Panther Commando

Chapter 4408: Alternate base

At this time, the night was already shrouded in the mountains, the backup canyon of the Eagle Falcon base was pitch black, and the sound of howling wind was echoing in the long and narrow valley.

Inside a tent in the woods on the side of the canyon. In the dim light, Charlie pointed to the bandages on Xu Liang and Yan Ying and said, "You Huaxia students are very good at kung fu and are extremely sensitive to the dangers on the battlefield, but you are injured. On the other hand, any slowness in movement will bring death to you, and I can't let you take this risk."

As he spoke, he raised his head and looked at the vigorous students in front of him, and said emotionally: "Back then, I was the ace sniper in the special operations force, and later I was the proud Black Hawk sniper of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group. .In my military career, I have participated in hundreds of battles, I know the risk of this kind of top sniper battle, I can't let you die in vain!"

As he said that, he glanced at the few instructors who had gathered at the door with a dim expression, and then waved his hands and said to Xu Liang and the others: "You go out first, and let our instructors analyze the battle situation carefully. However, don't worry. , we will never let the brothers who covered our safe evacuation take the risk alone, you go down."

Xu Liang and the mules didn't speak anymore. They already knew in their hearts that the principal was thinking about the safety of their students and worried that they would encounter danger when they rescued the instructor and Xie Chao! Several people silently raised their hands to salute, turned around and strode out of the tent.

Charlie watched Xu Liang and the group walk out affectionately, and then he sighed to the several instructors who had come to his side: "Our Falcon training base has such brave students, it is the pride of my principal, and it is also your instructors. Proud, they are all special forces we trained! Everyone, sit down."

Seven or eight instructors heard Charlie's instructions and walked around silently and sat down. Two of the instructors walked up to Charlie and helped him sit on the stump behind him. Charlie then looked up at an instructor and asked, "John, have you set up guards and have the brothers added dànyào?"

A tall instructor immediately stood up and replied: "All the personnel have been replenished with the materials stored in the valley, and the guards around the canyon have also been placed in place, and no pursuers have been found outside the canyon."

Charlie nodded, looked at several of his subordinates and said, "You are all brothers who followed me to death. You have heard what I said just now. Let's talk about how to respond to Johnny and Xie?" He took a sip of the mineral water on the table and looked up at the crowd.

Everyone's faces became gloomy, and Instructor John hesitated for a while, then turned around and pointed to the lakeside area on the sand table and said, "From the current situation, the other party has sent snipers with rich actual combat experience, and we rashly sent people to enter this area. The forest area is indeed very dangerous, and I am afraid that it has become the target of long-range sniping by the opponent's sniper before approaching this area."

Another instructor who was covered in dust followed up: "Yes, the snipers around us all lack actual combat experience in mobile warfare. Even sending people over there will not help, and may cause danger to themselves. But now Johnny and Xie Dushen In danger, we cannot sit idly by.”

At this time, Scorpion said thoughtfully: "Johnny informed us before entering the forest that at least three or four snipers followed behind them, and there were also about a squad of special operators closely behind them. I'm about to enter the forest and shake off the pursuers behind me."

He stood up and walked to the table, pointed to the lakeside area on the sand table and continued: "Johnny and the others really can't deal with four or five snipers with a wide field of vision in the mountains, and they are also facing the firepower of a team of people. Repression. Therefore, it is indeed the best choice for the two of Johnny to enter this lush forest."

He then looked at Charlie and said, "Principal, from the analysis of Johnny's report, the other party's chasing force is about fifteen people, and they will definitely use snipers as a unit to organize three or four teams to contain Johnny and the two. "

"Now, are we sending a few teams to sneak into the forest to try to divide the connection between each other in the forest, waiting for opportunities to kill each other, reduce the pressure on Johnny and the two, and support them to get rid of the enemy behind them." Several instructors around listened to He nodded at Scorpion's suggestion, and then looked back at Charlie from the sand table.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Charlie pondered for a moment, shook his head and replied, "The terrain in the forest is not convenient for firepower at all, and the other snipers are lurking in the forest. We are in the light, they are in the dark, Once our people appear in the forest, they will definitely turn around and focus on our people. Moreover, those enemies who have been following us are likely to gather in the area where Johnny and the others are now."

He then turned his head to look at the sand table and said, "In this case, even if we send support personnel, we will also be exposed to the opponent's mouth. It is very dangerous to face several snipers in such a complex environment in the forest. This is not a matter of the number of personnel, once our reinforcements are targeted by the other snipers, not only will Johnny and the two of them not be, it will also put more of our personnel in danger!"

When several instructors heard Charlie's analysis, they all nodded gloomily, and looked at the sand table with a worried look in their eyes. They all knew in their hearts that at such a time, a good sniper could indeed top dozens of good soldiers. If there were no equally good snipers to cover, they would indeed be unable to rescue Johnny and the two.

When Charlie said this, he looked at the sand table and pondered for a moment. He turned his head and looked at some frustrated instructors and continued: "Everyone, don't worry, the more time this happens, the more calm we need to be! Ordinary combat conducted by students, this is a duel between ace snipers!"

When he said this, there was a fierce light in his eyes and said: "If we want to help Johnny and Xie out of the predicament, we can only send the best snipers to kill the enemy unexpectedly, and then use the complex mountainous terrain with Johnny to kill them. Those bastards, only in this way can you completely get rid of the chasing soldiers behind you!"

Scorpion and the others saw that Charlie was so calm in this situation, and they all looked at the battle-hardened principal and nodded in admiration. They all have rich combat experience, and they understand in their hearts that now they are taking people over, and it is difficult for them to rescue Johnny and Xie Chao safely in this undulating woodland terrain. Moreover, it is also very likely to expose themselves to the enemy's mouth. 16

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