Panther Commando

Chapter 4427: rippling lake

In the dark mountain, Scorpion pointed to the black mountain in front and continued: "Captain Wan, we have reconnaissance here, and we are familiar with the terrain of this lakeside area. Let the three of us scout ahead, right? You guys worked too hard just now. Now, let's adjust it later."

Wan Lin looked up at the hazy mountain shadows in the night. He pondered for a moment and said, "Alright, you reconnaissance ahead. This is near the lake, and enemies may appear in the mountains at any time. You must be careful and set off. Bar!"

Scorpion immediately turned around and looked at the two men standing behind him, and ordered in Y language: "Follow me!" With that, he ran forward with his assault rifle, and his two men immediately scattered in his place. Run forward behind you.

Wan Lin saw the three scorpions running out, and he immediately told Chengru and the others: "This place has entered the battle area, and the battle may happen at any time. Everyone should try to save ammunition during the battle. For us, the real battle should be in the jungle."

Several people immediately replied in a low voice: "Yes!" Cheng Ru raised his sniper rifle and glanced at the hillside not far ahead, then lowered his muzzle and said to Feng Dao: "Old Feng, let's go." The two immediately Following the three Scorpions about 200 meters behind, they ran forward unhurriedly.

Wan Lin saw Cheng Ru and Feng Dao running out. He crouched under the rock and turned to raise his sniper rifle in the mountains behind him. After he was completely sure that the enemy behind him was not following, he reassured himself to lie beside him. The little flower on the rock pointed to the front, and immediately ran forward with Wu Xueying and Wen Meng.

After the rain, the air in the mountains is very fresh, and there is a faint smell of grass in the air. Wan Lin ran forward with his gun in hand, staring at the mountain not far ahead.

The big mountain in front of the side is rolling up and down, extending diagonally into the distance. The mountain is completely different from the towering mountain behind them. Instead, it looks like a beautiful woman lying in front of the side, winding up and down in the night, giving people a kind of feeling. Beautiful, peaceful feeling.

In the dim starlight, Chengru and Fengdao ran forward unhurriedly, the ups and downs of their feet were very light, and they rose up at the touch of a touch on a mountain covered with rocks and green grass, and their figures rose and fell among the rolling hills. . The breathing of the two of them seemed even and long, in sharp contrast to the three Scorpions who were panting like a bellows in front of them.

When approaching the foot of the mountain in front, Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were following behind. Wu Xueying both had guns in their hands, their feet looked very light, and their breathing was long.

Wan Lin nodded secretly, turned around and continued to run forward. He knew that some time ago, he practiced with his grandfather in his hometown, and the skills of the two junior sisters had improved a lot. Now, they have mentioned that the true qi is slowly running in the meridians, and they did not consume much physical strength in this kind of unhurried running.

He then raised his eyes and looked forward. The three scorpions had already appeared at the foot of the mountain, and they were running up and down to the back of the mountain. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao were about 200 meters behind the three scorpions, and they were already close to the foot of the mountain in front.

Xiao Hua, who had been running in front of the scorpions and the others, had long since disappeared into the thick night, and the sound of "rushing" water was faintly coming from the mountains in front of her. Obviously, when you turn around the foot of the mountain in front, you can see the rippling lake, and the sound of "rushing" must be the sound of the lake water hitting the shore.

Just as the scorpions turned around the foot of the mountain, Chengru and Fengdao ran down the mountain, Wan Lin suddenly saw two light blue dots faintly flashing on the hillside. The blue dots flickered towards Wan Lin's location , then disappeared into the darkness.

Wan Lin was startled, and hurriedly ordered to the microphone beside his mouth: "Scorpion, hide on the spot!" He accelerated and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng had also seen the light spots flashing on the hillside. , the two immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

In the dim mountain, Scorpion heard Wan Lin's hurried voice in his earphones. He immediately raised his hand and made a "covert" gesture to the men who were following behind him. Then he lay down under a rock and raised his gun to aim forward. His two subordinates also quickly fell to the ground.

In the thick night, the rippling lake was in front of the three Scorpions. The tranquil lake water reflects a piece of crystal starlight, and the lake water near the shore is rippling in the mountain wind, and the sound of "rushing" is faintly heard.

Scorpion and two of his subordinates were lying nervously behind the gun. The three of them swept across the lake through the scope on the gun, and then took aim at the undulating lake shore.

The lake shore is densely covered with rocks, and twisted trees are scattered among the rocks. The seemingly flat shore reflects a touch of water. The tree was quiet and no abnormality was found.

The three scorpions had been here before, and they knew that the shore with scattered trees seemed to be flat, but it was a dangerous swamp. Wild animals struggling in the They once passed through this swamp to reach the lake, knowing that once they enter the swamp, they can only walk on the rolling rocks and trees on the mountain. The pools of water and the weedy muddy fields are sure to quickly disappear into the bottomless swamp. The eyes of the three scorpions swept across the swamp, and then moved their muzzles to the side of the soothing hillside.

Under the starlight of the dark passage, on the hillside near the foot of the mountain stood tall and sturdy trees, like giants standing on the dim hillside. The dense canopy above the big tree is making waves of forest waves in the mountain wind. In the distance is the undulating forest, which has been connected with the dim starry sky.

Scorpion leaned behind the gun and carefully observed the mountain in front of him, but found nothing unusual. He turned his head and looked behind him in surprise, wondering why Wan Lin, who was following behind, suddenly sounded the alarm?

At this moment, there was a low rustling sound from behind the three Scorpions. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao, under the cover of rocks at the foot of the mountain, were already creeping close to where the three of them were.

Wan Lin, Wu Xueying, and Wen Meng also appeared crawling among the rocks at the foot of the mountain. They immediately lay down among the rocks without making a sound, and all quietly stretched out their weapons forward.

Scorpion saw that Wan Lin and the others had entered a state of battle, and he suddenly realized that it must be the mysterious little animal that warned Wan Lin and the others in some special way, that there must be something abnormal ahead! He hurriedly turned his head and lay behind the gun again, quietly moving the muzzle to aim at the dim lake.

: . :

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