Panther Commando

Chapter 4393: deja vu

Hearing Li Dongsheng's answer, Wang Molin waved his hand and said, "You don't need to check. Judging from this principal's mysterious posture, he will definitely not let outsiders pass through the canyon to find out the exact location of the Eagle Base. Such a big flaw." He followed Wan Lin, who was staring at the photos on his phone, and asked, "Wan Lin, did you see anything from the photos?"

When Wan Lin heard Wang Molin's question, he stared at the photo on his mobile phone and hesitated for a while, then replied, "There is a photo of this principal shooting with a gun. Why does it sound familiar to me? But he With the mask on, I can't be sure if I've seen this person."

Wang Molin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said, "Take a closer look. You often play against these people outside the country. Has this principal ever met you on the battlefield?"

When Zhong Hanrui and Dean Wan heard Wang Molin's words, they also looked at Wan Lin attentively. Zhong Hanrui murmured, "This person must have some connections with us in China, otherwise he would not be able to take care of us like this. Wan Lin, take a closer look. , Is this person from China? Maybe it is someone from our Chinese military who went out."

Wan Lin shook his head when he heard the commander's question. He raised his head and said thoughtfully, "Although he is wearing a mask, it can still be seen from the color of his eyes that he must be a blue-eyed westerner. However, I looked at his movements and figures, but I can't remember where I saw him."

Wang Molin took the phone and looked at it carefully, and he followed up: "Yes, it can be seen from the skeleton of this person that this is a typical Westerner." He then looked up at Wan Lin and asked, "Have you seen it before? People should be able to remember it, why can't they see it?"

He knew that Wan Lin had a solid foundation of internal skills and a strong memory, with the ability to never forget. Anyone who Wan Lin has seen will definitely remember where they have seen it.

Wan Lin pondered for a while, then shook his head and replied: "This person is wearing a mask, I can't see the features on his face, so I really can't remember where I met this person. However, I saw this photo At the time, I suddenly felt a familiar feeling in my heart, it should be someone I have met before."

Zhong Hanrui looked at Wan Lin and thought for a while. He waved his big hand and said with a smile, "Forget it, don't think about him. We will meet people who are destined sooner or later, so don't be in a hurry at this time."

Dean Wan also said with a smile: "Yes. Judging from the current situation, the principal of the Eagle Falcon must be a friend of our Huaxia, and those who are destined will meet each other! I hope the three boys we sent can learn the truth. Come back safely." Wang Molin, Li Dongsheng, and Wan Lin also nodded and looked out the window involuntarily.

They all knew in their hearts that the training methods of the Falcon Base were completely different from other hunter schools. They not only had strict military discipline, but also used actual combat to exercise and train the students' technical and tactical level.

The place where this base is located is itself a battlefield full of wars. There are many factions around, and there are many foreign forces coveting the land. Whether the political or military situation is extremely complicated, fierce exchanges of fire may occur at any time.

Now, Xu Liang, Yan Ying and Xie Chao are receiving training in this dangerous area, and their lives may be in danger at any time. Although Zhong Hanrui and the others have smiles on their faces, their hearts are for these three outstanding warriors. Worry.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Dean Wan looked up at the hall door and shouted, "Come in." The hall door stood up and opened, and Wang Molin's secretary walked in with a few shopping bags.

Wan Lin quickly stood up. He walked over and asked, "Secretary Wang, why did you bring the souvenirs I brought from my hometown, where is Staff Officer Wang?" He recognized the shopping bag in Secretary Wang's hand at a glance. It was the bag that I brought from my hometown to hold the souvenirs.

Secretary Wang handed the bag in his hand to Wan Lin and said, "I just happened to meet Staff Officer Wang of the War Department at the door. He saw that I was going to come in and handed the bag to me, and asked me to hand it to you. He said that there was something else to do. won't come in."

After he finished speaking, he watched the commander and Dean Wan raise their hands to salute, then lowered his arms and walked to Wang Molin's side and said a few words in a low voice. After Wang Molin heard this, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and he asked in a low voice, "Is the news true?"

Secretary Wang replied immediately: "This is the news from our various insiders. Kuroda must have passed. As for whether George of the Black Hawk has passed, this is just a rumor, and we have no definite information."

Wang Molin pondered for a moment, and then said, "Okay, I know, you can go out." At this time, Dean Wan looked at Secretary Wang and said with a smile: "Xiao Wang, it's hard work. Don't leave for a while. Eat with me."

Secretary Wang quickly waved his hand and replied, "Thank you, Dean, I have something else to do. I'll just go to the academy cafeteria with the commander's confidential secretary for a while." After speaking, he raised his hand to salute and walked out with great strides.

Secretary Wang walked out of the living Zhong Hanrui and the others turned their heads to look at Wang Molin. Zhong Hanrui asked, "Aren't Kuroda and George the heads of the two hired groups of Yamaguchi Security and Black Hawk? What happened to them?" The faces of Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin also became gloomy. They knew in their hearts that it must not be good news for these two boys to show up at the same time.

Wang Molin replied thoughtfully: "We just got the exact news that Kuroda of Yamaguchi Security has entered the mountainous area where the Eagle Falcon base is located; it is said that George, the head of the Black Eagle Mercenary Group, also appeared in that mountainous area at the same time."

When Zhong Hanrui and the others heard Wang Molin's answer, their faces became solemn. Li Dongsheng looked at Wang Molin and asked hurriedly, "The heads of the two major mercenary groups appeared in that barren and war-torn area at the same time. What are they going to do?"

Wang Molin shook his head and replied: "The purpose of their appearance there is unknown. According to the information we obtained, some mercenaries of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security also disappeared at the same time, and it is very likely that they also entered this place with these two people. area."

Zhong Hanrui's majestic face also darkened. He raised his gray eyebrows and asked, "It's rare for two large mercenary groups to appear in the same area at the same time. Are they going to join forces to deal with someone? But there's nothing in that area. Oily water, what other goals can attract the heads of the two major mercenary groups at the same time? Strange!"

Wang Molin also said thoughtfully: "Yes, it's really strange. Although the underground of that area is rich in oil and natural gas, there are many local armed factions, tribal armed forces are also very powerful, and some illegal armed organizations are also active in the area. , the situation is complicated, and it is difficult for external forces to intervene in this area.”

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