Panther Commando

Chapter 4299: fleeing gangster

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With the sound of Li Dongsheng's order, the air in the conference room immediately became tense. Wan Lin's group stood at attention at the conference table and looked at Li Dongsheng with a serious face. They all knew in their hearts that there must be an emergency outside, otherwise Li Dongsheng's face would not suddenly become so solemn!

Li Dongsheng strode to the side of the screen. He raised his finger and pointed to a six-story residential building displayed on the screen and said, "Deputy Director Wang Molin called me personally. Just now, under this residence two kilometers away from the Military Research Institute. , the police inspectors suddenly found a person driving a motorcycle close to the residential building, and the motorcycle driven by the other party was very similar to the suspect motorcycle."

He moved his arm, pointed to a street on the side and continued: "Just when the police officers were about to stop the motorcycle for inspection, the other party suddenly accelerated and fled to the street. The police officers were driving and chasing, while notifying the nearby police officers to stop them. "

When Li Dongsheng said this, he turned his head and looked at the group of people in Wanlin and said loudly: "Just as the police vehicle coming from the side street rushed in front of the motorcycle, the driver suddenly pulled out a pistol and shot at the intercepting vehicle, followed by throwing Out of a * to flee to the side street, the police are setting up a card to intercept the line where the other party may escape."

When he said this, he ordered loudly: "Wanlin, Xiaoya, you two immediately bring Xiaohua and Xiaobai to the scene with me, and the rest of the staff are on standby. Staff officer Wang, go!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin, Xiaoya and Staff Wang replied immediately. Wan Lin and Xiaoya immediately picked up the two leopards on the conference table and put them on their shoulders, turned around and followed Li Dongsheng to the door of the conference room. .

Staff Officer Wang drove an off-road vehicle quickly to the residential area beside the military research institute. Several police cars were parked around, and a group of heavily armed police officers had set up a cordon around the area. Wan Lin's off-road vehicle stopped in front of the cordon. Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin and Xiaoya, wearing sunglasses, pushed the door open and jumped out of the car nimbly.

The policeman standing in front of the cordon was about to reach out to stop them, when a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and plainclothes in the line immediately shouted, "Let them in." The two policemen immediately raised the cordon and let Li Dongsheng The three walked in.

Li Dongsheng strode up to the middle-aged man and asked in a low voice, "Director Xu, did you stop that kid?" He had already seen that the middle-aged man was Director Xu of the provincial national security bureau.

Director Xu replied immediately: "No." He followed Wan Lin and Xiaoya who were standing behind Li Dongsheng and nodded, and then said: "This kid is very fierce, using the flexibility of the motorcycle to pass three levels in a row. , is now driving to the densely populated areas in the urban area, trying to sneak into the crowd and escape."

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed the earphone in his ear and said, "Speak!" He listened for a while, and then said, "Okay, I understand, quickly clear the scene and let the police evacuate!"

Director Xu spoke into the miniature microphone beside his mouth, looked at Li Dongsheng and said: "The gangster shoots continuously during the card punching process, which is too dangerous. Once he is allowed to rush into the densely populated downtown area, he is likely to Caused damage to civilians, so we have ordered to kill. Just a minute ago, when he was driving into a narrow alley near the city, he was shot in the chest by a SWAT sniper who arrived in time, and he was killed!"

When Li Dongsheng, Wan Lin and Xiaoya heard that the gangster had been killed, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. From Director Xu's description just now, they already knew that once the armed gangster was allowed to rush into the downtown area, this kid would most likely take risks and cause harm to the surrounding civilians during the police's siege and interception. In this case, killing this vicious criminal is indeed the most appropriate method.

Director Xu then pointed to the residential building on the side and said in a low voice: "From the current point of view, this person is likely to be from the Red Fox. It is less than two kilometers away from the research institute. The windows on the fifth and sixth floors and The roof of the building can monitor the incoming and outgoing personnel and vehicles of the institute. He appeared here at such a sensitive time, the purpose is probably to establish an observation post here, closely monitor the incoming and outgoing vehicles and personnel of the institute, and provide reconnaissance for the next move. "

Hearing this, Li Dongsheng raised his head and glanced at the six-story residential building on the side. He then stared at the surrounding roads and asked, "Have you found any other accomplices of this kid?" Wan Lin and Xiaoya listened to Li Dongsheng. While talking with Director Xu, he looked around vigilantly. At this time, they did not take Xiaohua and Xiaobai out of the car to avoid them attracting the attention of outsiders.

Outside the cordon, there were already many old people and children who had heard the movement, and they looked inside the cordon and whispered about what had just happened. Wan Lin and Xiaoya saw the crowd gathered around, and both of them pulled down the brim of their hats.

Director Xu raised his head and glanced around. He frowned at the crowd walking towards him, and said to Li Dongsheng in a low voice, "Let's go and see the situation at the office of President Yu of the Institute."

Li Dongsheng replied immediately, "Okay." After speaking, he turned around and walked outside the cordon. Wan Lin and Xiaoya immediately followed, and Director Xu also turned and walked towards the black car on the side. .

Wan Lin and Xiaoya followed Li Dongsheng to the off-road vehicle outside the cordon, just as Wan Lin took a step forward and opened the car he suddenly noticed a faint aura moving towards him. He came here.

Wan Lin's sunglasses-wearing eyes immediately flashed a fierce light, he calmly confronted Li Dongsheng, who was bent over and got into the car, and said in a low voice, "Li Tou, you and Xiaoya go to the research institute first, don't wait. I, I'll go back by myself."

At this time, the little flower in the car also suddenly got out of the back seat, and was about to jump out of the car, and Xiaobai also came from behind. Wan Lin quickly reached out and grabbed the two leopards and pushed them into the car, with a stern command in his mouth: "Go back with Xiaoya!" After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the crowd watching from the side.

Li Dongsheng and Xiaoya glanced at Wan Lin's back in astonishment. Li Dongsheng whispered to Xiaoya, "Go, take Xiaohua and Xiaobai back to the research institute." He and Xiaoya got into the car, and Li Dongsheng closed the door. In the car, he ordered Staff Wang, who was sitting in the driving position, to say, "Staff Wang, go to the research institute." The off-road vehicle immediately drove along the original road to the street behind.

At this time, Li Dongsheng and Xiaoya were sitting in the car, both turning their heads to look at Wan Lin, who had slipped into the crowd, with nervous expressions on their faces. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have also jumped onto Xiaoya's lap. They stood up and looked at Wanlin's back from the side window. A red and blue light beam faintly appeared in their big eyes.

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