Panther Commando

Chapter 4411: old friends reunited

Wan Lin and the others walked into the airport lobby, and their eyes quickly swept their surroundings. There were very few passengers in the lobby, only a dozen or so passengers hurried out of the airport lobby, and the entire lobby seemed very quiet.

In the airport hall, several heavily armed security guards were walking around slowly, their eyes watching the pedestrians passing by vigilantly. The originally busy airport seemed a little depressed.

The visitor stopped in front of Wan Lin and the others. He said loudly in a slightly blunt Chinese language: "Haha, welcome friends, I am Alexander, and everyone calls me a scorpion. Which one is Mr. Wan?" Wan Lin Hearing his greeting, he raised his foot and took a step forward, stretched out his right hand and said in a low voice, "Hello, I'm Wan Lin."

Scorpion looked at the young man with a somewhat amazed expression. He then shook Wan Lin's hand vigorously, and then led Wan Lin and the others to the side where there was no one else. He stopped at the side and turned to look at the two pretty girls standing beside Wan Lin, with a look of astonishment on his face. He really did not expect that the leader of the team in front of him was actually such a young guy, and he also brought two girls who looked at Jiao Di Di.

At this time, Wan Lin saw the surprised look in the other party's eyes, and knew that the other party was surprised that he brought two or two beautiful girls here. He raised his finger and pointed to the people around him and said, "They are all my companions, thank you for coming here. meet."

At this time, a Chinese man in a suit walked out of the airport. He glanced around, turned around and went straight to Wanlin and the others. Scorpion noticed that someone was coming from the side, he turned around suddenly to look at the other side, there was a nervous look in his eyes, and he raised his foot to meet him.

Wan Lin hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold him. He already knew in his heart that the person who came must have been sent by Wang Molin to give them flowers and hidden weapons. At this time, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had already raised their feet to greet him.

Sure enough, the visitor smiled and said a few words to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying who were approaching, raised his hand and handed a small backpack to Wen Meng. He then watched Wan Lin and the others wave their hands and turned to the side. the lounge.

Wen Meng walked to Wan Lin with her backpack and said in a low voice, "Let's go." Wan Lin nodded, then looked at Scorpion. At this time, he already knew in his heart that the person in front of him with a thin body and a sloppy appearance was the Scorpion Instructor at the Falcon Base. Scorpion saw Wan Lin's gaze, and immediately turned around and walked towards the airport gate.

Wan Lin walked out of the airport and saw three dilapidated off-road vehicles parked on the side of the road at a glance. Three people with sunglasses were sitting in the first car, and only one driver was sitting in the third car.

Scorpion raised his hand and pointed at the second car to Wan Lin, then hesitantly looked at the few people around Wan Lin. He really didn't know what role Cheng Ru's generals played beside Wan Lin, and he didn't know which car to let the rest of them take.

Wan Lin immediately understood what the other party meant when he saw the scorpion looking at him. He raised his hand to Fengdao and Chengru and pointed to the third car, and then said to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, "Wu Xueying will sit with me in the second car. Two cars; Wen Meng, you and Lao Cheng take the third car." Wen Meng both speak foreign languages ​​very well, so he separated them so that he could communicate with each other.

Wan Lin immediately walked towards the second car with Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, and Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also turned around and walked towards the third car. Scorpion walked to the back of the car and opened the trunk, and then Wan Lin and Wu Xueying's backpacks were put in the car. He twisted and opened the rear door and got into the off-road vehicle.

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying got into the car, and at a glance, they saw a Westerner sitting in the passenger seat with a bandage on his left arm, a baseball cap on his head, and a pair of big sunglasses on his face. The man did not turn his head, but looked out the window with his head sideways, unable to see his facial features.

The three off-road vehicles started slowly and headed straight for the outskirts. At this time, none of the four people in the car made a sound. Wan Lin and Wu Xueying stared at the roadside with a nervous look in their eyes.

There were blown up ruins all over the place, and some buildings that looked intact also showed bullet holes shot by bullets one by one. Some pedestrians also walked quickly along the street with gloomy faces, and some were wearing machine guns. The off-road vehicles of armed soldiers drove past the surrounding streets from time to time, and the small town gave people a feeling of tension and devastation.

Three off-road vehicles drove out of the city in a row, and the patrolling military vehicles were no longer visible on the road. The undulating roads were covered with craters, and the surrounding undulating mountains looked very desolate. In front of Lin and Wu Xueying.

At this time, the person sitting in the passenger seat suddenly turned his head and looked back, looking at Wan Lin with an excited look on his face, he said in a blunt Chinese language: "Wan, you... don't recognize me anymore. ?"

Wan Lin looked at the westerner who suddenly turned his head with some surprise, a look of confusion in his eyes. He had noticed just now that the man in front had a thick bandage on his left arm, and his left hand was hanging on his chest. Obviously, the injury on his left arm was not serious. At that time, Wan Lin was a little puzzled. How could the Eagle Base send a wounded person to help him?

At this time, the other party raised his right hand and took off the baseball cap on his and then took off the sunglasses covering his face. "Charlie!" Wan Lin shouted in astonishment. He recognized at a glance that the person in front of him was actually the Black Hawk sniper Charlie!

When they were fighting with Henry and a group of people in Tiankeng, Charlie, who had saved Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, showed up to save Henry. At that time, Charlie said that he had put down his weapons and had become a farmer. He also sincerely Invite Wan Lin to go hunting.

But Wanlin didn't expect that Charlie, who had already claimed to quit the mercenary group and put down his weapons, actually appeared in this chaotic place with injuries on his body, which really shocked him. He asked in a hurried voice: "Charlie, Why did you show up here? Why did you come to pick us up when you were seriously injured?" Charlie was seriously injured, and he even rushed to the airport to pick them up at the risk of himself, which really moved Wan Lin a little.

Wan Lin's voice was hurried, and Charlie didn't understand Wan Lin's question. Scorpion, who was driving, was about to translate for Charlie when Wu Xueying, who was sitting beside Wan Lin, had already translated Wan Lin's words in Y language skillfully.

When Charlie heard Wu Xueying's translation, he reached out and grabbed Wan Lin's outstretched right hand and gave it a hard squeeze. He said excitedly, "Yesterday I heard that you promised to send someone over, so I knew you would definitely come in person! Old friend! When you arrive, how can I, Charlie, not come to meet me in person!"

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