Panther Commando

Chapter 4426: powerful words

In the dimly lit mountains, Wan Lin and the others had pulled the binocular low-light night vision goggles on their helmets to their eyes during the battle, and the rocks and weeds in the mountains in front of them clearly appeared in their field of vision.

Wan Lin ran back more than 100 meters under the cover of the mountains and rocks. He twisted his body to lie on a rock, raised his gun to aim back, and whispered into the microphone: "Chengru, Wind knives, cover alternately, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying continue to withdraw!" His muzzle then spewed out a faint flame in the darkness.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also rushed behind the rock in front of them. The two raised their guns and aimed at the back, and the guns shot out two clusters of fire next to the dark rock.

The Scorpions and the others also heard Wan Lin's commands in the earphones. The Scorpions knew that the two subordinates could not understand Wan Lin's commands in Chinese, so he quickly shouted in Y language: "Alternate cover, retreat!" In the voice, the three turned around and swept out three strings of bullets at the foot of the mountain on the other side of Taniguchi. Then, while changing the magazine, they continued to run along the foot of the mountain to the back of the mountain.

At this time, the sniper rifles of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had already fired several bursts of fire. The fire of the two machine guns mounted on the rocks hundreds of meters away immediately disappeared into the darkness, and the deafening gunfire in the mountains suddenly faded away. .

Wan Lin and the three took out the enemy's two machine guns. Taking advantage of the moment when the enemy's firepower weakened, they turned around with their guns and continued to run towards the mountains behind.

At the moment when Wan Lin and the others turned around and ran back, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who had already run more than 200 meters away, immediately turned around and lay down under two rocks, and two firelights spewed from their guns. . The three Scorpions who retreated back at the foot of the side of the mountain also lay down under the rock, raised their guns and swept out three strings of howling bullets behind them, covering Wan Lin and Cheng Ru to retreat.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, under the cover of their companions, ran quickly to the back four or five hundred meters in the dark, and then lay on the back of the rock and raised their guns to aim forward, covering the wind knife and the scorpions in front of them. When they got down, Xiao Hua also emerged from the dark side of the mountain and ran towards Wan Lin like a smog.

The gunshots that had reverberated like a fight just now suddenly faded away, and the blazing mountains fell into darkness again. , The stars in the sky that had become dim in the firelight suddenly became bright again, and the enemy in the distant mountains did not dare to catch up.

Wan Lin, lying on the back of the sniper rifle, glanced coldly at the mountain behind, then turned to look at the foot of the mountain sideways. He knew in his heart that under the threat of the ultra-long range of their three sniper rifles, no matter how daring the enemy was, they would not dare to show their shadows to catch up.

At this time, the three Scorpions had also observed that the enemy did not dare to catch up, and they ran over from the foot of the mountain panting. Scorpion rushed to Wan Lin and immediately crouched under the rock. He gasped and said to Wan Lin in Chinese: "Captain Wan, thank you so much, if you didn't stop the enemy with all your might, the three of us would definitely be blocked in the canyon. middle!"

Wan Lin lay behind the gun, moved the muzzle and glanced at the mountains in the distance, then turned his head to look at the scorpion and said firmly: "Don't worry, we Chinese soldiers will never abandon our comrades in arms, no matter how dangerous we are I will cover you out, and I will never leave the battlefield alone!" He glanced at the three Scorpions and asked with concern, "Are you three injured?"

When Scorpion heard Wan Lin's answer, a warm current immediately rose in his heart. When they were at the Eagle Falcon backup base, the three Huaxia students also broke into their command tent, and they said so categorically that they would never give up their comrades who fought side by side!

He looked at Wan Lin with a somewhat excited expression, then stretched out his right hand and replied, "We are all safe, thank you brothers who are sincere!" He squeezed Wan Lin's outstretched right hand tightly, then turned his head to see that Wan Lin was already lying on the ground. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng on the side of the forest, he said apologetically: "By the way, we have to thank the two sisters!" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng heard Scorpion's blunt voice and turned to look at him and smiled.

Wu Xueying looked at him and said with a smile: "Brother Scorpion, don't just thank you, you can get us some delicious food." Wan Lin and the others all laughed, and Scorpion also grinned: "Not now, When I go back, I will definitely get you something delicious. There are some special dishes in this place that you must have never eaten before. After the battle, I will definitely invite you to have a good meal!"

Wan Lin leaned on the gun and glanced at the mountains behind him. He followed the gun and squatted from behind the rock. He said with a smile, "Okay, we'll wait for you to get us something delicious!" He then turned to look at Wu Xueying. The person asked, "Are you guys not injured?" Several people answered in unison, "No!"

Feng Dao stood up with an assault rifle, he stretched out his hand and took off the bazooka on his back and said, "This is really a good thing. If it weren't for it just now, we really couldn't suppress the enemy's firepower."

Speaking, he put the bazooka on his back again, and said with some regret: " I have less. I knew this guy was so useful. I should have brought a few more."

Scorpion looked at him and said with a smile: "It's already quite a lot. After a long journey, carrying this thing is getting heavier and heavier. Lao Feng, give me a *, and I will carry it for you." Feng Dao quickly waved his hand and said. : "No, we are not necessarily together in action, it is inconvenient to use, I can take it by myself."

Scorpion reached out and patted the wind knife on the shoulder, and said boldly: "Okay, if you need our brothers' help, just say it directly!" Gun bent over and ran to Wan Lin and the others. They watched Wan Lin and Feng Dao give their thumbs up, then stretched out their arms and hugged Wan Lin and Feng Dao. They then turned around and took a step from the side. He opened his arms to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying who stood up from the side.

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying were so frightened that they hurriedly jumped back. Wu Xueying giggled and said in Y language: "No no no, you can thank us if you are ready to eat. This etiquette will be omitted." Everyone around them laughed in the dark stand up.

Amidst the laughter of several people, Wan Lin looked at Scorpion and said, "Scorpion, you are familiar with this mountain range, so confirm your orientation. Johnny and Xie Chao must be in danger now, we have to get to the lake as soon as possible."

The scorpion replied, took out the satellite locator on his body and glanced at it, he raised his finger and pointed to a mountain four or five hundred meters in front of him and said, "Around the foot of the mountain in front of you, that is the lakeside area, the forest is along the The hillside extends to the distant mountains, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and it is endless, and Johnny and Xie Chao will definitely be in the forest."

: . :

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