Panther Commando

Chapter 4419: dangerous cliff

In the dark and narrow canyon, Wan Lin, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng turned around the front cliff and looked forward. A white stream of water was pouring down from the mountain top several hundred meters high on the side. , splashed a piece of crystal water.

The three of them looked at the waterfall that suddenly appeared in front of them, and there was a look of surprise in their eyes. In the sultry air of the canyon, a white mist of water rushed towards them, giving them a refreshing feeling of coolness.

The pouring stream fell into a small puddle at the bottom of the cliff, and then overflowed the puddle and flowed into the dark canyon ahead. In the thick mist, the Chengru and Fengdao in front of him could no longer be seen.

Wan Lin took a breath of cool air, took out the kettle and shook it, then turned to look at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were following behind him, and said, "Go wash your face and fill the kettle, I'll go ahead and take a look. "Speaking, he handed the kettle in his hand to Wu Xueying, speeding up and getting into the white mist.

Wan Lin passed through the mist, and saw a steep cliff not far ahead. , the stream under the foot is drilling through the gap under the cliff and slowly flowing forward.

In the dark, Feng Dao and Cheng Ru raised their flashlights and looked up at the steep rock wall, apparently preparing to climb this upright cliff with their bare hands. At this time, Xiaohua was already standing on the top of the cliff, standing up and looking into the canyon ahead.

Wan Lin ran to Cheng Ru and Feng Dao and grabbed Cheng Ru who was about to jump up. He then looked up at the steep cliff and said, "This cliff is too slippery, I'll go up first, and you all prepare the ropes. "

As soon as he finished speaking, just in the sound of "rushing" water, he faintly heard a "rustling" sound coming from the front, he followed the sound, and there was a sudden flash of light in his eyes! His right hand swept over the tactical vest quickly, and a cold light flew out of his hand with a "swoosh".

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao, who were turning their heads and looking back, suddenly saw Wan Lin throw out the hidden weapon nervously. The two of them kicked the rock under their feet and jumped out to the sides at the same time. They both pulled the bolt in the air and landed. Leaning on the cliff, he raised his gun and aimed at the place where he stood just now.

A triangular snake head had been drilled out of the crevice where the two of them stood just now. The snake head stood up, and the large open mouth was swallowing the bright red snake letter. In a flash. The snake's head fell down, and the back half of the snake's body was still hidden in the narrow gap.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao both broke out in a cold sweat when they looked at the poisonous snake that was close at hand. The sound of the water rushing down just now covered up the sound of the poisonous snake moving. If it wasn't for the sharp eyes of the leopard's head, I am afraid that the poisonous snake's open mouth would have been ruthless. Bitten on their legs!

Wan Lin threw out his hidden weapon, withdrew his right hand, and said to Cheng Ru and the two: "Be careful!" In his voice, he ran two steps towards the junction of the side mountain and the cliff, and kicked the rock high with both feet. Jumping up, he kicked the steep side of the mountain with his left foot in the air, and slanted his body towards the cliff in front of him.

He stretched out with his left hand, grabbed a black crevice above his head, and kicked a bulging rock below his right foot. Time has appeared on the cliff twenty meters high.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao stood side by side at the foot of the cliff. They looked up at Wan Lin's ups and downs, lest Wan Lin accidentally fall on the slippery rock wall. Not long after, Wan Lin's figure had appeared on the top of the cliff forty or fifty meters high, and then disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Wan Lin had already climbed to the top of the cliff. The two quickly took out the ropes from their backpacks. At this moment, a rope flew out from the dark cliff top, Wan Lin stuck his head out and shouted, "I have fixed the rope, give me the rope for both of you."

Cheng Ru and the two quickly grabbed the hanging rope, and quickly tied the two bundles of rope in their hands to Wan Lin's hanging rope. Cheng Ru immediately grabbed the rope and shook it vigorously.

After a short time, the three ropes were hanging side by side on the steep rock wall. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao turned their heads and glanced at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were running from behind, then jumped up and grabbed the rope above their heads and quickly climbed up.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng ran to the bottom of the cliff. Wu Xueying was about to jump up and grab the other hanging rope. Wan Lin stuck his head out from the top of the cliff and shouted, "Wu Xueying, Wen Meng, you tie the rope to your body, I'll pull you up."

Wu Xueying raised her head and shouted: "Leopard head, let's go up!" Wan Lin shouted sternly: "Obey the order and save your stamina!" Wu Xueying glanced at Wen Meng, and quickly grabbed the rope and wrapped it around Wen Meng's waist. With his head facing him, he shouted, "Leopard head, ready." In the voice, Wen Meng's body had already risen with the rope.

It didn't take long, Wen Meng almost followed Cheng Ru and Feng Dao at the top of the cliff at the same time. Cheng Ru turned his head to look at Feng Dao and said, "Old Feng, you drag Yingying up, and I will take a look at the front." Said Then, he took off his sniper rifle from his back and ran forward.

The wind knife immediately threw off the rope in his looked down from the top of the cliff and shouted, "Yingying, grab it!" Wu Xueying ran to the side and grabbed the rope, and quickly tied the rope end to her waist , and she shook the rope above her head vigorously a few times.

At this time, Wan Lin also walked to Feng Dao's side, and the two pulled the rope alternately, quickly pulling Wu Xueying up from the cliff. Wen Meng, who had already reached the top of the cliff, stretched out her hand to support Wu Xueying, and the two followed and ran forward. Wan Lin saw that several of his people had safely climbed to the top of the cliff, and he looked up into the canyon behind him.

The sky was completely dark, and there were no scorpions in the dark canyon. This canyon is full of boulders. In many places, you need to turn sideways to get through the stone cracks. In some places, you have to carefully climb over the boulders in front of you. Wan Lin and the others all moved forward with light work. Scorpions and the others. Certainly not following in their footsteps.

At this time, Fengdao also straightened up and looked back. He followed Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, should I wait for them?" Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "Xie Chao and Johnny are very dangerous, we don't have time to wait. They're gone, leave one rope and bring the other two, there may be many more places to use the rope later."

With that said, he and the wind knife quickly put away the two ropes and put them in his backpack, and the wind knife slid the other rope down. Wan Lin took the kettle that Wen Meng handed over and ordered, "Let's go!" Several people twisted and got into the darkness.

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