Panther Commando

Chapter 4404: withdraw from the fight

The lights in the airport terminal are brilliant, and people who have just got off the plane are walking out of the airport one after another, followed by the bustling crowd to the gate of the terminal. At the top, George Kuroda and their bodyguards stood quietly in the corner of the terminal where there was no one, and the expressions of several people seemed very nervous.

At this moment, Kuroda's bodyguard saw George's vicious gaze, he stepped over to Kuroda's side, his eyes were fixed on George and George's bodyguard, both hands had been raised slightly in a fighting posture. Seeing the bodyguard's movements, Kuroda who was holding the phone suddenly put down the phone and turned around, looking at George with a cold face.

When George saw Kuroda put down the phone and look towards him, he immediately understood that Kuroda had ordered his Yamaguchi security forces to withdraw from the battle. This despicable boy has already realized the danger, so he immediately issued an order to withdraw from the battle regardless of the danger of his companions around him.

George gave Kuroda a stern look, and then asked in a low voice to the phone, "Davis, which part of the people entered the canyon, and how many of us Blackhawks are there? Tell me!"

At this time, he had heard the loud gunshots and explosions from the phone, and he knew in his heart that the battle was going on fiercely, and every second of his Black Hawk people might be killed, so his voice seemed extremely rapid.

"Not much, only five people. During the pursuit, I have ordered our people to slow down and pursue on the flanks, and only sent five people to lead the locals to chase in front, and the Yamaguchi security guards have been following the group. Behind. These bastards, they have already left their hands in the battle." Davis' angry reply came from the phone immediately.

When George heard Davis' answer, he didn't bother to inquire about the situation of the battle, and gave a hurried command to the mobile phone: "Immediately notify the brothers in the valley to retreat secretly, and you lead the other brothers to withdraw from the battle immediately!"

Davis, who was on the other side of the phone, was stunned when he heard George's hasty order, and was obviously hesitant about George giving up on helping the brothers trapped in the valley. After a while, he answered hurriedly: "Understood, I immediately ordered the five brothers in the valley to quit, I brought the brothers outside the valley to concentrate firepower to suppress the enemy firepower of Taniguchi, and cover the five brothers to push out."

When George heard Davis turn back, he roared into the phone in a low voice with a furious expression: "You stupid, hurry up and order! Let those locals use firepower to suppress the enemy's power in Taniguchi, and you immediately retreat to the side with people, Don't care about the people in the valley and the security guards at the mountain pass! Order our snipers to continue to hunt down the two eagle snipers who fled to the lake!"

George's frantic voice made Davis on the other side of the phone fully understand George's intention to preserve his strength. He quickly replied to the phone: "Yes, I ordered immediately!" He hung up the phone.

At this time, Kuroda also walked over with a bodyguard with a gloomy face. He stopped in front of George, and said in a cold voice: "George, it seems that our operation has fallen short again. Eagles are very familiar with that The terrain of the mountainous area, they must have formulated a retreat plan under special circumstances. Once we continue to pursue, our people will definitely be trapped in the canyon there. I have ordered my people to withdraw, and you also let yours Also withdraw? Forget about the militants who are allied with us."

At this time, George had completely calmed down, and he knew that Kuroda's judgment was correct. Although his own troops far surpassed those of the Eagle Falcon base, their military advantage had vanished when they launched a mobile battle in such a mountainous area with extremely complex terrain. If they continue to take risks to rescue the vanguard troops surrounded in the canyon, the men outside the canyon are most likely to face the danger of annihilation.

He looked at Kuroda and nodded sadly, then said in a low voice, "I have already ordered my people to be withdrawn, but your black snake hasn't been withdrawn, right?"

Kuroda said with a cold face: "No, our target is not the Falcon base, but the Charlie and Leopard Head! Now, these two boys have been forced into the lakeside area by Black Snake and your people, such a good opportunity I How could it be possible to take him down this time, we must do whatever it takes to kill these two bastards!"

George heard that Kuroda hadn't pulled the black snake down, and his gloomy face looked better. He looked at Kuroda and said, "Okay, my three Blackhawk snipers and a team are following each other closely. They must not escape this time!"

Kuroda said angrily: "Okay, this time we have caught the tail of the leopard head, how can I give up halfway, as long as your Black Eagles don't withdraw, my Black Snake will never leave the battlefield without authorization, Do not worry!"

George saw Kuroda gnashing his teeth, he raised his hand and patted Kuroda's shoulder heavily and said, "Okay, my people will never be withdrawn! These two **** will not be eliminated for a day, my black eagle and yours. Yamaguchi security guards can't rest for a day. This time we have paid a heavy price this time, and we must not give up this opportunity to kill them!"

At this time, the violent expressions of George and Kuroda, as well as the two burly men standing beside them, have attracted the attention of the airport security guards. Several security guards with pistols around their waists are quietly approaching here.

George's falcon-like eyes glanced at the approaching security and then glanced at the two luxury cars that had been parked outside the gate of the terminal. He knew that his branch in this area and Yamaguchi Security's branch here had already sent people to greet them both.

He followed up and grabbed Kuroda's hand and shook it vigorously. He said, "We'll say goodbye. We will call if there are special circumstances." After speaking, he let go of Kuroda's hand and whispered to the bodyguard beside him, "We Let's go!" After speaking, the two turned around and strode towards the airport gate. Kuroda also looked up at the surrounding airport security, turned around and walked out the door with the bodyguard beside him.

When the security guard at the airport saw these big men turn around and walk out, they all stopped in relief, and one of them raised the walkie-talkie and said, "The danger is over, the four suspicious people have left." Several airport security guards around also also They stopped in relief. They kept staring at George as the four walked out of the airport lobby, and then, surrounded by several bodyguards, got into two high-end cars.

Only at this time did these airport security guards realize that these two violent-looking people were not the people who came here to make trouble, but two big men. It is impossible for ordinary people to ride in such a high-end car.

They watched George and the two leave, and then turned around and walked back with complete relief. In this volatile area, anything can happen, so this airport security is extremely vigilant.

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