Panther Commando

Chapter 4420: storm

A bright moon hangs obliquely above the top of the mountain, and the steep rock walls on both sides of the canyon seem to be sprinkled with a layer of faint silver light, giving the whole canyon a dark and peaceful feeling.

More than half an hour after Wan Lin and the others climbed the cliff, Scorpion and his two men appeared out of breath before the waterfall. Scorpion squatted beside the stream full of sweat, took a few sips of clear stream water in both hands, and washed his face with the cool stream water. He immediately took out the empty water bottle and handed it to his subordinates. Dive into the fog.

Passing through the white mist, he raised his assault rifle with one hand and looked at the cliff in front of him, he exclaimed in astonishment: "Oh, these Chinese people are moving too fast, they have already crossed this cliff! "He thought he could catch up with Wan Lin and the others here, but he didn't expect that the other party had already climbed over this steep cliff.

At this time, two of his subordinates had already run from behind, and one of them handed the freshly filled water bottle to Scorpion, looked at the cliff in front of him and said dejectedly: "Scorpion, are these Chinese people deliberately throwing it away? US?"

Hearing the questioning voice of his subordinates, Scorpion frowned and strode to the bottom of the cliff. Through the clear moonlight, he saw the rope hanging from the top of the cliff at a glance.

He immediately understood that these were the ropes that the Chinese people specially left for them, so that they could speed up the slippery cliff and avoid them from danger.

He grabbed the rope and turned his head to look at the subordinates behind him and scolded: "Why did they leave us behind? They rushed up to face the enemy's bullet rain, not to enjoy the happiness!" He jumped up and grabbed the down The ropes, feet on the steep cliff, hands alternately grabbing the ropes above the head to climb up.

When the two men saw the rope hanging down from the top of the cliff, they also understood that the other party didn't intend to throw them away, and the two hurried to the bottom of the cliff. They spread their feet and were about to look up when one suddenly jumped back, pulling the assault rifle off their shoulders.

The companion next to him was startled, thinking that the companion found danger, he also quickly took a step back in the dark, leaned against the cliff and pulled the bolt with a "crash", and aimed in the direction of the companion's gun.

The scorpion, who was climbing up the rope, suddenly heard the sound of the bolt being pulled from below. He was startled and quickly coiled the rope around his leg, pulled out the pistol in the holster on his leg with his right hand, and pulled the bolt with his left hand. , the body made a 180-degree rotation in an instant, head and feet, holding the gun in both hands and aiming at the dim canyon below.

At this time, the two people at the bottom of the cliff had already seen that a dead snake was burrowing out of the crevice, and one of them quickly looked up at the scorpion who was aiming his gun at the bottom and shouted, "It's alright, it's a dead snake, it scared me! "

He followed him to the bottom of the cliff, bent down and pulled the dead snake out of the crevice to look at it, and then he said, "This snake has just died, why didn't you hear gunshots, how did those Chinese people shoot to death? This snake?"

The companion next to him also carried the assault rifle and walked over. He glanced at the dead snake in his companion's hand, shook his head and muttered, "There is no trace of gunshots, it's so strange!" : "These Chinese people are really amazing, I really don't understand how they killed this poisonous snake."

Scorpion saw that there was no danger below, so he inserted the pistol into the holster on his leg, his downturned body bent up sharply, reached out and grabbed the rope above and continued to climb up.

After a while, Scorpion breathed and climbed to the top of the cliff. He took out the rope in his backpack and tied it to a standing rock, and then threw the two ropes from the top of the cliff down.

When the two Scorpion team members were panting and climbed to the top of the cliff, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the valley behind. The mountains that had just been full of moonlight were covered with dark clouds, and black clouds rolled from a distance and flew towards the sky above the canyon. , there have been bursts of "rumbling" thunder in the dark clouds in the distance.

Scorpion looked up into the air, and suddenly a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes and shouted: "Quickly put away the ropes and leave this cliff." The two team members quickly put away the two ropes, taking out the flashlights and following Scorpion ran into the dark canyon ahead.

Fortunately, behind the cliff was a large pile of boulders that fell from two big mountains. The **** from the cliff to the bottom of the valley at the back was not large. The scorpions jumped on the rocks and ran to the bottom of the valley in front.

Just when the three of the scorpions ran to the bottom of the valley, a golden lightning flashed suddenly in the dark sky, followed by a loud "Kara" sound in the dark clouds!

In the deafening thunder, the steep rock walls on both sides of the canyon trembled violently with a loud noise, and a piece of white hail poured down like a projectile. "Crackling", the three scorpions quickly ran to a boulder and squatted down.

Lightning streaks cut through the pitch-black night sky, and explosions rang out one after another from the sky. As soon as Scorpion squatted under the rock, he saw a dazzling lightning bolt from the top of the mountain, twisting and hitting the hillside several hundred meters high in front of him.

In the bright lightning, a cluster of red flames rose from the A thick tree trunk on the mountainside was slashed by the thunder, and half of the big tree was tumbling towards the mountain in a cluster of firelight. Come down below!

The dazzling lightning and the deafening thunder were one after another. On the dark hillsides on both sides of the canyon, the trees hit by the lightning continued to flash, and the thick trunks rolled down in the fire, wrapped in pieces of jagged rocks. Down the high cliffs, I went straight to the rugged and narrow canyon and fell, and the canyon was echoed with a loud "rumbling" sound.

The three Scorpions squatted under a boulder. They raised their heads and stared at the cliffs on both sides, lest the tumbling tree trunks and boulders would fall beside them. All three had expressions of horror on their faces.

It didn't take long, the crackling hail had spread all over the narrow valley bottom, and raindrops the size of soybeans were poured down in the air. The sound of wind, rain, rocks, and rolling trees resounded throughout the mountainous area, and the eardrums of the scorpions and several people made a "humming" sound, and the three people's ankles were already covered with "rushing" rainwater. submerged.

At this moment, a gust of wind whistled past, and the black clouds in the sky rolled and drifted into the distance. The dark clouds in the sky were accompanied by lightning and thunder, and they were far away from the canyon in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, a brilliant starlight flashed in the originally dark sky, and the dark canyon was once again enveloped by a bright moonlight and starlight.

The silver-white starlight sprinkled in the rugged canyon, and the white hailstones between the stone cracks reflected the crystal luster. The originally dark canyon was a little fluorescent, and the scorpions seemed to suddenly be in a dream world.

: . :

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