Panther Commando

Chapter 4399: it's charlie

The plane flew gently at an altitude of 10,000 meters. Outside the porthole beside Kuroda and George, a clear blue sky and an endless sea of ​​clouds were clearly revealed. m.x

Kuroda turned his head to look out the window, his eyes showed a proud look and sneered: "Hey, my black snake's strength, this kid acts like a ghost, and will never be worse than your black eagle sniper! By the way, as far as I know, the two pillars of your Black Hawk mercenary group, Charlie and Henry, one defected from you and the other has disappeared, when did you emerge three Black Hawk snipers?"

At this time, Kuroda and George spoke in a very low voice. The two flight attendants at the end of the cabin were busy, while secretly turning their eyes to the two of them, with a look of fear on their faces.

The flight attendant who brought drinks to the two Kuroda just now whispered to her companion: "What are these two people doing? Their eyes seem to be able to kill people. They are just like demons. It's too scary. You can serve them later."

Another flight attendant glanced fearfully at the two big men who were whispering, and she replied in a low voice: "I won't go, let the purser go. These two people are too gloomy in appearance, they are definitely not good people, we are both Be careful and report to the captain later."

The voices of the two flight attendants were extremely low, but Kuroda, who was a sniper, could still faintly hear their voices. He suddenly raised his head and looked towards the end of the cabin with an angry look in his eyes.

When the two flight attendants saw his sharp eyes, they were so frightened that they quickly turned their backs to the two of Kuroda, and then lowered their heads without saying a word, and went back to work, the movements in their hands seemed a little stiff. Kuroda glared at the two beautiful girls, then turned to look at George again.

George looked up at the two flight attendants, then looked at Kuroda and replied in a low voice: "These three are the snipers I recruited recently, all of them have just retired from the special forces, and they are in the famous special forces. Noisy people. After they came to me, they have performed several extremely difficult tasks for our Black Hawks, and their strength is no worse than the original Charlie and Henry, and I have awarded them the title of Black Hawk snipers. "

He turned his head to look at the undulating sea of ​​clouds outside the window, and said violently to himself: "Eagle? When did you change your name to this? You bastard, dare to betray me, Black Eagle, even if you crawl into the cracks of the ground, Lao Tzu will find you just as well. Come out, this falcon training base can't protect you, I must let him disappear in this mountain forever!"

He then turned to look at Kuroda and said coldly, "Not only I, Black Hawk, but also your Yamaguchi security guards have suffered huge losses. Back then, our two hiring groups, even when we dispatched 100 people, were unable to protect this old bastard, Ao Kun, if there were no traitors. ,How is this possible?!"

Heotian nodded with a gloomy face, and he whispered: "Yes, all the elite soldiers we sent to Ao Kun back then, if there were no traitors, how could those Chinese people sneak into the heavily guarded canyon, let alone Probably close to Ao Kun."

He pondered for a while when he said this, and said with a violent look on his face: "I can't be calm when I think about it now. According to several brothers who survived back then, I was told that after Ao Kun was killed, it was your so-called black man. Eagle snipers chased you and my men out of the canyon, causing the entire army to be wiped out."

He then glared at his small eyes and scolded: "Grandma's, at the time I suspected that something was wrong with your people. Later, I heard that your two Black Hawk snipers disappeared one after another. gave us a hand.".

When George heard Kuroda's scolding, he said with a gloomy face: "When I sent this Charlie to lead the team to protect Ao Kun, this kid found all kinds of excuses and was unwilling to carry out this task. Later I listened to those The injured brothers said that this kid is really unwilling to carry out the task of protecting drug dealers and escorting drugs, and he looks down on drug lords like Ao Kun at all."

"This kid has been with me for many years and has never refused any mission, but that time he kept looking for reasons not to carry out this mission. In fact, he was tired of those drug lords who sold drugs, and he was even more reluctant to protect them."

He shook his head when he said this, and sighed with a gloomy expression: "It's also my carelessness. This mission not only directly caused us to lose a big business, but also involved the loss of so many brothers! Charlie, this bastard, for so many years Come on, I never gave up looking for this culprit, this time I finally found it, I must not let him go!"

With a gloomy look on Kuroda's face, he looked at George and asked suspiciously, "Are you really sure that the mysterious principal is Charlie? Could it be someone else? Charlie is just a sniper, I'm afraid He doesn't have the financial resources to set up this falcon training base, right?"

Hearing his, George immediately replied affirmatively: "There is no mistake. Although no one has seen the true face of the principal around me, I have already bought this kid's quartermaster. According to this The headmaster's stature and habits described by the quartermaster, I immediately judged that this kid is my Black Hawk sniper Charlie!"

"According to the quartermaster, the boss of the Falcon Special Forces Training Base is not the principal. The boss has never shown up, and the specific business is handed over to Charlie. However, if this person can set up this training school with Charlie, he should also He came from the special forces."

He paused for a while when he said this, and continued with a violent look on his face: "The quartermaster said that China has recently sent three special forces for training. One of the boys is a sniper, and his skills are extremely good. It should be the leopard head that has caused us many losses! That's why I will join forces with you Yamaguchi security guards. Let's get rid of these two enemies together. They made our two big mercenaries discredited. We must get some face back. Otherwise, we will have no face to continue in this mercenary business."

Hearing this, Kuroda also showed an angry look in his eyes. He whispered, "George, we have all suffered a lot from Charlie and Huaxia, so I don't have to hide it from you."

When he said this, he glanced around, then lowered his voice and said with gritted teeth: "Since our Yamaguchi security guards suffered a big loss from the Chinese people at Ao Kun, the business in my hands has indeed plummeted."

"In the past few years, we have dealt with the mysterious special forces of Huaxia several times in various businesses, but every time we lost our soldiers, which had a great impact on the reputation of our Yamaguchi security. Some old customers have lost faith in us."

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