Panther Commando

Chapter 4428: fire on hillside

At this moment, five or six black shadows suddenly jumped and jumped on the hillside seven or eight hundred meters ahead, and the black shadows rushed straight to the dangerous swamp below the mountain. The three Scorpions were shocked, and immediately raised their hands and gently pulled the bolt, and the muzzle went straight to the black shadow that suddenly drilled out.

With the sudden emergence of several black shadows, a small black shadow also flew from the dense tree crowns of the distant hillsides. A group of birds screamed and flew into the dense woods in the distance. And disappeared from the starry sky into the rolling forest below.

Wan Lin's low voice came from the earphones of the scorpions: "Be careful!" Wu Xueying also whispered again in Y language. The three Scorpions heard the hurried voices of Wan Lin and Wu Xueying. They quickly lowered their bodies and moved their guns to aim at the hillside where the birds rose.

At this time, they had already judged through night vision goggles that the frightened antelopes were a group of black shadows emerging from the hillside. This is a kind of herbivorous animal that is often seen in this mountain. Often go to the lake to drink water.

These antelopes must have suddenly sensed the danger when they walked down the hillside above, so they rushed straight to the dangerous swamp at the bottom of the mountain.

Just as the antelopes were about to rush to the foot of the mountain, a string of rapid flashes of fire suddenly appeared from under a pitch-black tree on the hillside, followed by a few low "pu-pu-pu" sounds followed by the "wow-wow" sound of Lin Tao. Two black shadows jumping up from the foot of the mountain fell down.

The eyes of the scorpions and the others suddenly widened, and the muzzles of the guns followed to aim at the side hillside. They knew in their hearts that the low "puff" sound was the sound of an assault rifle with a gun installed!

The opponent's marksmanship was very accurate. With only a few clicks of the trigger in such dim light, he accurately hunted down two fast-moving prey. The people who shot must be those Black Hawks or mercenaries of Yamaguchi security guards! In addition to their well-trained mercenaries and the people at the Eagle Falcon base, it is difficult to find people with such accurate marksmanship in this mountainous area.

Wan Lin and Scorpion were lying quietly under the rock at the foot of the mountain, their guns aimed straight at the mountainside where the fire had just emerged. At this time, the three of Scorpions were indeed afraid after seeing it for a while. If Wan Lin hadn't reminded them to hide in time, I'm afraid they would have become the target of the other party's condescending shooting.

It was quiet on the hillside, and no one could be seen in the thick night. The Eagle Falcon team members lying under the rock turned their heads to look at the scorpion on the side, and then raised their hand and made a gesture to go to reconnaissance. The scorpion quickly waved his hand to stop the other party. .

At this time, Scorpion has already analyzed that the other party suddenly appeared to hunt down two animals, and they must be using these two animals as food. These people have stayed in the mountains for a long time, and their rations must have been exhausted. , can only use the wild game in the mountains to supplement the energy of the body. Now they didn't show up, they must be hiding behind the trees on the hillside to observe the surrounding movement, to prevent the gunshots from alarming outsiders.

Scorpion stopped his subordinates, lying behind the gun and aiming at the dark hillside, he cursed angrily in his heart: "These bastards, it seems that they really regard Johnny as Charlie and Xie Chao as the leopard head of Huaxia, they This is to kill the two of them at all costs!" He then turned his head and glanced around, and immediately understood the reason why the other party set up an ambush here.

This foot of the mountain is the only way for the Falcon Base to reach this lakeshore and forest. The group of **** must have expected that the Falcon Base would definitely send someone to support Johnny and the two, so they were secretly ambush here, ready to ambush themselves and the others who came reinforcements.

At this time, the antelopes had already rushed down the hillside by leaping, and then they stepped on the rocks in the swamp with ease, and quickly fled to the lake. It didn't take long, a few antelopes that escaped had disappeared among the standing rocks by the lake, and the dark mountains had calmed down again.

Scorpion watched those agile antelopes pass through the swamp in such a dark night, and not a single antelope fell into the dangerous silt, and a look of astonishment followed on his face.

But he immediately understood that human beings are human and animals are beasts. These antelopes must often pass through this dangerous swamp to drink water. They already know how to pass through this dangerous swamp.

The mountains regained their calm. After a while, two black shadows suddenly appeared on the hillside. The two ran straight down the hillside with guns in hand, and then stopped near the foot of the hill.

The two raised their guns and glanced vigilantly at the foot of the mountain where Wanlin and the others were. Then they carried their assault rifles and bent over to grab the two dead antelopes at the foot of the mountain. They carried the antelopes on their shoulders and turned towards the hillside. Walk in stride.

Wan Lin and the others stared coldly at each other and disappeared on the halfway up the mountain more than 100 meters high. Wan Lin tapped the microphone next to his mouth, and the scorpions and Cheng Ru immediately turned their heads to look at Wan Lin. Come.

In the darkness, Wan Lin made a gesture to the wind knife, then pointed to the hill behind him. He raised his hands and made a gesture of detouring from the hill above. He then turned to Cheng Ru and Scorpion. He made a gesture of Wan Lin then gently pulled back the sniper rifle in front of him, turned around and slowly crawls over the mountains behind him, and the wind knife also turned around and followed. The two of them moved very slowly, supporting their bodies with their arms and feet, and only made a very low "rustling" sound at the foot of the dim mountain.

The dark mountains echoed with the rippling sound of the lake water and the sound of the forest waves. Wan Lin and Feng Dao, under the cover of the surrounding sound, slowly retreated more than 100 meters back. They then bent over and stood up at the foot of the mountain, carrying their guns and running towards the back hillside quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they had disappeared from the eyes of Scorpion and Chengru.

The three Scorpions saw Wan Lin and Feng Dao running towards the back of the mountain, and they already understood that they were going to retreat to the back to avoid the enemy's sight, and then detoured from the upper hillside to the top of the other side's hillside. They must have killed each other by surprise!

The three of them understood Wan Lin's combat intention, and worried expressions appeared in their eyes. They are all experts in mountain warfare. They knew that it would be extremely exhausting to climb such a high mountain quickly, and they would have to fight fiercely when they got close to the enemy. They were really worried about Wan Lin and the two.

They all knew in their hearts that since the other party set up an ambush here to block their reinforcements, they would never be the only two who showed up just now. Wan Lin and Wan Lin would most likely face double or even more enemies. This action is quite dangerous!

But they also understood that if Wan Lin brought more people up, the risk of exposure would increase exponentially. Once the whereabouts of one's own side are revealed, the entire action will lose its suddenness, and more enemies will be alerted.

: . :

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