Panther Commando

Chapter 4391: drive out of base

The setting sun has already set, and there is only a touch of afterglow shrouding the cascading mountains, and it is twilight in the Wild Elephant Valley where the Eagle Falcon base is located. Instructor Johnny glanced coldly at the student who was standing upright, raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads. He put down his arms and looked sharply at the boy who had just woken up on the ground.

At this moment, the kid was struggling to stand up from the ground, Johnny stared at him and said coldly: "You two are fighting on the training ground, I don't care, but if you secretly attack your companions, we will Falcon Base is not welcome!"

He turned his head to look at the Scorpion Instructor and ordered, "Scorpion, notify someone from the logistics department, send him to the infirmary to have his bones connected, and then take him directly to the airport." "Yes!" The Scorpion Instructor replied loudly, bowing his head. Called through the microphone hanging on his lips.

All the new students were stunned when they heard Instructor Johnny's icy voice! They never thought that this companion would be sent back to China directly. They were all the troops or companies they belonged to, and they spent a lot of money to send them to this top eagle base for training!

They all knew in their hearts that once they were sent back for violating the discipline here, they would not only be disgraced, but would also receive extremely severe punishment!

At this time, the kid who was knocked unconscious by the kick of the scorpion instructor just woke up. He heard the order of the instructor Johnny. He struggled to sit up from the mud with a pale face, raised his head and shouted hoarsely: "Report the instructor, My injury is nothing, it will be fine in a few days, don't send me back!"

Instructor Johnny heard the boy's cry, turned his head to look at the boy and roared: "Shut up, you dare to play black hands on your companions on the training ground, you are not qualified to stay here, it is not your turn to call! "

In the furious roar, his right hand had already pulled out the pistol from the holster tied to the side of his thigh, he quickly pulled the bolt, raised the muzzle, and pulled the trigger against the boy's side.

"Crack", a bullet hit the mud next to the boy accurately, and the boy's cry stopped abruptly! The few recruits around who were about to open their mouths to plead, all closed their mouths just opened in the sound of gunfire, and the faces of a group of people turned pale at this moment.

They suddenly remembered that since they entered this falcon training base, their lives and deaths have been in the hands of these instructors. Once the discipline here is violated, the instructors have the right to shoot them on the spot!

The wild elephant valley, which had been noisy just now, suddenly became quiet. Instructor Johnny, holding a pistol with a puff of blue smoke, suddenly raised his head to look at a recruit standing not far away, his sharp eyes were like a knife looking straight into the boy's eyes, he looked at the boy coldly. He said: "You, report to the logistics department immediately and let them take you directly to the airport!"

The group of recruits standing upright around was stunned, and the recruit who was looking at Instructor Johnny was also stunned. He shouted with a red face: "Instructor, I didn't violate discipline! Why send me back?"

Instructor Johnny looked at him and said coldly: "Seeing the weak, you rushed up aggressively, but seeing the outstanding skills of the other party, you left your comrades beside you and turned around and fled, and a person like you is also worthy of coming to the Eagle Falcon Base? Are you worthy of being a soldier?"

As soon as Johnny finished speaking, the instructor Scorpion who was standing beside him quickly pulled out the pistol in the holster. A bullet whistled at the boy's feet, and a cloud of dust rose from the boy's feet.

At the sudden sound of gunshots, the boy jumped up in astonishment, and the two bullets "pa" and "pa" hit the mud in front of him again. This kid didn't care to tell the difference, he turned around and ran back quickly, turning his head back as he ran, lest the instructor's pistol would follow.

The scorpion stared furiously at the back of the boy who was running away, and he roared, "Such a coward is not worthy of being a soldier! Grandma, if in the battle outside, I would kill this **** with a single shot!"

At this moment, an open-top mountain jeep roared from the direction of Taniguchi, and immediately stopped next to the boy on the ground with a stream of dust, and two heavily armed soldiers jumped directly from the car.

Instructor Johnny raised his finger and pointed at the gray-faced boy on the ground, watching the two soldiers who jumped down and ordered, "Take it away!" He followed the boy who was running like a rabbit and ordered, "Drive that boy out of the base as well. , you book a return ticket for him and send that kid back directly!"

"Yes!" The two soldiers answered loudly, then bent down and grabbed the two arms of the boy on the ground, twisted and threw them towards the back row of the off-road vehicle. The two jumped into the jeep amid the screams of each other, and the jeep roared and drove towards Taniguchi again.

The light in the canyon has become dim, and the students are standing upright in the training ground, their expressions are very serious. Xie Chao, Xu Liang, and Yan Ying were already standing together, and a group of mules from the same class also strode up to A group of people looked at the instructors in the field with serious expressions.

At this moment, the two instructors Johnny and Scorpion suddenly inserted the pistols in their hands into the holsters, and then turned around and shouted: "Stand at attention, salute!" All the students quickly turned around and looked at them. Seeing that under the steep hillside on the side of the canyon, three black figures were striding forward, and a group of people quickly straightened up and raised their hands to salute.

The shadow walking in front was tall, with a black mask under his helmet, and only two eyes gleamed in the dim light. Two people behind him were fully armed, one of them was carrying a sniper rifle, and the three were striding towards the training ground.

At this time, all the students around had recognized that the person with the mask walking in the front was the principal of the Falcon Training Base.

The visitor walked in front of the three instructors who were saluting. He raised his hand and waved between his foreheads, then lowered his arms in the darkness, and looked sharply at the new student standing on the side. "After the ceremony, take a rest!" With the shout of Instructor Johnny, a group of nervous students put their arms down.

The tall principal stared at all the students and said coldly: "In our Eagle Falcon base, there is no distinction between whites, blacks, and yellows. All who come here are soldiers, and they are all soldiers who are not afraid of death. If his comrades-in-arms attacked and escaped, he would not be eligible to stay in our Falcon base."

He then suddenly shouted: "Xu Liang, Yan Ying, Xie Chao, get out of the queue." "Arrived!" The three of Xu Liang shouted loudly, followed with a big step forward, and looked straight at the masked man. Mysterious Headmaster.

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