Panther Commando

Chapter 4410: Hire an instructor

In the dim tent, Scorpion heard Charlie's reminder, he immediately stood up and replied loudly: "Yes!" But he hesitated for a while, and then said: "This place is far from China, the Chinese military can't send troops here, right? "

Charlie immediately said: "Didn't we send a request to them some time ago, asking them to send combat instructors to serve? Now, we are not asking them to send troops, this is just a normal international military exchange. I remember that the government here has stated that Welcome, and the military here also expressed that they will send people to our base for training, we just need instructors."

Hearing Charlie's reminder, Scorpion raised his hand and tapped the helmet on his head. He followed up: "Yeah, why did I forget about this, we asked them to be instructors. Grandma's, it's all that group. The **** made a fuss. At that time, I had already told the Chinese military about the invitation, and they said to study it, but they did not immediately reply to me."

As he spoke, he took out the satellite phone, walked to the side, and said, "The government here has a very good relationship with Huaxia. Huaxia has supported a large number of civil life resources to help the people of this country. The people here are very friendly to Huaxia, and the procedures are not a problem. ."

He reached out and pressed the button on the phone a few times, and continued: "At that time, they heard that we invited Huaxia soldiers to come over as instructors, and immediately welcomed them to come to this country. At that time, we agreed that Huaxia would send five instructors to come over with a visa. Years, and can be renewed at any time when it expires.”

"At that time, I had someone prepare an invitation letter and waited for the Huaxia military to reply. Now I will call, and it is exactly four o'clock in the afternoon on their side." He raised his satellite phone and dialed out.

At this time, in the Operations Department of Huaxia Military Region A, the Director of Operations, Gao Li, and Deputy Minister Li Dongsheng were sitting next to the communications staff officer, both of them staring nervously at the microphone in front of them. From the loudspeaker placed in the corner of the table, the voice of the scorpion instructor at the Eagle base was being heard.

After listening to the other party's narration, Gao Li said loudly into the microphone with a serious expression: "Okay, we have understood the situation, we will report your request immediately, please wait for the news." After speaking, he pointed to the communication staff on the side. With a hand, the other party immediately cut off the satellite signal.

Gao Li stood up solemnly and said to Li Dongsheng: "I will report the situation to the commander immediately, and Deputy Director Wang is also there with him. You ordered Wan Lin and the others to stand by at the station and get ready to go!" "Yes!" Li Dongsheng Standing up and answering, Gauri hurried out of the war department.

About an hour later, Gao Li hurriedly pushed open the door of the war room, and when he entered the door, he ordered Li Dongsheng: "Deputy Minister Li, immediately notify Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng to go to the airport lightly. No need to carry firearms. Order Wan Lin and Fengdao to hand over their hidden weapons and Xiaohua to the person sent by Deputy Director Wang, and he will find a way to send them there, and the rest of the equipment will be provided by Eagle Falcon Base."

Li Dongsheng was stunned when he heard Gao Li's order. He looked at Gao Li and asked in surprise, "Send Wu Xueying and Wen Meng over?" Gao Li immediately replied: "Yes, Deputy Director Wang said that this is a rare opportunity to fight. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng are the children of their senior generals, and the more dangerous the mission, the more they must be trained."

He followed with a sigh and said, "It is the honor of our army to have such a chief and such chief's children! Wu Xueying and Wen Meng's foreign languages ​​are very good, and their technical and tactical skills are also good, which is convenient for Wan Lin and the others at Ying Falcon Base. communicate with."

"Now, you ordered Wan Lin and the other five to go to the airport in plainclothes. Deputy Director Wang has already sent someone to help them go through the relevant procedures and is waiting for them at the airport. According to the information provided by Eagle Falcon, the situation of the instructor Johnny and Xie Chao is quite critical. , so we must send Xiaohua to follow Wanlin, so that we can find Xie Chao and their positions as soon as possible, and execute it!"

"Yes!" Li Dongsheng replied immediately, and then he turned around to take the microphone handed over by the signal soldier and gave the order. At this time, he was as excited as Gao Li. It was the pride of their army and the pride of their soldiers to have these generals who were dedicated to the country and their children who gave up their lives.

In the evening, Li Dongsheng personally escorted the five of Wan Lin to the airport. At the boarding gate in the airport hall, Wang Molin suddenly appeared in front of Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin and the others saw Wang Molin coming to see him off in person. They were about to raise their hands to salute, but they glanced at their casual clothes and quickly lowered their arms.

Wang Molin walked up to the four of Wan Lin, and he silently glanced at Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao, then stretched out his arms and hugged the three of them.

He immediately handed a small bag in his hand to Wan Lin, and said in a low voice: "The relevant procedures have been completed, here are the relevant procedures for the few of you, and the backpack contains your personal items. After arriving at the destination, Eagle Falcon The base will send people to greet you, and Xiaohua and your hidden weapons will also be sent to you. Other weapons and equipment will be provided by the Eagles.”

As he said that, he glanced at the few people who passed by, and continued in a low voice: "According to the information we have obtained, the two hiring groups, the Black Hawk Hire Corps and the Yamaguchi Security, have dispatched the best Your old sniper is participating in this operation, and your old rival Black Snake is likely to be among them. Therefore, this operation is quite dangerous, you must pay attention to safety!" Following his voice, the three people who had been standing behind him, He raised his hand and handed the backpack he was holding to Wan Lin and the others.

Wang Molin instructed Wan Lin and the others, and then turned around to hold the hands of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying. He looked at the two and said affectionately: "Children, remember: you are the descendants of soldiers, don't embarrass us. Although this operation is very Dangerous, but you must come back safely and safely, I am waiting to catch the wind for you!"

When Wang Molin said this, he opened his arms emotionally. He hugged the two girls tightly in his arms, and there were tears in his eyes. He then lightly patted Wen Meng and Wu Xueying on the back, then let go of his arms and turned his head to look to the side and said, "You guys go, be sure to take care!" of tears.

Wan Lin and the others took a deep look at Wang Molin, then turned around to say goodbye to Li Dongsheng, they strode into the boarding gate, their steps were extremely firm, and their faces showed a resolute look...

The next morning, Wan Lin and several others had already appeared at the airport of their destination. A few people had just walked to the airport lobby when a short man in a floral shirt and a pair of big sunglasses walked over with a smile.

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