Panther Commando

Chapter 4401: draw troops

George, the boss of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group, was born in the special forces himself. He knew in his heart that the Eagle Falcon base was located in a mountainous area where there was a lot of war, and there was an excellent special warfare talent like Charlie. Experienced retired special forces defense. m.x

At the same time, he also learned from the Falcon quartermaster who bought it that there are a large number of outstanding students selected by various special forces in this Falcon base. These people are outstanding special warfare talents themselves. They are well equipped, and the entire base must have a very strong combat power.

Although his Black Eagle Mercenary Group was also strong and well-equipped, he simply couldn't call all the mercenaries distributed all over the world to this barren mountainous area. With the strength he has, he is really not sure to take down this Eagle Falcon base.

After thinking for a long time, George suddenly flashed an aura in his mind. He suddenly remembered the Yamaguchi security guard who had worked with their Black Hawk several times, and the boss of the Yamaguchi security guard, Kuroda.

He knows that Yamaguchi Security's business is mainly in Asia, and most of the mercenaries under him are recruited from retired special forces, with quite good combat effectiveness. Moreover, Kuroda's Yamaguchi security has been repeatedly defeated by the mysterious special forces of Huaxia, and he hated that mysterious leopard force.

As long as he finds a way to arouse Kuroda's anger, Kuroda will definitely go all out to send troops to fight together. In this way, the problem of his lack of troops will definitely be solved!

At that time, George immediately flew to the city where the Yamaguchi security headquarters is located, and he found Kuroda and explained in detail the purpose of his visit. He told Kuroda that Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper, was the culprit responsible for the huge losses of the two of them, and that the principal of the Eagle Falcon Special Forces Training Base was Charlie himself who had been disappearing!

Moreover, there are three special forces sent by the Chinese military to train in this Eagle Falcon base, and it is likely that there is the leopard head that he hates deeply. This time is the opportunity for him to feel shame.

As expected, Kuroda was persuaded by George. After he heard about Huaxia's mysterious army, an angry look appeared in his small eyes. He inquired about the situation of the Eagle Falcon Base in detail, and immediately judged that this base is indeed the best special forces training base in the world today. Huaxia's military will definitely send people into this training base to receive the most advanced special operations training.

In fact, Kuroda had heard of this Eagle Falcon base for a long time. He knew that the training cost of this Eagle Falcon base was extremely high, and he also knew that the students sent here for training from various countries were all the best special forces in active duty in various countries. Now that he heard George's instigation, he immediately reacted to the members of Huaxia's mysterious force, which must meet this requirement, and that leopard head is more likely to receive special operations training here.

At that time, light immediately appeared in Kuroda's small eyes. He and George had been conspiring for a long time in his office. George told Kuroda that his Blackhawk mercenary group could draw five mercenary squads, about sixty Many people participated in this operation.

Hearing that George was going to send five teams, Kuroda lowered his head and pondered for a while before looking at George and said: "Now my people are basically performing various tasks, and Yamaguchi security can only send three teams, about forty people. The size of the people. However, these three squads all have rich combat experience, and most of the personnel are special forces who have retired from the special forces, and their combat effectiveness can be guaranteed.”:

When he said this, he said with a murderous look in his eyes: "In addition, in order to kill the Leopard Head and Charlie, I can send the most capable sniper around me, the Black Snake, and we must work together to kill them with all our strength. You bastard!"

When George heard that Kuroda was going to send the most powerful snipers to deal with Charlie and the Huaxia people, he also gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I must send the strongest manpower. Black Hawk snipers are sent, this operation must kill that Charlie! I want to show those who think my Black Hawk Mercenary Group is in decline, my Black Hawk Mercenary Group still has the best snipers!"

Hearing that George had also dispatched the strongest sniper, Kuroda nodded with satisfaction, then stared at the map and pondered: "From the canyon where the falcon is located and the information provided by the quartermaster, the other party has at least a hundred people in the canyon. Are our people a little less? But I really can't draw more troops on my side."

As he said, he looked up at George and frowned and explained: "Now, the opponent occupies the advantageous terrain of the canyon, and we are attacking. If we want to capture the dangerous canyon such as the Wild Elephant Valley, we need at least two more than the opponent. To triple the strength, the strength of the two of us together now has no chance of winning."

Kuroda then pointed to the map and continued: "Look, there are cliffs on both sides of this canyon, and the valley entrances on both sides are extremely narrow. This terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Moreover, the canyon is all composed of special operators. We can't take down this canyon at all when we start the war, do you want to draw some more troops from your side?" He looked up at George with a gloomy expression.

Hearing Kuroda's analysis, George nodded solemnly and said, "That's Our strength is good for ordinary troops, and it's really not enough to capture the canyon guarded by special forces like Charlie. Even if I sent two more teams, there is still a slight shortage of troops. Moreover, it is impossible for me to call all the people scattered all over the world here, and our business has to continue. "

He then looked up at Kuroda and said with a sneer, "Kuroda, we are all experts in special operations. I have already considered the issue of insufficient troops. Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with troops."

Kuroda looked at George in surprise and asked, "How can it not be a problem? Now that we only have this amount of troops, have you joined another mercenary group?"

George waved his hand and replied: "Those people are unprofitable people who can't afford to get too early. I don't have the money to invite them, even if I have money, I won't give them to them. However, this falcon school is to train those people in actual combat. Students, they must carry out actual combat operations in this mountainous area to train the students there. Therefore, in this mountain, they must find the militants who train the students.”

Hearing this, Kuroda asked a little puzzled: "By the way, I have never understood that this Eagle Falcon training base is to train students in actual combat, but who are they targeting, do they dare to attack those tribes in the mountains? It's impossible, offending the local local snakes, I'm afraid they won't be able to stand here at all."

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