Panther Commando

Chapter 4392: Mysterious Wild Elephant Valley

In the dimness, there was no expression on the face of the headmaster wearing the mask. He raised his finger and pointed at the three Xu Liang standing beside him, and then said coldly to the new students Leopard: "Are these three Chinese soldiers in shape? Gao, your body is not as strong as yours!"

When he said this, he suddenly raised his voice and said loudly: "But I tell you, if it wasn't for their mercy, you people would already be lying in this cold land! In this falcon base, no one can underestimate them!"

When a group of new students heard the headmaster's cold voice, their faces turned pale. At this time, they already understood that they were instantly knocked to the ground by the three Chinese soldiers in front of them. If it wasn't for the other party's mercy, they really wouldn't have the ability to get up from the ground again.

After the principal finished speaking, he suddenly frowned and looked at the leopard who was still standing in the puddle. He stared at the boy and said coldly: "The leopard is a symbol of ferocity and agility, and you are not worthy of being called a leopard! Starting today, you stop using the code name 'Leopard' at my Eagle Falcon base! In my Eagle Falcon base, the title 'Leopard' is only awarded to Chinese soldiers!"

Leopard was stunned when he heard the principal's order, and his face instantly turned red! This code name is the code name he used in the original special forces, and it is also the original army's affirmation of his excellent skills and tactics.

Therefore, he has been using this code name since he came here, and has been proudly boasting his skills to the new companions around him. But he didn't expect that the principal directly erased his proud code name, and his lips were trembling for a long time without saying a word.

At this moment, Xu Liang, Yan Ying and Xie Chao all turned their heads gratefully and looked at the principal. In their hearts, the code name "Leopard" can only be owned by the people of their leopard commandos, and this kid actually calls himself "Leopard", which is simply tarnishing this great title in their minds!

Instructor Johnny saw that the academy didn't answer the principal's order for a long time. He grabbed the pistol handle on his leg, stared at the kid and shouted, "Did you hear that?"

The boy shuddered at the roar of the scorpion instructor, and quickly stood at attention and shouted: "Yes, I no longer use this code!" The principal glanced at the boy coldly, and then shouted: "If you are against these Huaxia The soldiers are still unconvinced and can challenge them openly. Your army sent you to the Falcon Base to improve your technical and tactical level. You can challenge any master, including me, the principal. However, we welcome the exchange of skills. But if you secretly kill people in the competition and sparring, then don't blame us instructors for being ruthless!"

In the voice, he suddenly turned around and snatched the sniper rifle from Xie Chao's hand, and quickly put the long sniper rifle on his shoulders. Pulled the trigger.

In the dark, the sniper rifle made a low gunshot, but this small gunshot resounded in the ears of every student like thunder!

The faces of everyone changed greatly, and they immediately turned their heads to look at the end of the canyon. The new student, who was just scared away by the scorpion instructor, was slumped in the darkness.

At this time, the headmaster's cold voice suddenly sounded again: "Those who escape like this are not worthy of being a soldier, let alone coming to my Falcon base!"

He raised his hand and threw the sniper rifle in his hand to Xie Chao, turned his head to the instructor Johnny who was standing beside him and ordered: "Notify the logistics department, send this video of him fleeing to his army, and tell them: this kid We have already killed him! His return is also a scourge." "Yes! I will notify the logistics department immediately!" Johnny replied righteously.

Li Dongsheng had already seen this video, and when he talked about it vividly, Zhong Hanrui said loudly, "Okay! The way to govern the army is to be strict, but not generous. The principal of the Eagle School is really extraordinary!"

Dean Wan also praised: "Yes, the most important way to govern the army is strict discipline. A soldier runs away when he is forced on the training ground. He is a deserter on the battlefield. No matter how good a person is, he can't stay. In the army, the principal did a great job!"

He then looked at Li Dongsheng and asked, "Why does the principal of the Eagle Base wear a mask? Does he usually wear a mask too?" Zhong Hanrui and Wang Molin also looked at Li Dongsheng with puzzled expressions in their eyes.

Li Dongsheng replied immediately: "Yes, Xu Liang also mentioned when he called me last time that when I met this principal, I always saw a mask on his face, and no one in the base had seen this. The true face of a principal."

He then took out his mobile phone, called up a few photos from it, and said, "These are a few photos I took from the video. This man with his face covered is the principal of the Falcon Base." He then handed the phone over to him. Zhong Hanrui.

Zhong Hanrui glanced attentively, then handed the cell phone to Principal He looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "The equipment of the Eagle Falcon base is so advanced, this principal should be holding a sniper rifle. No wonder their training fees are so high!"

Li Dongsheng replied immediately: "Yes, it can be seen from the video that this gun is Xie Chao's gun there. It is said that purchasing a sniper rifle of this type will cost 23,000 pounds, which is suitable for us in China. It cost more than 200,000 yuan. They really invested in the establishment of this base, so the training cost must be very high. Moreover, it can be seen from the video that the two bodyguards behind the principal have binocular night vision goggles on their helmets. The equipment is also very expensive.”

When Zhong Hanrui heard Li Dongsheng's answer, he sighed and said: "It seems that we should send people over. No matter the level of equipment and training, this base really represents the highest level of special operations. Xu Liang and the three of them should be true. This trip." After speaking, he turned his head to look at Dean Wan and Wang Molin.

Dean Wan and Wang Molin were staring at the photos on their mobile phones. Dean Wan followed up and said, "Although this principal is tall, he looks like a man with quick movements. He must be from the special forces."

He handed the phone to Wan Lin, then looked at Li Dongsheng and asked, "The background in the photo should be the Wild Elephant Valley where the Eagle Falcon base is located. Didn't you find the exact location?"

Li Dongsheng replied immediately: "I have asked the staff to search carefully, but the mountain is steep and huge, spanning several countries, and canyons like this are everywhere, so it is impossible to determine the exact location of the base. In addition, the name of Wild Elephant Valley has never been found in this mountainous area, and it should be the name given by the principal himself."

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