Panther Commando

Chapter 4407: brave student

In the dim canyon, Xu Liang and Yan Ying stood upright at the entrance of the tent. They heard the call from the scorpion instructor and immediately strode into the tent. ?шщЩ The two stopped in front of Instructor Scorpion and the tall instructor, and raised their hands to salute.

Xu Liang said loudly in skilled Y language, "Report, we heard that Instructor Johnny and Xie Chao have not returned yet, so we request to go and respond." Yan Ying also took a step forward, loudly in some blunt Y language Said, "Report, we Huaxia people will never give up our comrades in arms, we request to go out of the valley to meet up immediately!"

With the sound of their reports, the outside of the tent was already covered with mules, these more than a dozen students from the same class as Xu Liang and the others. Each student's face and combat uniform were covered with black smoke. Holding his weapon tightly, he looked solemnly at the two instructors in the tent.

Charlie and Scorpion heard the sonorous and powerful roars of the two Chinese soldiers, and looked at the students who were standing in front of them who were not afraid of death. There was a light in their eyes. They are proud of their Falcon base, which can cultivate such strong students!

Charlie raised his hand and looked at the two Huaxia students standing inside the tent to return the salute, and then he reached out and waved to a group of students standing outside the tent and called, "You all come in."

He followed and looked at the group of students who were looking at him with some surprise, and explained with a serious expression, "I am your principal, Ying Falcon!" Xu Liang and the group looked at the principal who showed his true colors in front of them in astonishment. Only then did they understand. , This international special forces training base is actually named after the principal.

The mule group looked at Charlie, who had already taken off his mask, and strode into the tent with guns. They stopped and looked carefully at the majestic and mysterious headmaster.

Charlie turned around and walked to the sand table in the middle of the tent, pointed to a mountain and forest by the lake above and said, "Johnny and Xie used another channel to lead some of the enemy to this area after covering us to safely withdraw from the base. , the purpose is to reduce the pressure of the chasing soldiers behind us. Without these two excellent snipers blocking the enemy and attracting part of the enemy's main force, our casualties will be even heavier, and you will not come to this safe area so smoothly. "

He turned around and looked at a group of students covered in gunpowder smoke and said, "I understand your feelings, Johnny is a brother who was born and died with me, Xie Chao is the best student here, they are all my brothers, I How can you just watch them being chased and killed by the enemy!"

When he said this, he raised his finger and pointed to his face that had taken off the mask and said, "Now, I don't need to hide from you anymore, I am the former Black Hawk sniper Charlie, and now my code name is Eagle Falcon!"

Xu Liang, Yan Ying and Scorpion were stunned when they heard the principal's self-introduction. Xu Liang, Yan Ying, and Xie Chao had already heard from Wan Lin and the others that their leopard commandos fought fiercely with the Black Hawks and Yamaguchi Security Corps, and they also knew about the two famous Black Hawk snipers Charlie and Henry. hand. But they didn't expect that Charlie, the Black Hawk sniper who disappeared, actually came here and became the principal of this famous Falcon base.

Charlie paused for a moment when he said this, and continued with an angry look on his face, "Now I've determined that it was the Black Hawk and Yamaguchi mercenaries who attacked us, and their actions this time were aimed at me Charlie. Come!"

When he said this, he looked at Xu Liang and Xie Chao with bright eyes and said, "Moreover, they are not only here for me, the hawk, but also for you Chinese people. You are from China, and you should know that you have one in China. An extremely mysterious and excellent special force, the code name of the captain of this unit is Leopard Head. The two mercenary groups, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi, have been defeated repeatedly by their men. They must have thought that Leopard Head also came here for training. Therefore, He took Johnny and Xie Chao to me and that leopard head on the spot."

He then pointed to the sand table on the table and said, "Now, these two mercenary groups have sent their best snipers to chase after Johnny and Xie. You are excellent special forces, and Having received several actual combat training here, you should know the role and danger of snipers in combat. In this rolling lake and forest, even if you arrive there, you will not be able to face the enemy's ultra-long-range snipers Rifles, and it will add a psychological burden to Johnny and Xie."

Charlie turned around when he said this, looked at the group of students covered in gunpowder and said loudly, "Brothers, this is no ordinary battle, this is a contest between top snipers, your technical and tactical level has not reached the level. At this level, it’s not that I don’t let you go. Besides, most of you are still injured, so I can’t watch you go to death!”

When Xu Liang and his group heard what Principal Charlie said, they all stood there with pale faces. Xu Liang and Yan Ying had long heard of the two mercenary groups, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security, and knew that most of the members of the two mercenary groups came from outstanding special forces from all over the world, and they all had rich combat experience.

After they came here for, they have followed the instructors such as Johnny and Scorpion, and have experienced more than a dozen actual battles, large and small, and they have personally experienced the power of snipers on the battlefield.

Now they have understood the meaning of the principal. Even if they rushed to the dark forest, they could not get close to Johnny and Xie Chao under the guns of several snipers from the other side, and they were very likely to become each other. sniper target!

At this moment, the mule who was a sniper suddenly took a step forward. He looked at Charlie seriously and said loudly, "Report to the principal, I am also a sniper. I can't watch my comrades and instructors face danger. Go for reinforcements!" Xu Liang and Yan Ying also stepped forward and shouted, "Principal, we can do it, please allow us to go!"

Charlie, Scorpion, and several instructors who walked in from outside the tent heard Xu Liang's voice, and a light flashed in their eyes, but their eyes dimmed again.

Charlie raised his uninjured right hand and patted the mule's shoulder lightly, then pointed to the bandage wrapped around the mule's leg and said, "Mule, I know that you train very hard and your marksmanship is accurate. You are an excellent sniper. But the actual combat you have experienced is still too little, your combat experience is far less than those of the snipers of the mercenary group, you are not qualified to face the snipers of the mercenary group."

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