Panther Commando

Chapter 4405: The gunshots are deafening

Just as the bosses of the black hawk and Yamaguchi security groups were leaving the airport by car, the setting sun was falling from a high mountain in the distance, and violent gunshots and explosions resounded in the endless mountains. The black smoke of gunpowder was filling a long and narrow valley.

A burly man with a bulletproof helmet on his head and a mask on his face is standing on the side of a rock on the side of a mountain in a canyon, his bulletproof vest covered with black smoke and dust, his left arm and helmet A **** bandage was wrapped around his forehead. This person is the original Black Hawk sniper, and now the principal of the Eagle Falcon Special Forces Training Base Charlie.

On the high mountain tops on both sides of the canyon, dozens of armed men covered in gunpowder smoke and in full special forces attire were lying on their backs. The faces and bodies of these armed men were covered with gunpowder and dust, and many were still wearing thick bandages, with angry expressions on their faces.

They were hidden under the rocks, and the guns in front of them were shooting rapid fire, and the bullets flew towards the valley below and the mountains outside the valley. From time to time they raised their hands, and they were also throwing black **** into the canyon below.

The deafening sound of gunfire and the explosion of one after another made a sound. The muzzle of the gun and the red fire of the explosion reflected the dim mountains to flicker and dim, and the dim mountains echoed with echoes of "humming".

In the darkness, Charlie was hidden behind a towering rock, his eyes sunk deep into his sockets bursting with a cold look. His sharp eyes swept across the undulating mountains of Taniguchi, and suddenly raised a long sniper rifle in his right hand.

He put the sniper rifle on a raised rock in front of him with one hand, stretched out his wounded left arm and pressed it **** the body of the sniper rifle, and then pressed the * tightly against the shoulder socket. He raised his right hand to pull the gun bolt, his cheek rested on the cheek rest of the *, he slowly moved the muzzle of the gun to aim at the rolling hills outside the mouth of Taniguchi.

At this moment, a few black figures wearing bulletproof vests and helmets outside Taniguchi were carrying guns, bent over and fled to the mountains in the distance. There was an angry look in Charlie's eyes staring at the sniper scope, and he gently pulled the trigger with his right hand.

As the sniper rifle made a soft "pop" sound, a dark figure in the distance, who was stooping and running, stumbled and fell under a rock. After Charlie pulled the trigger, he grabbed the sniper rifle in his right hand and quickly threw himself behind a rock on the side.

As he threw out his figure, a whistling bullet had already flown like a shadow, and there was a sound of "crack" on the towering rock behind him, and sparks splashed.

With the bullets coming from the other side, a shadow on Charlie's side suddenly turned around, raised the machine gun in his hand "bang bang bang" and swept out a string of bullets against the fire outside the valley; It flew out from the cliff beside him and roared towards the dim mountains outside the valley.

With the flames bursting outside the valley, Charlie had already plunged under the rocks on the side. He quickly put the sniper rifle on the rock, pulled the bolt with his right hand, aimed at another black shadow who had fled a thousand meters away, pulled the trigger, and the black shadow fell down. He followed behind the rocks and turned his head to look into the side canyon.

In the dimness, the gunshots on both sides of the canyon have been sparse, and the fire from the muzzle can no longer be seen in the canyon. Clusters of weeds and branches and leaves on the trees ignited by the explosive fire are still shining in the dark. of fire.

In the canyon, more than a dozen black shadows are huddled under a few huge rocks in the valley. Their bodies are clinging to the rocks around them, and they probe into the high canyons on both sides to watch. Dozens of them are shot dead. shadow.

Charlie glanced coldly at the shadow lying in the middle of the valley, then turned his head to look in the direction of Taniguchi. A group of black shadows fled to the distant rolling hills like rabbits, ignoring their companions who were still surrounded by the valley.

At this moment, the machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded on the cliffs on both sides of the valley. Mapping the already dim Taniguchi into flickering light and dark, a dozen or so dark shadows who were desperately rushing out of the valley fell under the rocks of Taniguchi.

Charlie glanced coldly at the shadow that was falling down at Taniguchi, he followed by releasing the sniper rifle in front of him, turned around and shouted at a shadow lying not far from the side: "Scorpion, kill the remnants in the valley for Lao Tzu. the bastard!"

Following his murderous voice, he was lying between the cracks of the rocks on the side, holding an assault rifle and aiming at the scorpions in the shadows in the valley, turned around and picked up a bazooka from a tall special soldier on the side.

He put the bazooka on his shoulder, knelt down on one knee under the rock, aimed at the rock hidden under the rock on the opposite cliff, and pulled the trigger with his right hand. Several dazzling firelights were also ejected from the opposite cliff, and four or five* flew up to the towering rocks in the valley, roaring and condescending!

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", in a few deafening explosions, a group of dazzling flames immediately rose from the dim valley, a dozen shadows hidden under the rock, together with the blown up The stones rose into the air, and then smashed to the ground in the afterglow of the fire.

Charlie watched the flames go out with cold eyes, then turned his head to look at the After pulling the trigger, the scorpion handed the bazooka in his hand to his tall companion. He stood up and bent over and ran to squat beside Charlie. He lowered his body and said in a low voice: "Principal, the enemies in the valley have been wiped out." He followed and looked at the group of shadows that had disappeared outside the valley and said angrily, "Are we going to catch up immediately and kill these bastards?"

Charlie glanced coldly at the blurred mountain shadow, and then replied: "Forget it, these people are just cannon fodder. We don't need to let the brothers and those students take risks. What about the casualties?"

Scorpion's dark face showed a look of grief and anger, and he replied in a low voice: "A total of 23 were killed, 20 of them were our Shougu brothers and three were students. There are eight soldiers, the wounded are not life-threatening, and the death and injury of the other party should be 150 or 60."

When he said this, he pointed at the shadows lying in Taniguchi in surprise and asked: "Principal, this group of people is well-equipped and extremely skilled in tactics. They don't look like militants in our mountainous area. Who are they? Who is it? I'll go down and have a look." With that, he turned around and was about to run towards Taniguchi.

Hearing Scorpion's question, Charlie said with an icy look in his eyes, "Don't look at it, these people must be coming at me." He raised his hand and grabbed the mask covering his face. There was an angry look on his angular face.

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