Panther Commando

Chapter 4400: embarrassed

Heotian said this in a low voice, and he scolded: "These Chinese bastards! The reputation and customer resources that I have accumulated over the years have all ruined these bastards. I have been trying to find a way to kill the leopard head. Judging from the current situation, the boy who was forced into the forest by the lake by the black snakes is most likely the leopard head and that Charlie in Huaxia, and this time we just asked him to bury that Charlie!"

George heard Kuroda grit his teeth, and a smug smile appeared on his sullen face. Apex m.x attacked the Falcon Special Forces Training Base this time, and he really did it to target the mysterious Falcon principal. And Kuroda's trip was also bewitched by his boss of the Black Eagles hired group.

The mysterious principal of this falcon training base is indeed the famous Black Hawk sniper Charlie. Back then, Wan Lin and the others sneaked into the canyon where Ao Kun was located, and killed the big drug lord in one fell swoop from a long distance.

At that time, it was Charlie who was in charge of closely guarding Ao Kun's safety. He saw that the other party killed Ao Kun next to his Black Hawk sniper. Yamanaka annihilated this Chinese special force in one fell swoop.

But Charlie didn't expect that these battle-hardened mercenaries would be wiped out in the wilderness. Even he, Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper, almost died in the hands of Wan Lin and the other leopard team members.

It was because of this battle that he, a Black Hawk sniper who thought he was the best special soldier and was well-known in the mercenary world, finally learned what a real special soldier was. The dead Huaxia special forces were convinced.

He, Charlie, was once a special soldier who defended his homeland and the country, and he was also a powerful figure in the special forces. Now, he is actually reduced to the care of the homes of those drug dealers who have caused countless lives, which makes him really ashamed.

After Charlie survived the thrilling battle, the sight of the Chinese soldiers fighting to the death for the country made him unable to calm down for a long time. He sincerely admired these Chinese soldiers.

After thinking for a long time, he finally made the decision to leave the Black Hawk Mercenary Group. He wanted to be an upright man again, not a mercenary who sold himself for money!

When Charlie made this decision, he already knew in his heart that George, the boss of Black Hawk, was narrow-minded and self-willed. This kid had already regarded them as his mercenaries as his private property, and he would not allow anyone to betray him!

Once his Black Hawk sniper watch shows his intention to leave, it will definitely arouse George's anger, and then bring himself a fatal disaster. Therefore, Charlie did not return to the headquarters of Black Hawk, but sent a farewell letter to George's mailbox through the Internet, and then quietly disappeared from people's sight.

Everything was as Charlie expected. The departure of Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper, really angered George, the head of the Black Hawk mercenary group, and also caused a commotion within their mercenary group. Even Black Hawk's business partners believe that the departure of Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper, has heralded the decline of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group, so the business of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group has also been greatly affected.

Damaged reputation and sharp drop in profitability, which makes George, the boss of the Blackhawks mercenary group, even more angry! In the face of the entire mercenary world, he issued a wanted order, spending huge sums of money to want Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper.

He had always thought in his heart that it was Charlie who ate inside and out, colluded with those Chinese people to enter the canyon, and killed Ao Kun, the big drug lord. Moreover, this battle also caused the deaths of dozens of mercenaries who were good at fighting in their Black Hawks, and made their Black Hawks lose a lot of money in vain. The culprit of all this was Charlie.

But George sent a large number of people to investigate Charlie's whereabouts, but the other party was like nothing at all, and no one knew where he was hiding. At this time, George suddenly understood that Charlie was an excellent sniper himself, and hiding was his basic skill for survival. If he wanted to disappear from people's sight, no one would be able to find him.

Just when George was looking for Charlie angrily, Henry, another Black Hawk sniper of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group, suddenly disappeared in Huaxia during the mission.

The two pillars of the Black Hawk Hiring Group disappeared one after another, which caused the rising Black Hawk Hiring Group to collapse in an instant. A large number of customers left after hearing the sound, and the business of the Black Hawk Hiring Group shrank sharply. A first-class mercenary group has been reduced to a second-rate mercenary group.

In his rage, George blamed it all on Charlie's departure. He knew that Charlie had an excellent personal relationship with Henry, another Blackhawk sniper. The two had saved each other's lives in many fierce battles, so he put Henry's disappearance was also blamed on Charlie.

Just when George was searching for Charlie to no a new hunter school suddenly appeared in this war-torn mountain, which caught George's attention. He knew in his heart that the person who could form this special forces training school must be an expert proficient in special operations.

He immediately sent people to go deep into this area and did his best to collect the background information of this hunter school. When he learned that the headmaster of this Eagle Falcon Special Forces Training Base actually pretended to be an Eagle Falcon and covered his face with a mask all day, he suddenly realized that this person was most likely the enemy he was looking for, Charlie!

George's men quickly found the quartermaster of the Eagle Falcon base. This man often went to the outside of the mountain to purchase arms and daily necessities. Although the whereabouts of this quartermaster were extremely secretive, for those mercenaries who were proficient in special operations, it was necessary to find him and not. Not difficult.

George's men quickly grasped the whereabouts of the quartermaster, and then bribed the kid through coercion and inducement. From the quartermaster's mouth, they not only learned about the basic situation of the Falcon Principal, but also the exact location of the Falcon base and the details of the deployment of troops.

Although George has not obtained the appearance information of the principal, he has already understood the height and size of the principal, and from the defensive deployment of the Falcon Base, he can see that this mysterious Falcon principal must be the black eagle he wants to kill and then hurry up. Sniper Charlie!

In his anger, he immediately thought of attacking the Falcon base. But he was also an expert in special operations. He knew in his heart that Charlie was not only an excellent sniper, but also a tactician who was proficient in various special warfare theories.

In the past, the many operations organized by their Black Hawk Hiring Group were planned and executed by this Charlie. Charlie really contributed to the Black Hawk Hiring Group's success in the industry. This is also one of the reasons why their Black Hawk mercenary group fell into disrepair after Charlie left.

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