Yes, Deputy Director Wang and Minister Gao also think that in this special period, it is safer to replace you." Wan Lin heard this and asked, "Now that the summer vacation is not over, bring Jingyi to peace. Is it safe to send Shanshan away?"

Li Dongsheng replied with a look of regret on his face: "Yes, they finally came back. President Yu and I originally wanted them to stay here for a while, but Jingyi's grandfather and grandma were reluctant to let them go. It's a pity. , the people of the red fox suddenly appeared at this time, I can only let Shanshan's mother take them away to prevent them from becoming the other party's bargaining chip to blackmail Yu Jing."

"These bastards!" Wan Lin scolded in a low voice. He then looked at Staff Officer Wang and asked with a frown, "There are three cars in the front and back. Haven't the police found their whereabouts yet?"

The three suspicious vehicles appeared several days ago, but the police have yet to find out the whereabouts of the vehicles, which really made him anxious.

When Staff Officer Wang heard Wan Lin's question, he replied with a bit of frustration: "Alas, these license plates are all fake license plates, and there is no way to find out the owner's information. At that time, these three vehicles were separated from the research institute and Mr. Yu and the others. After the vehicles arrived, they all went straight to the downtown area to mix into the traffic, and then changed the number plate in the secluded place, so it was difficult to find their whereabouts."

When he said this, Li Dongsheng suddenly interrupted and said, "Last night, Director Xu of National Security sent a notice to Minister Gao and me, saying that in a narrow alley in the downtown area, the whereabouts of the suspected black car were found. The police and the operation department of the Provincial National Security Bureau have dispatched special personnel to secretly monitor. So far, no suspicious persons have been found near the car.”

Wan Lin and the rest of the Leopard team's eyes lit up when they heard this. Wan Lin looked at Li Dongsheng and said hurriedly: "Li Tou, should we go over and take a look? There may be clues about the suspect in the car." Cheng Ru and a group of people They all looked at Li Dongsheng with glowing eyes.

Li Dongsheng immediately shook his head and replied: "Judging from the state of the car, the other party has abandoned the car. The police also arranged for special personnel to conduct secret reconnaissance around, but no strangers were found nearby. The police and national security did not approach the car. If the car was indeed abandoned by the other party, they would not find anything of value even if they searched the car secretly.”

Wan Lin had a disappointed look on his face, he pondered for a moment and nodded and said, "The red foxes are all specially trained people, and they all have many years of killer careers, they will definitely not easily stay in the action. Clues. Moreover, these people are skilled in disguise, and even if someone saw them at the time, I am afraid it is difficult to detect their whereabouts. "

He followed and stroked Xiaohua, who was lying on the conference table in front of him, looked at Li Dongsheng and asked, "Do you want Xiaohua and Xiaobai to come and see?" Li Dongsheng immediately replied: "Yes, that's what Director Xu meant, they Someone has been sent to secretly monitor, and if the suspicious person has not appeared in the past two days, he would like to invite you to come over with two leopards and let them smell the suspect's scent."

"Okay!" Wan Lin replied immediately, and he followed: "As long as Xiaohua and Xiaobai smell the suspect in the car, no matter how the other party dresses up, they will definitely not be able to escape the sensitive sense of smell of Xiaohua and Xiaobai."

When Xiaohua and Xiaobai heard Wanlin mention their names, they immediately stood up from the conference table with glowing eyes, staring at Li Dongsheng with big eyes, and their thick tails were also raised upwards, looking impatient. look.

Everyone laughed when they saw the two leopards. Li Dongsheng reached out and patted the heads of the two leopards and said, "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, don't worry, those **** can't escape! You are busy behind. "He looked at Wan Lin and said, "When it's quiet at night, you bring Xiaohua and Xiaobai to quietly go there. I'm worried that the smell of the suspect in the car will dissipate after too long."

"Okay!" Wan Lin replied immediately. He followed Xiaoya, who was sitting on the side, and said, "Xiaoya, your group will follow me with Xiaohua and Xiaobai at night." Xiaoya stroked and stood at the conference table in front of her. Xiaobai, who was on top, replied crisply, "Yes!"

Li Dongsheng looked at Xiaoya and ordered: "From tomorrow, Xiaoya and your four female team members will be fully responsible for Yu Jing's personal security." "Yes!" Xiaoya replied immediately.

Li Dongsheng followed and looked at Wan Lin and said, "The security of the institute is still in charge of the military guards, and the rest of you are responsible for the safety of the main researchers of the institute, focusing on protecting their safety on the way to and from get off work."

Wan Lin straightened up and replied, "Yes!" He then asked worriedly, "Are the residences of these researchers secretly protected by someone?"

Li Dongsheng replied immediately: "The institute is affiliated to our military region. Most of the researchers live in several compounds in the military region, and their residences are also under the strict protection of the security regiment. You are only responsible for their security on the road."

He pondered for a while when he said this, then looked at Wan Lin and said: "Except Xiaoya and the You provide secret protection for the rest of the researchers, don't interfere with their lives, and prevent them from affecting their scientific research work due to tension. In the afternoon, the Military Region Security Office and the security regiment will send people over to provide you with vehicles, a list of scientific researchers who need to be protected, and the basic information of the scientific researchers who need to be protected.”

"Yes!" Wan Lin replied immediately. Li Dongsheng stood up and said: "The basic situation is like this. You guys rest for a while. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the military area security office and the head of the guard regiment, Yang, will come over. I will go back first." After that, he turned around and walked towards the door. go. Just then, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Li Dongsheng took out his mobile phone and held it to his ear and said, "It's me." After speaking, his face suddenly became solemn, and he raised his hand and waved to the Hua Leopard team member who was standing up. He held up the mobile phone and listened for a while. : "Okay, I'll take someone over in a while!"

After he finished speaking, he put down his mobile phone and said hastily to Staff Wang who was about to turn off the computer: "Staff Wang, immediately call up the topographic map of the No. 3 residential area around the institute!" "Yes!" Staff Wang replied immediately.

Staff Officer Wang raised his hand and quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times, and a map of a residential area in front of the Military Research Institute immediately appeared on the screen.

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