Panther Commando

Chapter 4403: mean villain

After George and Kuroda issued the order in the temporary headquarters in the small city, they immediately took the opportunity to leave this war-torn area. The two of them are cunning and cunning special warfare experts, and they know that there are all kinds of possibilities in this kind of battle.

Charlie, the principal of the Eagle Falcon Base, is an expert in special operations himself, and turned out to be a sniper of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group. He has also cooperated with Yamaguchi Security. He must be able to realize from the attacker's method and combat effectiveness that the attacker is Mercenaries of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi.

After he was attacked, he would definitely use various connections to check the outsiders who entered this area. The whereabouts of George and Kuroda would soon be exposed to Charlie's eyes. If Charlie can get away with this attack, he will definitely go all out to hunt down the bosses of the two mercenaries.

Both Georges knew that the Falcon Training Base had been operating in this war-torn mountainous area for many years, and their interpersonal relationships in this area would definitely be stronger than their two mercenary groups.

Moreover, Charlie himself is one of the best snipers, and stealth approaching the sniper target is his forte. If Charlie survived their surprise attack and quickly found the whereabouts of the two of them, the two of them are really no match for the former Black Hawk sniper!

Therefore, after the two of them issued the order, they quickly flew away from this turbulent area by plane to avoid a direct battle with Charlie here. They were indeed a little uneasy in their hearts.

At this time, the flight that George and Kuroda took had re-penetrated the clouds, and the passenger plane was slowly descending from an altitude of 10,000 meters. The fuselage trembled slightly in the clouds and airflow, and the flight attendant's prompt "Please fasten your seat belt" sounded in the cabin.

Kuroda and George followed the flight attendant's instructions to fasten their seat belts with gloomy faces, and they both turned their heads and looked out of the side porthole. Pieces of gray-black clouds floated outside the window, and the plane seemed to be in a chaotic world, just like the gloomy faces of the two of them.

The plane finally passed through the thick clouds and landed smoothly on the runway of the airport. At this time, the sky was already dim, and the navigation lights were lit up on the runway of the airport, and the terminal building on the side was already brightly lit.

Looking at the still light outside the porthole, Kuroda and George breathed a sigh of relief. Kuroda stretched out his hand to unfasten the seat belt tied to his stomach, let out a long breath, and scolded in a low voice, "Grandma's, it's finally on the ground!"

The two picked up their backpacks and stood up from their seats. Kuroda glanced gloomily at the flight attendant who was hiding far away, and then strode towards the cabin door with George.

The two walked down the gangway and got off the plane. The bodyguards of the two were already standing under the gangway waiting for them. Then they walked into the airport without saying a word, following the bustling crowd.

A few people walked to the airport lobby and came to a place where there was no one, and George looked at the bodyguard beside him and asked hurriedly, "Have you caught up with those hawks? Did the Black Hawks kill those two snipers?"

The bodyguard glanced around vigilantly, and then replied in a low voice: "Our three snipers and the brother of the black snake with a small team have already chased the lake, and the other party has passed through the swamp and entered the surrounding area of ​​the lake. Our people and Yamaguchi Security's Black Snake have already caught up with him." He hesitated for a while, then glanced sideways at Kuroda and Kuroda's bodyguard who were standing beside him.

Seeing the bodyguard's appearance, George knew that he was jealous of Kuroda's presence. He didn't dare to say some words directly. He said irritably, "Come on, boss Kuroda is not an outsider."

The bodyguard said in a low voice: "Just now, the temporary commander-in-chief Davis reported that our chasing eagles and falcons were fighting all the way with them. Although the opponents were small in number, they were extremely powerful, and they were very familiar with the surrounding terrain. Our There were heavy casualties. Now, the fifty or so people we are chasing in front have been led into a long and narrow valley by the other party, and the situation is quite critical."

George and Kuroda were shocked when they heard the sound, and their faces turned pale! The two shouted in unison: "Order the troops behind to occupy the commanding heights immediately, and fire to cover the brothers who enter the valley to withdraw!"

George and Kuroda are both experts in special warfare. They immediately realized that the other party must have used the advantage of familiar terrain in the retreat to introduce the chasing troops into this canyon, and there is a dead place! If the troops entering the valley do not withdraw in time, they will definitely face the danger of being surrounded and annihilated.

George's bodyguard heard the two hurried orders. He took out the satellite phone and replied hurriedly: "Davis has ordered the troops behind to launch a strong attack on the peaks on both sides of the canyon, and the battle is very fierce. I don't know if they are covering the brothers in the valley to withdraw?"

"Phone!" George didn't wait for the bodyguard to finish, then he stretched out his hand and roared at the bodyguard, and the bodyguard quickly handed over the satellite phone he just took out. At this time, Kuroda had taken out a satellite phone from his body and walked aside. What did he say in a hurry with the phone held up? He looked very nervous.

At this moment, a layer of cold sweat broke out on the faces of the two bosses of the mercenary group, George and Kuroda. They knew in their hearts that although they had superior troops, they could pursue the enemy in the ups and downs and dangerous mountains. Their men are not dominant.

Moreover, the people at the Eagle Falcon Base are very familiar with the terrain of the mountainous area, and the advantage of their own troops has disappeared. Once one's own troops are led into the long and narrow valley by the opponent, there are thousands of troops, and it is difficult to escape from the guns of the opponent's special forces!

George grabbed the phone from the bodyguard, he immediately dialed the number and whispered: "Davis, do you occupy the highest point on both sides of the canyon?" There was an answer from the phone: "Report, the other party's firepower It was very fierce, and there were snipers on both sides of the top of the mountain, so we couldn’t get close at all.”

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion on the phone. The rumbling explosion made George's ears hurt. George's face had turned pale, and he jerked the phone away from his ears.

After a while, Davis hurriedly shouted again on the phone: "Boss, the Yamaguchi security guards are retreating, did I order to stop them? This group of despicable villains is actually at the height of the battle. , leave us alone and escape!"

When George heard the report from his subordinates, two small eyes sunk deep in the sockets shot out a fierce murderous aura. He turned his head and looked to the side, staring viciously at the phone that was already standing under a pillar on the side. Kuroda!

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